Student Council
The student council is an active part of of our school, compromising of 3 students in each group across Roselyn House School and The RHISE Centre. These reps are elected in September and across all Key Stages 3-5.
Reps meet every month to raise issues that students are having in school and explore ways to solve them. Staff also consult the Student Council with any ideas or projects they have, so the students can have a direct input in to how the school is run.
The Student Council regularly meets with the Senior Leadership Team to share ideas and projects they would like to see started within the school. Overall management of Student Council across the whole school is by Mr Tate with other staff running meetings within their groups.
There is also time at the end of PSHE lessons for all pupils to raise issues and share ideas. This makes the Student Council inclusive and accessible to all students at Roselyn House School. Student voice is highly sought after in Roselyn House School, and we encourage as many students as possible to make suggestions for ways to improve the school.
Two student council Reps are selected as Student Governors, to represent the Student Council for part of Governance Meetings.
Issues raised/ discussed/ implemented:
Suggestion box
Water bottles
School Uniform
Xmas Jumper/ Clothing Days
Mental Health Week
Fundraising for Hope Flowers School and St John’s Hostel
Hot meals
Letters to The Headteacher
Outdoor Education/ Enrichment activities
Development of outdoor space
Latest News
Additions to the list for Student council
Halloween quiz and crafts
Football Team
Christmas Arts and Crafts and Christmas Fayre
School photos with photography by RHISE students
Problem box
Student mentors
Thankyou/ appreciation letters
The School Council organised a whole school Halloween quiz. The quiz was well received by all with students and staff participating with enthusiasm and a competitive edge. Year 8 were victorious and enjoyed the sweet treats as first prize.
Christmas arts and crafts has been the theme in December, following a School Council idea. It has been great to see pupils engaging in different Christmas activities around school.
The School Council has linked with eco schools and purchased litter pickers to keep the school grounds clean and tidy. Weekly litter picks are starting this week.
Another School Council idea acted upon is the school football team. We have made a strong link with PNE and are currently participating in competitive games on Monday afternoons at Play Football Preston. Mr Birkenhead has emailed different schools to see if there is any interest in playing regular fixtures.
In brief for Halloween we did some activities including painting window decorations, making Halloween biscuits and carving the pumpkins the students picked from the farm. Students also decorated the Chill Room and made some handmade decorations. Students also participated in a Halloween Quiz.
The Christmas Fayre will take place on Monday 12th December and will be for students and staff. There will be a tombola with prizes for the students, Christmas confectionary such as sweet cones, cup cakes and biscuits all made by students and hot chocolate will be provided. There will be two raffles for the hampers we have made up in RHISE from staff donations and the Christmas ornaments the students have made will be on sale along with handmade tree decorations. Students are solely responsible for the setting up of the stalls and organisation on the day as part of Business and Enterprise. Communication has been sent to parents about students being able to bring in a small amount of money and an order from has been sent out in case they would like to purchase anything.