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Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service currently has 78 students on roll. (The number of students is slightly above the number that we are registered for due to transitions of students moving on/ waiting to transition to other provisions/ out of area.

Key Stage 3 and 4 (Year 10) are based at the main school site along with a KS2/3 Nurture group and a small KS5 Nurture group, year 11 and Sixth Form are based at The RHISE Centre along with students who on individualised programmes of study in Key Stage 3,4 and 5. The RHISE Centre acquired additional space to the first floor at Hastings Road in 2021, which doubled its size and Roselyn House School main site also has an additional cabin classroom, cabin music room and therapy room along with the existing classrooms.

At the start of the academic year there was still ongoing building works disruption to the grounds and some interior work due to the new roof being installed and classroom renovations. This was soon rectified but part of the grounds where cordoned off for a period of time. Everyone coped really well and we now have some newly renovated classrooms, newly tarmacked drive and a beautiful garden space at the main school site. This consists of an outdoor reading area, musical instruments, buddy benches, discussion areas, basketball net, table tennis and a newly developed Garden Project by the students participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

As Covid restrictions were lifted we were able to restore more movement around both sites and now students move classrooms for lessons with subject specific learning areas. There are dedicated spaces for Nurture, therapy, music, recreation, Chill out/ Positive Outcome Zones and library spaces.

There continues to be reduced cross over of staff between sites with dedicated staff operating from each separately within their roles and on Outreach. There is a management structure of a Deputy Headteacher and Co-ordinators across both sites with the Headteacher and Business Manager. These operate across Whole School whilst having their individual responsibilities. We hold the ethos of whole school community as important due to the nature of the school and consistency. All policies and procedures are the same for both Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service.

We have five DSLs across both sites, one of whom is Prevent Lead.

We have grown our staff group this year and have taken on 2 Teachers, 5 Learning Support Assistants, 1 Attendance Officer, 1 Vocational Support (9). We now have 37 staff in total. Our salary spend this year has been just over £1 million.

Our SENCO has supported individual needs by working with the Head and Deputy Head responsible for Teaching and Learning to develop our individual intervention offerings and resources for SEND. The SENCO splits her week between both sites and has specific interventions in place for individual students’ needs. Every student in KS3 receives 1:1 reading intervention in the dedicated library space at RHS. They are also members of Letterbox Club and Bookbuzz. This is outlined in a reading rationale contained in the Whole School Literacy Policy. We have also achieved match funding status with Raintree Books. We have further developed our literacy resources with Badger Learning, accelerated readers, Toe to Toe, Adult Literacy, e-books and magazines. Each classroom has a box of SEND resources available to each Teacher and individual needs are recorded in a SEND folder on SharePoint for all staff to access. We have purchased two digital exam readers. There is an ongoing poetry project at RHISE where the aim on completion of students’ original poems is that we publish and younger students use in their lessons.

We have the most students on the school’s record taking exams this year across March and June series with Functional Skills being offered from Year 9. This has been supported by an organised assessment calendar which is shared with all interested in the school and we have seen a significant upturn in positivity towards exams through these assessments, improving scores and in particular the importance of sitting mock exams. In addition, we have achieved AQA Unit Awards in 18 topics, 74 awards in total.

The appointment of an Attendance Officer has been invaluable at increasing students’ participation and allaying fears following the Pandemic. She works well with Senior Leaders on identifying vulnerable students needs and with Outreach staff and Vocational support.

Adulthood Pathway has grown in strength across KS4 and KS5 Timetables and has helped to promote independence opportunities and Enterprise projects. In particular, students have developed an understanding of self and have grown in confidence to achieve independent travel training and passing motorcycle tests. Many students now are able to attend Alternative Provision, Colleges and volunteering positions without support. This is further enhanced by two staff responsible for supporting vocational/ work experience and leavers post 16. There is a clear pathway to adulthood and students respond well to being a part of this. The RHISE etc. (enterprise training curriculum) rationale has developed from this and we are seeing pop up retail and enterprise events.

