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Roselyn House School  


Assessment and Marking Policy 


This school policy should be shared with all staff and read in conjunction with other school policies e.g. Curriculum Policy, Behaviour Policy 


Introduction and Rationale 

What is assessment? 

Roselyn House School and The RHISE service believes that regular and thorough assessment procedures are essential tools necessary for ensuring successful teaching and learning.  

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning which should be evident in every lesson. Its main purpose is to support teaching and learning, identifying what students already know and can do and what their next steps should be.  

Assessment at Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service is a joint process between students and teachers. It allows students to be aware of their own progress and what they need to do to develop and move forward. Assessment should enable students to review their progress with staff on an ongoing basis. It should also be used to show achievement and progress and then recognise it and celebrate it.  

Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service uses both summative (Assessment OF learning) and formative (Assessment FOR learning) to aid teaching and learning.  

Summative Assessment  

(Assessment OF learning) is where students are assessed to see how much learning has taken place at the end of a unit/term/year. These provide evidence of learning that has taken place and will often be levelled/graded. Summative assessment must be: 

  • Regular and Standardised which includes tests or end of unit/term assessments. 

  • Marked according to Subject specific criteria based on Roselyn House School’s 1-4 Level system, GCSE/ Entry Level/ Functional Skills, PLTS or other recognised criteria which should be shared with students.  

  • Reported as levels at KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 and GCSE grades where meaningful and appropriate at KS4/ KS5, with +/- used to differentiate between strong and weak levels or grades. 

  • Used to track student’s progress against targets and lead to action if necessary, such as additional support, extension tasks or to determine if intervention is required.  

Formative Assessment (Assessment FOR learning) is where progress is assessed along the way. This must provide students with information about how well they are doing and what they need to do to improve. The quality of teacher feedback is the key factor in determining the effectiveness of formative feedback. Formative assessment should:  

  • Be part of effective planning of teaching and learning and identified in Schemes of work. 

  • Include a variety of different assessment methods.  

  • Focus on how students learn; reflecting their learning style/ preference -VARK. 

  • Be a central part of classroom practice. 

  • Develop learners’ capacity for self-assessment so they can become reflective and self managing learners. 

  • Recognise the full range of achievements for all learners.  

  • Emphasise real progress and achievement rather than failure. 

  • Emphasise progress against previous personal best.  

  • Take into account the effects comments, marks and grades can have on students’ confidence and self – esteem. 

  • Ensure students understand what they are being asked to learn and how they know they have been successful.  

  • Help students reflect on their strengths and areas for development.  

  • Give students guidance on how to improve and opportunities to do so.  

All assessment strategies are designed to encourage our students to understand where they are at and what they need to do to improve (both academically and socially). We do not see assessment as a way of failing students but actually motivating them to improve and move forward to a positive future by reaching their full potential.  

It is a way of allowing our students to re-focus their lives and see the progress they are making at Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service, whilst reflecting back on opinions they may previously have had of themselves as disaffected learners. Through assessment our students can get their learning back on track and believe and thus improve in their own development as improved individuals. 

Following the Assessment for Learning Strategy 


At Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service we follow the aims laid out in the Assessment for Learning Strategy: 


  • Every child knows how they are doing, and understands what they need to do to improve and how to get there. They get the support they need to be motivated, independent learners on an ambitious trajectory of improvement. 

  • Every teacher is equipped to make well-founded judgements about pupils’ attainment, understands the concepts and principles of progression, and knows how to use their assessment judgements to forward plan, particularly for pupils who are not fulfilling their potential. 

  • Every school has in place structured and systematic assessment systems for making regular, useful, manageable and accurate assessments of pupils, and for tracking their progress. 

  • Every parent and carer know how their child is doing, what they need to do to improve, and how they can support the child and their teachers. 


Assessment for learning (AFL) is an approach to teaching and learning that creates feedback which is then used to improve students’ performance. Students become more involved in the learning process and from this, gain confidence in what they are expected to learn and to what standard. 

