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Rationale for Enterprise Curriculum 


At Roselyn House School we want to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which also offers valuable life experiences; particularly at Key Stage 4 and 5. By offering an Enterprise Curriculum, we help support students to gain confidence and prepare for the world of work. This works alongside our Preparing for Adulthood Pathway, vocational opportunities, employability skills and life skills. It provides evidence of Gatsby Benchmarks of good career guidance. Students have positive, enjoyable, and meaningful employee encounters and in some cases develop entrepreneurial skills. They learn through our programmes what it takes to be successful in the work place. Students have the opportunity to raise their aspirations and learn skills which will support them in later life. They gain the strategies to respect British Values, become hard working, work with others and the ability to achieve for their selves; providing them with life skills which are sustainable in the future. Our RHISE ETC. programmes are cross curricular and support development in Maths, English, the Arts and PSHE. 

Students are encouraged to feel pride in their own and others’ achievements and become more independent, respectful and inclusive young adults. There are various levels of accreditation which allow these opportunities to be accessible and being ‘RHISE ETC’, we can provide flexible, ‘pop up’, innovative new enterprise ideas at any time. 

These include: 

  • Mental Health/ Wellbeing Café 

  • Tuck Shop 

  • Market Gardening 

  • Pop Up Coffee Shop 


NCFE Level 1 Award in Investigating Enterprise Skills (601/4145/1) NCFE Level 1 Award in Developing Enterprise Skills (601/4143/8) 

Unit 01 Understand enterprise skills (A/506/6310)  

In this unit learners will demonstrate the skills and qualities of enterprising people and entrepreneurs. The learners will investigate local enterprising individuals and demonstrate enterprise skills and qualities.  

Unit 02 Demonstrate enterprise skills (F/506/6311)  

In this unit learners will plan and take part in an enterprise activity. They will review the enterprise activity including their own contribution.  

Unit 01 Understand enterprise skills (A/506/6310)  

The learner will:  

1 Understand the skills and qualities of enterprising people and entrepreneurs The learner can:  

1.1 Define the term 'enterprise'  

1.2 Define the term 'entrepreneur'  

1.3 Outline the key skills and qualities of enterprising people and entrepreneurs  

The learner will:  

2 Be able to investigate local enterprising individuals  

The learner can:  

2.1 Identify an enterprising person in the local area.  

2.2 Describe what the enterprising person does.  

2.3 Identify an entrepreneur in the local area.  

2.4 Describe what the entrepreneur does.  

2.5 List the enterprise skills and qualities of these people  

The learner will:  

3 Be able to demonstrate enterprise skills and qualities  

The learner can:  

3.1 Carry out an audit of own enterprise skills and qualities.  

3.2 Identify the enterprise skills and qualities of peers.  

3.3 Outline situations when they have used their own enterprise skills in the past  

3.4 Identify own enterprise skills and qualities to be improved or developed  

3.5 Give examples of how these improvements or developments could be made 


Unit 02 Demonstrate enterprise skills (F/506/6311)  

The learner will:  

1 Be able to plan an enterprise activity.  

The learner can:  

1.1 Outline an enterprise activity to complete  

1.2 Outline the objectives of the enterprising activity.  

1.3 Agree roles, responsibilities and actions of different people involved in the activity based on their strengths  

1.4 Identify deadlines and dates for review.  

1.5 Identify resources required to complete the enterprise activity.  

1.6 Outline action to take if a problem occurs.  

The learner will:  

2 Be able to take part in an enterprise activity  

The learner can:  

2.1 Complete own actions to the standard expected and within agreed timescales 2.2 Update others on progress of the activity  

2.3 Confirm with others that own actions are complete and to the required standard.  

The learner will:  

3 Be able to review the enterprise activity including own contribution.  

The learner can:  

3.1 Outline the success of the enterprise activity in relation to original objectives.  

3.2 Identify own enterprise skills and qualities used during the activity.  

3.3 Outline how these skills and qualities were useful in the activity.  

3.4 Identify areas for development in own enterprise skills.  

3.5 Give examples of how identified areas for development could be improved.  

3.6 Outline reasons for improving enterprise skills. 


NCFE Level 1 Award in Retail Knowledge (601/7957/0) 

Unit 01 Understanding the business of retail 

This unit introduces the retail sector, covering retail outlets and occupations, the supply chain, and the contribution the sector makes to the UK economy. It also covers ethical and environmental concerns. 