There continues to be positive use of Education in the Outdoors and Healthy Lifestyles, Sports, Outdoor Education, Duke of Edinburgh, Forest Schools and Eco Schools. We have completed our Green Schools status and have planted trees in the school grounds to commemorate this. We have a RHOC (Roselyn House Outdoor Curriculum) rationale.

In particular the Duke of Edinburgh scheme has been a great success and five students have achieved their bronze awards. We have as part of this developed a Garden Project which is growing plants and vegetables to develop understanding of sustainability and through funding, from DoE,  we have our own kayaking equipment which has been used in the expedition part of the award.

Students respond well to the outdoors and being active and our PE curriculum has gone from strength to strength with collaboration with other schools/ centres and a school football team being active with a brand-new kit.

More opportunities have been provided through enrichment and educational visits which explores the diversity of the world we live in.

We continue to transport our students to school with a mixture of staff and taxis. We have an updated Transport Policy. Our total spend for transport is over £400,000 for the year. We now have 18 vehicles after the acquisition of 3 more cars and a small Minibus. We have specific staff responsible for the organisation of transportation and the maintenance of vehicles.

Transition days and a Summer School took place in August 2022 for new starters and was based around, team building, expectations and education catch up.

At Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service we are constantly developing our practices and procedures in order to meet the individual needs of the students which change along with adapting to new legislation, guidance and frameworks. 


  • At the end of each school year, the Headteacher prepares this SIEF (School Improvement and Evaluation Form) which summarises the academic year and prepares targets/ focus for the next. 

  • This is done following on from a staff, student, Parent/ Carer consultation which asks questions around the Ofsted Framework.  

  • Throughout the year, the SLT Team at RHISE and RHS prepare monthly reports which assess against the annual targets set and show development in the areas outlined in the Ofsted framework. The progress against the annual targets are then summarised by the Headteacher in a Termly progress report. These are all then fed into the SIEF at the end of the Year. 

  • The SLT meet fortnightly alternating between The RHISE Centre and the main school site. Information is then passed to the staff group at each site through weekly meetings. In addition, there are monthly twilight trainings and two full day INSET trainings per year. This allows for training to be implemented across the whole school based on the SIEF annual targets. 

  • There is a cycle of appraisals which takes place annually in the Summer Term. 

  • Teachers are observed termly, through focused observations and shared practice is encouraged. 

  • The SENCO provides information regarding interventions, SEND support, assessment timetable and works across both sites. Interventions are recorded. There are meetings held to discuss individual student’s needs and updates provided to staff. 

  • There is a 1-4 tracking subjects across the curriculum which is fed into End of Term Reports and Annual Reviews. Termly Parents evenings are held and this information is passed on along with the Annual Review where the SENDO and additional agencies will be invited to attend. 

  • We have an information access on Office 365 (SharePoint) for all staff which provides information around individual students including EHCP, IEBP, Learning Support Plan, Personal Learning Plan and individual risk assessment. The whole school curriculum and schemes of work are found here. 

  • There is an onsite Therapist who students access through an appointment system for a prescribed time as agreed with the Therapist, Parents/ Carers and outside agencies. There is also intervention provided by SALT Therapist. There are regular therapy review meetings held. 

  • We have an Attendance Officer who works across both sites and attends Home Visits; putting attendance interventions in place. 

  • There is a system of Outreach Intervention which provides individual timetables for a prescribed period of time. 

  • We have a strong vocational offering, which includes colleges, training centres, Alternative Provisions, work experience, volunteer work, Adulthood Pathway. Each student produces Learning Goals, All About Me and a Vocational Profile/ Summary. These form part of the Annual Review process and End of Term reports. 

  • Placements in principle are managed on a weekly basis along with the management of student placements. 

  • There are weekly DSL meetings to discuss Safeguarding and Early Help intervention. A safeguarding audit is completed. 

  • The school works with Peninsula on Health and Safety and HR matters and an audit is completed. In addition, Markel insurance complete an audit of Health and Safety. There is an annual Fire Safety risk assessment completed. 