One way of thinking about AFL, is that it aims to ‘close the gap’ between a learner’s current situation and where they want to be in their learning and achievement. Skilled teachers plan tasks which help learners to do this. 

AFL involves students becoming more active in their learning, encouraging them to ‘think like a teacher’. They think more actively about where they are now, where they are going and how to get there. 

Effective teachers integrate AFL in their lessons as a natural part of what they do, with varying usage of the method. AFL can be adapted to suit the age and ability of the learners involved. 

AFL strategies are directly linked to improvements in student performance in summative tests and examinations. Research shows that these strategies particularly help low-achieving students to enhance their learning. 

"In AFL, it is the purpose of assessment, rather than the nature of it, that is important." 

There are five main processes that take place in assessment for learning: 

  1. Questioning enables a student, with the help of their teacher, to find out what level they are at. 

  1. The teacher provides feedback to each student about how to improve their learning. 

  1. Students understand what successful work looks like for each task they are doing. 

  1. Students become more independent in their learning, taking part in peer assessment and self-assessment. 

  1. Summative assessments (e.g., the student’s exam or portfolio submission) are also used formatively to help them improve. 


Assessment Procedures at Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service 

Target Setting  

The school uses various forms of target setting so students know what they need to do to progress.  

Up to the end of KS4, all students take annual CAT 4 tests which will give a predicted grade for each subject and a grade if a student is pushed further. This is recorded in each student’s Learning Support Plan, End of Term Report and Annual Review. Teacher predicted grades can also form part of an Initial Assessment to identify what level/grade students are working at or at an interim review. Using professional judgment teachers then set a target level/ grade and an aspirational level/ grade that students will work towards by the end of the year.  

In each lesson, a 1-4 progress mark is given based on the lesson learning objective and is signified with 1- red, 2- amber, 3-green, 4- blue.  For the end of term report an average of these scores is determined. 

Targets are set termly and based on the scheme of work. They are also included within the IEBP where they are more specific to the individual. These are for Literacy, Numeracy and Behaviour. 

Targets are shared with students; this can be done through either a sheet in the front of their books/ folders or through discussion where their current level (and what they can do) and their target and aspirational level (what they will be able to do) is established. Students should be able to identify what level they are working at and their target level and what they need to do to reach such an aspirational level.  

All subject targets are summarised within End of Term Reports and Annual Reviews with outcomes measured against Roselyn House School or exam accredited levels. Progress is recorded in Literacy, Numeracy, Behaviour and Emotional Intelligence within the Learning Support Plan and progress is highlighted. 

Targets are set in Transitional Planning for Year 9 ,11, 13/14 for Education, Health/Therapy, Career, and Family/Social.  

All targets are reviewed with students either by the subject Teacher or Learning Mentor in lessons throughout each term and are related back to the objectives set in each student’s statement of Special Educational Needs.  

All targets should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely (SMART) and if students do not achieve the target they need to be changed for the following term (or sooner), so that the student is more likely to achieve them. If the target has not been met due to attendance issues, the target will still remain in some capacity. This is to ensure students do not miss out on integral blocks within the SOW.  

Marking and Feedback  


Marking is seen as written feedback in exercise books and work. However, it also includes verbal feedback and any other means at the teacher’s disposal to provide information to students about performance and progress in the widest form. It is a vital element in our teaching.  


  • To establish a consistent approach to the way in which students receive written feedback. 

  • To enable staff to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching and to inform future planning, intervention, homework and assessment. 

  • To close learning loops, bridge knowledge gaps and improve the learning dialogue a teacher has with their students and vice versa. 

  • To empower students to effectively reflect and improve their learning so that they can reach their full potential. 

Marking relating to Assessment for Learning should include Marking Principles that: 

  • Will be linked to clear learning objectives. 

  • Will be focused. 

  • Are planned for and integral to teaching and learning.  

  • Will take place quickly with feedback so students remember the context. 

  • Will identify specific learning needs and address how to improve.  


At Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service all work that students complete will be marked by the teacher within a week of them completing it. At least once a week a piece of work is marked using the Two Stars and a Wish (Assessment for Learning method), these comments should relate back to learning objective. Student’s work should be marked to aid students in knowing what they have learnt but also what they need to improve to progress. 

In short, marking and written feedback should enable students to self-reflect, take action and make progress, in all aspects of the curriculum. 

  • This is what I can do (areas of strength). 

  • This is what I cannot do (areas to develop). 

  • This is what I need to do to improve my grade to meet/ exceed my target (next step). 

  • This is how I am going to improve and show evidence (change over time). 

SLT will regularly ask teachers for a sample of their books to monitor that marking is being used to aid students to progress and that it is consistent throughout the school.  

Marking and written feedback should not: 

  • Be derogatory in nature. 

  • Provide no detailed explanation on how to improve. 

  • Be a prolonged process that adds no value to either a teachers’ understanding of the progress a student is making, or provides no explanation to a student on how to improve their work/ meet their targets. 

  • Be full of ‘truisms’ i.e., telling the student what they can clearly see they cannot do with no indication of how to improve. 

Marking done properly shows a student how well they have gained knowledge, concepts and skills over time and builds confidence. 

Not everything a student does requires marking; this would be time consuming and punitive. Teachers should not have to spend time ticking and marking their own notes. However, it is important that teachers check that their notes and class activities are accurately recorded with no errors. Students should be made accountable for the upkeep of their books, notes and assessments. Taking a mutual pride in their achievements. 


Two Stars and a Wish  

“Assessment for learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there”. 

Assessment Reform Group, 2002(The Assessment for Learning Strategy) 

Once a week, one piece of a student’s work should be marked thoroughly using the two stars and a wish method. This is known as a quality mark. 

When using this method of giving feedback always start by making two positive comments about their work i.e., what they have shown they can do, and then make a single comment, showing clearly what to do to progress to the next level/stage.  It is recommended that teachers use two different colour pens one for the positives and one for the wish, this enables students to see the difference.  

Students should be encouraged to read these comments and then using a method such as signing their name by them showing that they have read them.  

All other work should be marked using 1-4 levels for Progress and attitudes to learning. See 1-4 Level Marking criteria. 

Literacy Marking  

Students at Roselyn House School benefit from a cross curricular approach to literacy and this includes the marking of literacy in all subjects. Due to some student's low literacy skills these should be identified but also changed in order for students to understand where they have gone wrong. A maximum of 3 spelling mistakes and 3 grammar/punctuation mistakes are to be corrected in each piece of work so that students are not put off with lots of mistakes being identified. It is better to correct little and often as students are more likely to learn from this and be less likely to lose confidence in their ability. See Whole School Literacy Policy. 

Live marking 

Live marking during the course of the lesson provides instantaneous feedback. Live marking should check for literacy, text accuracy, skill development and progress over time. 

Termly/ End of Unit assessment feedback  

Students are assessed at the end of a term/half term or unit of work in order to assess what they have learnt over a period of time.  

After students have completed this assessment, they should complete their own self-assessment of the work they have done over that period. This can be completed by using the RHS levels, where students identify what they can do and  identify what they have done well and what they need to improve on. Teachers are then able to give a more detailed comment to the students about their progression and also give a level/grade and mark for the assessment.  

Feedback can be given to individual students or whole class groups using WIN. 

  • What have you done well? 

  • What Improvements need to be made? 

  • What are your Next steps to make these improvements? 

In whole class feedback it is important to show good work and/ or modelling exercise to support students. Students should be given time to reflect upon their work and that of their peers both in and out of lessons. 

Class Teachers/ Mentors 

Class Teachers and Mentors can reflect on targets set and emphasise the progress students are making in their school life; including Behaviour, Emotional Development, Learning/Thinking skills. They can use examples of students work, Headteacher’s Award and achievements within the week to reaffirm student progress. Progress is recorded on Centralised Digital Tracking Performance along with Learning Support Plan, Personal Learning Plan, End of Term reports and Annual Reviews. 