Unit 02 Understanding customer service in the retail  

In this unit learners will gain an understanding of the importance of customer service to the retail sector, covering positive first impressions, communication and dealing with customer complaints and problems. 

Unit 03 Understanding how a retail business maintains health, safety and security on its premises.  

This unit covers health and safety legislation in relation to retail businesses, and how to reduce the risk of accidents or fire in the workplace. It also covers security within retail businesses. 

Unit 04 Understanding how individuals and teams contribute to the effectiveness of a retail business. 

In this unit learners will cover the responsibilities of employers and employees, effective teamwork within retail businesses and how to improve own performance and skills. 

Unit 05 Understanding the control, handling and replenishment of stock in a retail business.  

This unit covers stock control systems, how to move, handle and store stock keeping it secure, and the procedures for replenishing stock on display. 

Unit 06 Understanding the retail selling process. 

This unit covers the selling process – how to find out what customers want, how to meet and greet customers and how to provide information about the product that increases its attractiveness 


Unit 01 Understanding the business of retail (A/502/5756) 

The learner will:  

1 Understand how retail outlets differ in size and type  

The learner can:  

1.1 List the different retail channels and state the main features of each one.  

1.2 Identify the sizes and types of retail outlets typically found in a variety of retail locations such as high streets or retail business parks  

The learner will:  

2 Understand the range of retail occupations  

The learner can:  

2.1 State how retail occupations differ between small, medium and large retail businesses.  

2.2 Identify the usual entry points and progression opportunities for a variety of retail occupations  

2.3 Outline the skills, personal attributes and behaviours required for a range of retail occupations  

The learner will:  

3 Understand the retail supply chain  

The learner can:  

3.1 List the sources from which retailers obtain products  

3.2 Outline the key stages of a product’s journey through the supply chain  

The learner will:  

4 Understand the contribution which the retail sector makes to the economy of the United Kingdom  

The learner can:  

4.1 Outline the size of the retail sector using information such as:  

  • the number of people employed. 

  • the number of retail businesses  

  • the amount of money spent by customers every year  

The learner will:  

5 Understand how customers’ concerns influence the products and services offered by retailers 

The learner can:  

5.1 Outline environmental issues of concern to retail customers  

5.2 Outline ethical issues of concern to retail customers  

5.3 List the main advantages to retailers of being responsive to customers’ environmental and ethical concerns. 


Unit 02 Understanding customer service in the retail sector (T/502/5819) 

The learner will:  

1 Understand the importance of customer service to a retail business The learner can:  

1.1 State what is meant by customer service in a retail business  

1.2 Outline how customer service contributes to the success of a retail business  

The learner will:  

2 Understand what gives customers a positive initial impression of a retail business and its staff  

The learner can:  

2.1 Outline the factors which contribute to a customer’s initial impression of a retail business.  

2.2 Outline how the staff of a retail business can help to give customers a positive initial impression  

The learner will:  

3 Understand how customer service is adapted to meet the needs of individual customers  

The learner can:  

3.1 List the types of service which customers may need, including help with gaining access to products, facilities and information.  

3.2 List the main ways of meeting customers’ needs for service, including ways of giving customers access to products, facilities and information.  