  • For GDPR an audit is completed by Judicium and up to date training is provided. 

  • Student Council meets monthly across both sites where minutes are sent to the Headteacher and responded upon. Student members attend Governance meetings where appropriate. 

  • A Governance meeting is held Termly. 



Completion of Learning Goals, All About Me, Vocational Profiles, Curriculum Maps, Annual review schedule completed, Fire Risk Assessment, H&S Review, RHISE Boiler Checks, Whole School safeguarding training, termly review of SCR, annual Teacher checks updated, Whole School Literacy Assessment (NGRT & NGST). Relevant training booked. Exam pathways sent to relevent KS4/KS5 parents/guardians.


H&S Approved Contractors List Review, RHS Gas Safety Check, Liability Insurance, Whole School PREVENT training, Summative assessment for English, Maths and Science, Students entered for November and January series exams. 


Transport audit, H&S DSE questionnaire update for staff, RHS Fire Risk Assessment Review, PO Numbers obtained for Spring Term, Whole School Asthma / Anaphylactic training, Whole School Numeracy Assessment (Hodder), Series BG exams. 


E o T Reports/ Parent’s Evening, Autumn Term areas of development from SIEF, Spring Term invoices, Summative assessment for English, Maths, Science, PSHE, P.E, History and Geography.  


Termly review of SCR, H&S fire procedures review (fire exits/fire extinguisher list/PEEP) School calendar for next academic year, book INSET training for Autumn Term (mandatory), set INSET dates for next academic year, School Census, Live GDPR Audit with Judicium, Series 1A exams, students entered for March exams.  


Planning for Leaver’s Destinations, Whole School PAT testing, H&S Lone Working Checklists/RA updated, obtain PO Numbers Summer Term, fee increase from April, RHS & RHISE KS3 Cognitive ability test (CAT 4). Summative assessment for English, Maths and Science, students entered for June exams. 


Proposals for post 16, E o T Reports/ Parent’s Evening , Spring Term areas of development from SIEF, H&S Asbestos RA review, Summer Term invoices, Vehicle Insurance renewal, GDPR Policy update, Wellbeing survey, RHS & RHISE KS3 Cognitive ability test (CAT 4). Summative assessment for English, Maths, Science, PSHE, P.E, History and Geography, series 3G exams. 


Planning for September starters, Safeguarding audit, Transport audit, Wellbeing meeting, termly review of SCR, Whole School Literacy Assessment (NGRT & NGST). 


Policy/ procedure review, personnel file review, appraisals, check mandatory training due, Whole School Literacy Assessment (NGRT & NGST). Summative assessment for English, Maths and Science, Series 6A and 6G exams. 


Staff/ Parent/ Carer/ student consultation, Wellbeing meeting, H&S Fire Alarm service/Extinguisher service due at RHISE, H&S Risk Assessment Review, Update fees for next academic year, obtain PO numbers for Autumn Term, arrange leavers gifts, prepare student files to send to next provision for any leavers, Whole School Numeracy Assessment (Hodder), Series 6A and 6G exams. 


E o T Reports/ Parent’s Evening, SIEF produced, Staff appraisals, September TT, Transport planning, update PLP, IEBP, LSP, new starter information to be provided on One Drive, H&S Fire Procedures Review, Autumn Term invoices, annual update of consent forms sent to parents/carers, update staff badges for next academic year, update staff Induction Pack with updated policies, RHS & RHISE KS3 Progress Testing (Maths, English & Science). Summative assessment for English, Maths, Science, PSHE, P.E, History and Geography.  



Moving forwards to September 2023 and beyond

Students going into year 11 who have been at RHS will remain as it isn’t felt it will be beneficial for these students to move, however there will be a small cohort of new year 11 students at The RHISE Centre. This will contain two groups of Sixth Form students and also students in KS 4 and 5 who are on individualised programmes of study. There will be RHISE Outreach students who will be on 1:1 timetables. This will be monitored as per LEA INMSS vulnerable student and attendance monitoring per half term. These students will have a bespoke offering to meet need at the current time which will be reviewed half termly.