Tracking students’ progress and Assessment files  

Tracking student’s progress 

When students are admitted to the school all staff are provided with any prior data that the school receive on the student. This is recorded on the student’s Personal Learning Plan. This also includes their learning pathway. During the initial assessment period specific staff have responsibility for Literacy, Numeracy, Behaviour, Emotional Intelligence and Learning Style assessments. This starts the tracking process of students. Staff are then provided with this key data contained within the Learning Support Plan for each student. This is updated on a regular cycle of assessment. 

See SEN Policy for Individual responsibilities. 

Tracking student progress is an important part of teaching and learning so that teachers can see any student who may need additional support, but also any student who may be excelling. Students also need to be aware of how they are doing so they have a reason behind their learning and re-focus their education from a disaffected experience.  

Tracking student’s progress at Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service is done by subject staff, through a digital assessment file which all teachers have access to. These should be referred to regularly and updated on a regular occasion. Progress is tracked in each subject per lesson. In addition, attitude to learning, homework and frequency of reading is also tracked.  Data should be updated on the student’s Learning Support Plan. There is whole school data available, individual student data and assessment reports. This is located digitally in a secure central location. 

Assessment used: 

Cat 4  

Provides a rounded profile of student ability so you can target support, provide the right level of challenge and make informed decisions about students’ progress. It provides a unique profile of strengths and weaknesses across four areas: 

Verbal Reasoning – the ability to express ideas and reason through words is essential to subjects with a high language content, and the most obvious skill picked up by traditional assessment. 

Non-verbal Reasoning – problem-solving using pictures and diagrams; skills which are important in a wide range of school subjects, including maths and science-based subjects. 

Spatial Reasoning – the capacity to think and draw conclusions in three dimensions, needed for many STEM subjects, but not easily measured by other datasets. 

Quantitative Reasoning – the ability to use numerical skills to solve problems, applicable well beyond mathematics. 

It’s statistically reliable. CAT4 was standardised on 25,000 students and it’s verified every year based on analysis from a quarter of a million students. 

Cat 4 testing gives you details on the potential of students, flagging where hidden factors are affecting performance. A range of easy-to-follow individual and group reports provide a more complete picture than curriculum tests can provide by themselves. They’re benchmarked against national performance and include KS2, GCSE and A-level indicators. 

New Group Reading Test 

Tests not just the ability of students to decode what they read, but also to comprehend and apply meaning. It can be used to measure phonemic awareness in less able readers too. 

NGRT (digital) can be used alongside New Group Spelling Test (NGST), which is also fully adaptive. The two tests work together, with a Spelling and Reading Report comparing and analysing the results from both. 

NGRT was standardised against a UK sample of over 11,700 students. The national benchmarks within NGRT are verified every year based on analysis from almost half a million students, so it’s guaranteed to be statistically robust. 

The test shows the reading ages and the Standard Age Scores of your students, so you can introduce extra challenge or interventions to address problems before they impact on performance. When used termly, reports show the progress your students have made across the year. 

New Group Spelling Test 

New Group Spelling Test (NGST) is an adaptive assessment which allows termly monitoring of spelling skills. When combined with our New Group Reading Test (NGRT) you can assess reading and spelling together.  

The New Group Spelling Test (NGST) allows teachers to assess spelling ability benchmarked against the national average, and monitor progress. 

NGST is aligned to the new curriculum in England and all questions are delivered via audio. The test is fully adaptive which means that the material adapts to the student’s ability. 

The New Group Spelling Test has two sections: 

Single word section - tests five or six spelling rules in line with the new curricula. 

Spelling in context section - tests a variety of different spelling rules using sentence completion tasks. 

NGST features three equivalent forms A, B and C, one of which can be used in each term of the year. 

By administering NGST for all students at the beginning, middle and end of a school year, you can monitor spelling progress. 

NGST is a screener for all students at the beginning of a year, to identify any students who may be in need of additional diagnostic assessment and support for specific literacy difficulties.  

