Non Attendance Protocol
Weekly attendance monitoring sheet to be completed by LM and passed to TH/JB to comment and send to RS.
When a student has not attended for 3 consecutive days LM to notify JB. Attendance Officer to make contact and arrange home visit.
If no contact by telephone Attendance Officer to undertake unannounced Home Visit.
If a student is not attending and an Intervention Plan is put in place – this needs to be recorded on Student PLP.
Intervention Plan details should be recorded on monitoring sheet including dates of engagement.
Following one month of intervention plan, if a student has not returned to School/RHISE the LEA will be notified.
Any students that are absent due to an incident and a Return Meeting required, this must take place within 1 week. The LEA should be notified of this immediately.
January 2023
R.Smith and S.Damerall
Reviewed June 2023