The learner will:  

4 Understand the importance of communication to the delivery of customer service The learner can:  

4.1 Outline how written communication can contribute to the effectiveness of customer service  

4.2 Outline how spoken communication and body language can contribute to the effectiveness of customer service  

4.3 State how different types of questions can be used to find out what customers need  

4.4 State why it is important to listen to customers  

The learner will:  

5 Understand a variety of customer complaints and problems  

The learner can:  

5.1 List the main types of customer complaints and problems  

5.2 Identify solutions to typical customer complaints and problems.  

5.3 Outline the ways in which the law protects the rights of consumers 


Unit 03 Understanding how a retail business maintains health, safety and security on its premises (M/502/5804)  

The learner will:  

1 Know the main provisions of health and safety legislation in relation to a retail business  

The learner can:  

1.1 State the role of employees and employers in relation to relevant health and safety legislation  

1.2 State when and why the control of substances hazardous to health is important.  

1.3 State where to find information on company health and safety policies  

The learner will: 2 Know how health and safety are maintained on the premises of a retail business  

The learner can:  

2.1 List the risks and hazards which commonly occur on the premises of a retail business  

2.2 Outline precautions to reduce the risk of accidents  

2.3 Outline precautions to reduce the risk of fire  

2.4 List the main types of fire extinguisher and the materials each should be used on  

2.5 Outline procedures for the safe manual lifting and moving of stock  

2.6 State why high standards of cleanliness and hygiene should apply to the staff and premises of a retail business  

The learner will:  

3 Know how cash and stock are kept secure on the premises of a retail business  

The learner can:  

3.1 List the main causes of stock loss  

3.2 List the different types of shop theft and where and when each type typically occurs.  

3.3 List the methods of payment typically accepted in retail outlets.  

3.4 Outline the main ways of preventing loss when handling payments.  

3.5 Outline the main checks for maintaining the security of cash and non-cash payments 


Unit 04 Understanding how individuals and teams contribute to the effectiveness of a retail business (R/502/5780) 

The learner will:  

1 Know the key employment rights and responsibilities of employees and the employer  

The learner can:  

1.1 State the purpose of a contract of employment  

1.2 List the main content typically included in a contract of employment.  

1.3 Outline the actions which can be taken by the individual and the employer if either party fails to keep to the terms of the contract of employment  

1.4 Identify the legislation which protects individuals from harassment and discrimination  

The learner will:  

2 Know the characteristics of effective team working in retail business  

the learner can:  

2.1 State the benefits to individual employees and to the retail business as a whole of working in teams  

2.2 Identify different roles and levels of responsibility within retail teams  

2.3 List the typical characteristics of effective and ineffective teams  

2.4 List different techniques for communicating effectively within a team  

The learner will:  

1 Know the key employment rights and responsibilities of employees and the employer.  

The learner can:  

1.1 State the purpose of a contract of employment  

1.2 List the main content typically included in a contract of employment  

1.3 Outline the actions which can be taken by the individual and the employer if either party fails to keep to the terms of the contract of employment  

1.4 Identify the legislation which protects individuals from harassment and discrimination  

The learner will:  

2 Know the characteristics of effective team working in retail business  

The learner can:  

2.1 State the benefits to individual employees and to the retail business as a whole of working in teams.  

2.2 Identify different roles and levels of responsibility within retail teams  

2.3 List the typical characteristics of effective and ineffective teams  

2.4 List different techniques for communicating effectively within a team  

The learner will:  

3 Understand a range of activities for improving own skills and performance.  

The learner can:  

3.1 State the benefits to the retail business of improving employees’ skills and performance  

3.2 State why it is important for employees to identify own strengths and development needs  

3.3 List the different methods for reviewing and improving the performance and skills of individual employees 


Unit 05 Understanding the control, handling and replenishment of stock in a retail business (J/502/5808) 

The learner will:  

1 Understand the principles of stock control  

The learner can:  

1.1 State the main purposes of stock control systems  

1.2 Describe the key features of a stock control system.  

1.3 Identify the technology that can be used in stock control  

1.4 List the benefits of effective stock control  

The learner will:  