A valuable reference point and means of national comparison 

The Standard Age Score (SAS) provides a national benchmark, allowing the ability to compare each student’s performance with other children of the same age, and track progress year-on-year. 

Data is presented in visually accessible tables, bar charts and scatter graphs that allow for easy comparison, as well as clear narrative explanations that explain the student profile and its implications for teaching and learning. 

The diagnostic information provided together with the ability to measure impact pre and post intervention makes NGST a valuable assessment. The reports include: 

Group report for teachers - stanines for each section to highlight where a wide discrepancy may need particular attention 

Individual report for teachers – offers a detailed analysis of responses to the two sections of NGST, a profile summary and tailored implications for teaching and learning 

Group progress report for teachers – see two points of progress at-a-glance against a national sample 

Group progress report for three points of progress  

A spelling and reading group report - allowing you to compare scores for NGST and NGRT  

A spelling and reading individual report - allowing you to compare scores for NGST and NGRT  

Spelling and Reading scores can be combined 

Spelling and reading reports combine and compare scores from both tests – SAS, stanine and age equivalent scores 

Hodder Access Maths Test 

There are two sets of forms which help you gain valuable insight into your students’ maths ability with AMT; a wide-ranging, standardised and flexible assessment for students aged between 7 and 16.  

Used as a screening test to baseline students at the beginning of the year, transitioning from primary to secondary education, curriculum pathway or as a guide to group sets when schools reopen after a period of remote learning.   

Confidently assess progress in mathematics at regular intervals using parallel forms (two sets of forms) designed for repeat testing 

Easily identify specific areas that may be limiting a student's overall success and plan relevant and targeted intervention strategies to boost or stretch skills. 

​Analyse performance and quickly spot gaps in learning via reporting tool MARK (My Access and Reporting Kit) 

Progress Test Series – English, Maths, Science 

Measures students’ knowledge, understanding and application of the core subjects: 

English: focuses on grammar, punctuation and spelling, and on reading comprehension, using age-appropriate fiction and information texts. 

Maths: assesses key aspect of maths appropriate to the age of the student including mental maths for those aged 8 and over. 

Science: measures two dimensions of science learning, understanding of science content, and working scientifically (application of skills). 

The PT Series is a once-a-year progress measure, used at the end of the academic year. It can also be used twice a year to support individual interventions and teacher planning. 

It’s statistically robust. The PT Series was standardised against a UK sample of over 100,000 students, with benchmarks verified every year based on analysis from half a million students. 

It supports school improvement initiatives by showing the relative performance of your students compared to national benchmarks. Testing year-on-year enables you to track individual and group progress. Transition tests provide an accurate profile of your students and sets a baseline from which to monitor progress. 

Dyscalculia Screener 

Identifies dyscalculic tendencies in students aged 6–14+ years and recommends intervention strategies to help them achieve their potential. 

The 30-minute test is a tool for screening an entire year group, or for screening those students showing some signs of difficulty. It can play an important part in helping both specialist and non-specialist teachers distinguish between those individuals who have poor maths attainment and those whose difficulties are associated with dyscalculia. The screener provides a true measure of a student's facility with numbers through evaluating their ability to understand number size, simple addition and simple multiplication. 

The Dyscalculia Screener has been standardised, so you can be assured that results presented are accurate and reliable. Results are easy to interpret and information on a student's strengths and weaknesses are detailed across each test. Standard Age Scores are provided. 

The assessment offers the following reports: 

A Diagnostic Group Report; a convenient way of assimilating and storing results for a group of readers. 

A Parent/Carer Report plus further guidance and letter templates will help support your communication with parents and carers both before and after screening. 

Dyslexia Screener 

The Dyslexia Screener is an assessment that identifies dyslexic tendencies in students aged 5–16+ years and recommends intervention strategies to help them achieve their potential. 

The 30-minute test is an ideal tool for screening an entire year group, or for screening those students showing some signs of difficulty. It can play an important part in helping both specialist and non-specialist teachers distinguish between those individuals who are having general difficulties in literacy and those whose difficulties are associated with dyslexia. 