The main school site will be split into Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 with a Nurture group.

The new intake at the main school site will have a high percentage of Key Stage 2 and 3, Year 6, Year 7 and Year 8 students who will make up class groups and individual interventions based on need. There will be a split of approximately 30 students at RHISE and 40 at RHS.

We will have a slight increase in students, approximately 76, due to the increase of costs across all aspects of the school and specifically to cover the cost of pay increases.

Transitions are taking place in Summer Term to introduce new students. This has been supported well by existing students who have made them welcome, showed them round and shared their own experiences of Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service.

Each student will receive an activity pack for the Summer Break to include resources and catch-up work. We will continue to provide food packs for the most vulnerable.

There will be a focus on the new KCSiE 2023 which will come in from September which will underpin all our policies and procedures. These changes are already implemented in new policies, reviewed June 2023 to prepare for this. There will be further training with regards Mental Health and wellbeing and filtering and monitoring safeguarding.

We will focus on whole school continuity with SLT having responsibilities across both sites.





Progress towards areas of development from 2022 SIEF:


Targets (these have been extended/ adapted throughout the year. See Autumn and Spring Term Areas of development)


To further promote access to The Arts across the Whole School

  • Arts afternoons introduced and received well

  • Christmas crafts were made and sold

  • Students completing Arts accreditation across whole school

  • Project based Arts based on habitat and cartoon creation

  • Music sessions developed at RHS with addition of drum kit, tongue drums an Apple Mac

  • Outdoor musical instruments in situ

  • Drama workshops taken place

To develop vocational procedures/ policy in line with Provider Access Legislation and consultation from Skills Post 16 Education Act 2022

  • Two staff responsible and training been provided

  • Plan in place for Post 16 Leavers across whole school and clear pathway for their destinations

  • Weekly update meetings taking place with SLT and Vocational team

  • Interviews, taster sessions and transitional days encouraged

  • Students taking part in volunteer work outside of school time

  • Mploy work experience programmes investigated and to be implemented from Year 10 in September for 12 week programmes

  • Proposals submitted for Year 12 and 13 students remaining at RHISE

To continue to develop enterprise projects/ opportunities at The RHISE Centre/ Sixth Form


  • Successful employability lessons implemented at RHS

  • Initial focus at RHISE was for individual NCFE Retail and Business

  • RHISE etc.(enterprise training curriculum) rationale developed

  • Pop up enterprise projects taken place at Christmas Fair, Mental Health week café, Garden Project opening catering

  • AMR meeting with NCFE went well and continue to provide NCFE into 2023/2024

  • Garden project to introduce selling produce

  • 10 x challenge developed and introduced into project learning and Adulthood Pathway

  • Enterprise and employability to be on TT for all students post 16 from September 2023

To formalise the structure of Outreach with a clear pathway for return to the classroom as and when appropriate


  • TT updated which allowed for a clearer Outreach pathway with consistent staffing

  • Clear plan with clear definitions across whole school and reviewed each term

  • Suitability discussed at SLT meetings and in vulnerable student meetings

  • Recorded as part of LCC INMSS monitoring, Half Termly

  • Individual timetables for Outreach students and Parents/ Carers

  • Attendance Officer also utilised for Outreach

  • Students have a clear understanding of pathway back where appropriate

To lay out an annual plan for assessment at the start of the year which is communicated to Parents/ Carers


  • Assessment streamlined across whole school

  • PASS survey introduced which looks at student learning and wellbeing

  • Assessment calendar available- sent to Parents/ Carers and included on the websites

  • Monthly newsletter introduced

  • Check in provided by SENCO to explain assessment processes to staff and updates

  • Updated following assessment on LSP

  • Mock exams and March/ June series of exams communicated to Parents/ Carers with information of how to support your child through exams

  • Individual exam pathways sent to parents/guardians in September.

  • To implement NCFE Functional skills for Maths and English.