2 Understand how to move, handle and store stock.  

The learner can:  

2.1 Identify the different techniques and methods for moving stock including how it is kept secure 

 2.2 Identify the different techniques and methods for handling stock including how it is kept secure  

2.3 Identify the different techniques and methods for storing stock including how it is kept secure  

2.4 State where and in what conditions different types of stock should be stored  

2.5 Identify procedures for dealing with the removal of waste  

2.6 State why it is important to follow procedures for dealing with the removal of waste  

The learner will:  

3 Understand procedures for replenishing stock.  

The learner can:  

3.1 Outline the procedures for replenishing stock on display.  

3.2 State why accurate pricing and ticketing of stock is important. 


Unit 06 Understanding the retail selling process (T/502/5805) 

The learner will:  

1 Understand the selling process.  

The learner can:  

1.1 Identify the key steps of the selling process.  

1.2 Outline the key skills and qualities required of successful sales staff.  

The learner will: 2 Understand how to find out what the customer wants The learner can:  

2.1 State when and how to acknowledge, greet and approach customers  

2.2 State how to find out what customers want  

The learner will:  

3 Understand how product information can be used to promote sales.  

The learner can:  

3.1 List common concerns a customer may have when buying a product.  

3.2 State how providing information about the product can increase its attractiveness to the customer  

3.3 Describe the difference between the features and benefits of products  

3.4 Identify basic rules for demonstrating products to customers.  

3.5 State where to obtain different types of products information 



Students who operate ‘pop up’ enterprise projects will look at receiving Unit Award Scheme certificates for their achievements and participation. These may include: 

  • Business for life 

  • Enterprise capability 

  • Intro to Enterprise 

  • Running a school tuck shop 

  • Setting up and running a mini enterprise 

  • Setting up and running a school café 



£20 Challenge (based on 10 x Challenge DIY model) 

Teams or individuals research and decide on a product or service to invest £20 in. They need to source products or materials, prepare sales pitches, design logos, and plan selling events. Students get their products or services ready and promote their selling events. At the end of the challenge students decide how to spend or donate their profit after paying back their £20 investment.  

They will experience: 

  • Business Planning 

  • Market Research Survey 

  • Products and Services 

  • Sales Pitch Plan 

  • Budgeting 


The aims of the £20 Challenge: 


  • Developing skills for work and life with the £20 Challenge  

  • The £20 Challenges uses the Young Enterprise Enterprising Attributes 

Framework to capture and evaluate the progression of participants across the eight key competencies: 



  • The ability of a person to change their actions, course, or approach to doing things in order to suit a new situation. 



  • The ability to listen, write and speak effectively to present and exchange information and ideas in a clear and concise manner. 



  • The ability to generate and retain strong self-belief in personal skills, capabilities, and likelihood of success. 


4.Creative Problem Solving 

  • The ability to collect and examine information, think creatively, and analyse situations to generate solutions to problems. 



5.Financial Capability 

  • The ability to analyse financial information, manage money well, and make informed decisions to plan for successful financial futures. 



  • The ability to build team engagement, collaborate, share knowledge, and explain ideas to others whilst managing personal feelings. 


7.Growth Mindset 

  • The belief that most abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. 


8.Commercial Awareness 

  • The ability to undertake research in developing a broader understanding of an organisation and the wider environment. 



Some ideas are: 


  • Car washing/ valeting 

  • Baking treats 

  • Teaching others to play an instrument 

  • Bracelet making 

  • Selling plants/ seedlings 

  • Candle making 

  • Homemade beauty products 

  • Homemade jam 


AQA Units for Setting up and running a mini enterprise are achievable for this task and also working towards Unit 02 Demonstrate enterprise skills (F/506/6311) from NCFE Level 1 Enterprise qualification depending on the timescale the project runs for. 



S. Damerall 

June 2023 

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