The assessment comprises six tests covering three areas, with two assessments for each: Ability, Attainment and Diagnostic. 


Is an assessment that gives guides to learning styles, in order to build strategies for teaching students to meet their individual styles of learning. It helps a student to learn about their self and promotes understanding as a learner. 

The Boxall Profile 

The Boxall Profile is a psycho-social assessment scheme used for the assessment of children and young people’s social, emotional and behavioural development, and their wellbeing within a nurturing environment. 

It is aimed for the use of professionals who work with children and young adults, offering an awareness to what may be the cause of difficult behaviours, and to help find ways to offer support to children to work through their barriers of learning. 

Staff that know children well, will complete a two-part check list, to look at progress through the different aspects of development. The two areas are Developmental Strands and Diagnostic Profile. These are then summarised with reference to the Boxall Profile Handbook and The Boxall Profile for Young People Assessment and Intervention at Secondary Stage Guide.   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Developmental Strand channels young peoples’ cognitive, social and emotional development. 

The Diagnostic Profile gauges their behaviours that may affect their academic progress possibly resulting from reduced development as a young child. 

The Boxall Profile will be completed on an annual cycle, to identify where progress, or regression has occurred for the sole use of professionals who are involved in working with individual children. The first assessment will be made at a minimum of 6 weeks into attending Roselyn House School or RHISE. 



PASS takes the guesswork out of understanding why pupils may be reluctant, disengaged or even disruptive learners by sensitively exploring social and emotional wellbeing. It also provides interventions and guidance so you can start to address issues immediately. 






















































































































































































































































MARCH ‘23 











































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Timeline for Assessment 

Literacy Assessment (NGRT, NGST) Autumn 1 and Summer 1 – ALL RHS & RHISE. 
Numeracy Assessment (Hodder) Autumn 2 and Summer 2 – ALL RHS & RHISE. 
CAT 4 – Spring 2  – ALL RHS and KS3 RHISE. 

Progress Testing (Maths, English & Science) Summer 2 – ALL RHS and KS3 RHISE. 

VARK & Boxall will be completed yearly and follow the annual review schedule. 

MCMH – will run throughout the whole school year and form part of SEAL and PSHE lessons. 


New starters 

Students at both Roselyn House School and RHISE are likely to start midway through a year. They will be given baseline assessments in all areas they have missed in the timeline and then proceed accordingly following this baseline being established. 

Tracking and assessment  

Teachers and learning support assistants have access to all relevant documents, that track and inform teaching and learning. These are all in a digital format on SharePoint. This includes the following: 

  • Specific class and subject lists with student’s levels using the 1-4 level system tracking each lesson/session.  

  • Up to date assessment data. 

  • Personal learning plans (PLP). 

  • Learning support plans (LSP). 

Learning Objective and assessment  

Good practice in order for students to understand what they need to achieve is sharing the learning objective with the students at the start of the lesson. It is encouraged that students write this in their book or on their work.  

The 1-4 method of self assessment is the preferred method of self assessment which is used at the end of the lesson for students to identify how well they think they have achieved the learning objective. The 1-4 posters should be displayed in all classrooms so it reminds students of their meaning.  


Learning Goals 

Students will be asked at the beginning of each year to complete their own Learning Goals document by their Learning Support Mentor. This will look at what they think they have achieved and what their future aspirations are. They will then be asked to set targets for themselves. Likewise, students will set targets within subject areas therefore having clear goals to aim for both short term and longer. 

RHS/RHISE 1-4 Level System  


The key below explains the descriptors:  


This has been reviewed and based on internal tracking and ongoing internal assessment. This will continue to be reviewed as we go forward and adjusted accordingly. 