To roll out and monitor new 1-4 Tracking to inform EoT and Annual Reviews


  • 1-4 Tracking fully embedded and staff and students fully aware of how it works

  • Stickers received well and machines fully operational across both sites

  • Tracking spreadsheet works well in informing new EoT report format

  • Streamlined and effective

To introduce Parents/ Carers evenings to coincide with EoT reports


  • Parents/ Carers meetings introduced in December and have grown each term since

  • Preference is for Online and telephone due to Parents/ Carers issues around transport

  • Positive response and appreciated by families/ students and staff

  • Produces a Team spirit amongst staff which improves wellbeing and deserved praise for how well our staff are doing- recognition of hard work and understanding of the needs of students

To provide all teaching staff with sticker marker to reduce workload and streamline marking


  • All staff didn’t need a sticker marker- system works well across whole school and procedure of marking is implemented in Policy and works well for students and tracking

To track reading engagement through new tracking system to be implemented in Autumn 2022


  • Fully implemented across whole school with each session tracking with a Y/N

  • Reading crib sheet discussed with staff with regards the importance of reading across the curriculum

  • Successful implementation of 1:1 reading intervention across whole school

  • A wider acquisition of reading resources, building regularly around what students interests are

  • Match funding received by Raintree

  • £4379.19 spent on new books/ eBooks this academic year

To implement a programme related to the importance of exams/ assessment which involves Parents/ Carers


  • Mock exams took place in March 2023

  • Parents/ Carers informed of TT and procedures along with how to support their child- information sent and on website

  • Areas of revision identified and resources put in place on Sharepoint

  • Exams Literacy explored

  • Information passed on to Parents/ Carers through Spring EoT reports

To introduce onsite Speech and Language therapy for individual interventions


  • External environmental assessment completed by Speech and Language Therapist for RHS

  • Internal environmental assessment completed for RHISE

  • Recommendations implemented

  • Staff received training on Autism, Communication

  • Discussed within SLT meetings





There is a broad and balanced curriculum and staff have a firm and common understanding of its intent. Lessons contribute well to delivering the curriculum content.


Lessons provide students with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to become well-rounded young adults that will help them to make the right choices and decisions. The timetable is adapted to suit individual student interests and individual needs.


Students have individual timetables to meet their needs along with the curriculum content which focuses on both core and non-core subjects. Teaching ideas, resources and good practice are shared between staff. There is a clear pathway for each student and this is tracked across our fully embedded 1-4 tracking system. This is reflected in teachers planning and evaluation and is evident in End of Term reports and Annual reviews.


Collins resources have been built upon this year and the schemes of work continue to give the school a solid scaffolding /platform which supports teaching, learning and progress of students. This also helps to support students who are on Outreach.


After careful consideration when designing this years RHS academic timetable, we kept with the blueprint that worked so well over the last two years and split the timetable into AM (Academic) and PM (Enrichment/ Outdoor based) Monday to Friday. This ran from from September 1st 2022 and after two weeks of some minor issues with some students, it was apparent we needed to adjust it. We decided to run with academia in the PM sessions for the year 9s and 10s, and this has worked well, whilst giving the younger students the enriched PM sessions they need. This has highlighted progression from last academic year 21/22 as the students have changed their mindset (which was already positive last year) to want more and realise that they are capable of fulfilling their true potential with us. On top of the Collins SOW, we ran F/S Maths, Science and G/W Science. Nurture followed  project based learning pathway until ready to move into a subject based timetable.


This has allowed the curriculum to be delivered in the morning with a lot of success as the younger students work hard to ensure they get access to their afternoon enrichment, which is a consistent characteristic with the younger students. Whilst the older students are starting to see the value in education and are thriving during the morning and now the afternoon sessions. This model could work as a blueprint for future students/classes, in that as they get older their teaching time increases, to ensure that they are in the best position to sit exams confidently and to ascertain qualifications. We are teaching this in stages that is suitable for the students and it shows a deeper understanding of their age and needs. In the future, this will feed into the RHISE programme extremely well as the younger students with us now will be best prepared to make the transition to an older environment with different expectations in behaviour and attitude that are relevant to age.