Surpassed expected level 

Expected progress made  

Developing towards expected level 

Intervention required 


Attitude to learning  

The key below explains the descriptors:  


4 – Exceptional attitude  

Student demonstrates an exceptional attitude to their learning and are role models for other students. They are eager to learn and they take full responsibility for their own learning and behave in a way which consistently helps themselves and others to learn. They meet all deadlines and complete all work to the very highest standard.  

3 – Positive attitude  

Student demonstrates a positive attitude to learning whilst working hard and continuously displaying a good effort in lessons, to further their own learning. Student responds immediately to instructions and they do not disrupt lessons. Student completes work on-time and to a good standard. 

2 – Needs improvement  

Student needs to improve their attitude to learning and are coasting. They should aim even higher to fulfil their potential. They often require frequent reminders to focus upon learning and can be slow to respond to instructions. They sometimes fail to meet deadlines and to keep their resources intact. They often cause disruption to other students learning.  

1 – Cause for concern  

Students attitude to learning is causing serious concern, they neglect their school work and are falling behind. They make inadequate effort in lessons to further their own learning and regularly behave in a way which prevents themselves and others from learning. Often do not complete work to a satisfactory standard. 




At KS4 and KS5 accreditation grades are also used for assessment and/or PLTS. The 1-4 system can be used for therapeutic subjects/ RHISE sessions. 


The assessment process feeds into collection of data in school which is used in the reporting process to parents/carers and the local education authority.  

Data collection allows staff to track the progress of students against their targets and identify students who are displaying difficulty, remaining static or excelling.  

Data is collected from the student before they enter the school using previous information and their statement/EHC Plan. During the initial assessment period teachers will conduct their own assessment to see what level students are working at and this will form the basis of the start of the assessment. This is recorded in the Personal Learning Plan. 

Written reports are issued termly to students and identify student’s current levels and what they can do to improve to the next level.  

The annual review and documentation which goes with this also provides another opportunity for teachers to identify where students are currently working and what they need to do to improve.  

Data is fed into a database to show a student’s progress across the Year in all subject areas.  


As part of the schools ongoing improvements assessment and marking is regularly monitored by SLT through discussions with staff, sampling books, teaching file and assessment file monitoring and lesson observations. Assessment will also be monitored by SLT to ensure consistency across the school. Findings will contribute to the school’s self-evaluation process. Quality assurance procedures must be in place to ensure that common standards are applied and that agreed assessment practices are implemented consistently.  

Good Practice in Assessment in the classroom 

It is vital that our students develop a desire to improve and develop the learning skills to achieve this. They should be able to reflect on their own Learning goals and assess their own achievements and set targets for the future. All staff will be responsible for supporting students to put plans in place. 

By having clear and achievable goals students can recognise their skill areas and build up self-esteem and self-worth. They need to understand the value of learning and how it will improve their future aspirations and social development. Students will be rewarded by being nominated weekly for a Headteacher’s Award and work displayed on the work of the week board. This clear focus will result in positive behaviour from our students and improved achievement. Head Teacher’s Awards and qualifications achieved are recorded on Learning Support Plan and included in the End of Term Report and Annual Review. 

Students respond well to visual representation of their progress and praise/feedback from the Teacher/Learning Mentor. Assessment and displays of achievement and aspirations should be part of every class room and integral part of the ethos of Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service. Students should be involved in these displays allowing them ownership of their own learning environment. Students should be encouraged to display their work on Work of the week boards and share with other students, staff, Headteacher, outside agencies and Parent/ Carers. 

Assessment will be monitored by SLT at school and will be a continuous discussion by staff, students, Parents/Carers and Local Authority. It is not an isolated activity but that which forms the basis of: 


‘A well-informed, rounded and reliable picture of an individual student’s performance. Teachers can then add to this their personal understanding of each child’s disposition, style and learning history.’ 

The Assessment for Learning Strategy 


All staff will be involved in consultation, receive training and share new practices and procedures. 


Student’s achievements will be shared and celebrated at Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service among the school as a whole community. 


This Policy will be reviewed annually and shared with all staff. 


Written by: S. Damerall 

Contributions from J. Birkenhead 

Reviewed: June 2023 

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