If we use the current year 10 group as an example, when they make the transition in the future, they already have a set of core beliefs and they will fully understand the ethos of our school and the expectations we have for everyone who we educate and care for. They will have higher levels of ability and this will drive exam engagement and success up.


RHISE students have remained in A and B groups within key stages and ability, where they attend the centre for 2 days following core subjects, life skills, employability and study skills,  2 days vocational/ training and 1 day enrichment, Adulthood Pathway, NCFE. In addition to this there are individualised programmes and Outreach.


Intervention sessions have developed throughout the year with support from the SENCO across both sites and all students are identified who need support with programmes in place. Individual reading/ literacy and numeracy has been offered to all students in KS 2 and 3 and libraries have been set up across both sites with forever developing resources and membership to specific schemes. An updated Whole School Literacy Policy is available.


There have been a larger number of students who have taken public examinations this year and have sat the March and June series in GCSE and Functional Skills. These have been in English, Maths, Biology and History. Year 9 students have taken Functional Skills exams for the first time as we believe this will help in their pathway moving forwards towards GCSE.


We have an updated Curriculum and Exams Policy.


In March 2023, 2 students were entered for Maths Functional Skills at level 1 or 2 and 2 students for English Functional Skills level 1


In June 2023 7 students were entered for Maths Entry Level, 32 students were entered for Maths Functional Skills at level 1 or 2 and 7 students for Foundation Maths GCSE.


33 students were entered for Functional Skills English Level 1 and 2 and 2 for English Language GCSE.


1 student was entered for History GCSE and 1 student for Biology GCSE.


AQA Unit Award Scheme has developed further with an increased range of certification. They have worked particularly well as part of individual/ Outreach sessions and Adulthood Pathway Friendships, Relationships, Independence, and Community strands along with subject lessons across whole school.


21 students have been awarded 74 certificates across 18 topics


These have included:


Developing Team Work Skills in outdoor education (unit 1)

Developing Team Work Skills in outdoor education (unit 2)

Introduction to outdoor adventurous activities (unit 1)

Introduction to outdoor adventurous activities (unit 2)


Water safety: Strapped canoes

World War 1:Trench warfare

World War 1: Weapons

Children in Poverty

Telling the time (Unit 1)

Telling the time (unit 2)

An introduction to oceans

Mathematics: Simple fractions

Design and create a mask

Numeracy skills

Using an Atlas: Continents and Oceans

Improving Communication (Unit 6): Communicating Clearly

Introduction to Phonics

Introduction to the Suffragettes

Vocational Studies: Helping to Clean and Tidy in a School



Teachers deliver lessons in a variety of subjects to students in ways in which they take into account the individual students levels and needs. This allows students to engage with the topics, overcome their barriers to learning and access the curriculum content. Teachers and teaching staff have access to and use a variety of resources to make their lessons well delivered. Resources spend this year equates to: £46,253.23


The curriculum is not limited to delivery within the classroom as students access many resources within the community that aid not only their educational, but their social development too. 


The Adulthood Pathway continues to be an invaluable addition to the curriculum and has proven to provide a broad, balanced and person-centred approach. It is fluid in its approach but is focused on the individual needs of students. The SEAL framework has been used to provide a measurable tool in terms of student progress and learning. Several staff lead and deliver the various strands of the Adulthood Pathway. There is a shared understanding of its attended outcomes. This has provided students with a whole host of enriching learning/ developmental experiences. It has had strong success this year in independent living skills, particularly through cooking and budgeting and travel. Many students have developed the skills to use public transport, attend vocational/ further training without support and have passed their CBT licence and drive to RHISE independently.


There has been an emphasis in enterprise, retail and business skills and pop-up events have included, café’s, homemade crafts, 10 x project and cake making. The profits have helped support our chosen charities. There is now a RHISE etc (Enterprise Training Curriculum) rationale.


There continues to be a strong programme of study for vocational opportunities with a wider choices of vocational providers including, Apple CAST, Creative Works Preston, Preston Vocational Centre, Soundskills, Horsepower, Eqwise, The Music Project, We Grow, 4 Tech, and Preston North End. These placements are managed effectively as the vocational strand of the Adulthood Pathway by two dedicated staff and are built into Key Stage 4 and 5 Pathways. This is being further developed by the use of MPLOY for 12-week extended work experience placements from September. Our current spend for this academic year on Alternative Providers is: £132,469.


The Outdoor Curriculum has gone from strength to strength and we have a Roselyn House Outdoor Curriculum (RHOC) rationale along with a PE Curriculum. Students value the Outdoors and the benefits of healthy lifestyles and physical fitness. There are opportunities which provide a greater understanding of the environment and a responsibility to it. We have achieved our Green Trees Award, look at recycling, tidying up the countryside and respected all habitats. We have developed our own wildlife pods at RHS main site as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Garden Project.


We have planted trees as a result of completing our Green Trees Award and continue with Eco school.


The PE Curriculum has gone from strength to strength this year. We have been able to provide opportunities for students to engage in all aspects of the PE curriculum covering: invasion games; net and wall games; striking and fielding games; athletics and outdoor education. We have provided students with an outstanding Outdoor Education programme this year. This has been developed through making successful partnerships with Outdoor Elements and Girl Guiding at Waddow Hall. 

There are also Sports Leaders mornings which include sport and literacy and NCFE Sport.


We have the following available:


Awesome Walls Liverpool 

Gisburn Forest - Mountain biking 

German Lane Fishery 

Guild Wheel Preston - bike riding 


Eqwise - horse riding and petting zoo 

Pendle Hill 

Lytham Beach 

Witton Park 

Waddow Hall

Formby Beach 

Townley Park Burnley 

Harpers Lane Rec

Longridge Fell 

Darwen Tower 

Rivington Pike 

Roddlesworth Reservoir

Hoghton Bottom 

Rock n River 

Footgolf at Euxton Golf Centre 

Play Football - Tulketh High 

Bamber Bridge Sports Hall - gym and sports hall 

Leyland Leisure Centre 


Our Educational Visits, Enrichment, Adult Pathway Community and Outreach have included:


Fairhaven Lake

Yarrow Valley

Terrace gardens, Rivington

White coppice

Anglezarke, Rivington

Healey Nab, Chorley

Silverdale Beach

Fleetwood Beach

German Lane fishery

Outdoor elements activity centre

Haigh Hall outdoor activity centre

Waddow Hall outdoor activity centre

Southport Golf academy

Duke of Edinburgh - Kayaking - Liverpool to Leeds canal   

UCLAN Sports arena

Liverpool football club

Tech Guys Gaming Room - Rainford 

Preston City Centre - Life skills 


Astley Park
Worden Park
Brinscall Pine Woods
White Coppice
West Pennine Moors
Beacon Fell

Blackpool Beach

Southport Beach

Bamber Bridge 

Various Mc Donald's (for Outreach/ Adult Pathway sessions requiring Internet access)


Parks in local areas

Vocational Providers

Promenades (Blackpool, Morecambe)


Care Homes

Shops and Supermarkets



Our overall spend for Therapeutic activities and enrichment has been £110,658.


There have been increased resources at both Roselyn House School and The RHISE Centre to improve ICT with the introduction of more PC’s and Laptops. The SharePoint is accessible to all staff and is becoming the main source to go to for information. There has been a lot of work undertaken around Online Safety and audits which include Filtering and Monitoring and Cyber Security. Staff have received training along with DSL’s and IT Coordinator for new regulations coming in KCSiE September 2023. This has been included in all Policy reviews June 2023. The overall spend for new IT equipment is £12, 658.


There has been a concerted increase in our offering of the Arts which includes Arts and Crafts, 3D Design, Christmas Crafts, Music production, Drumming, Outside instruments, Introduction to Music from other Cultures and Drama workshops with a local theatre company. The music room is fully operational at the main site. An Arts room is being introduced to The RHISE Centre and this will continue to be timetabled with accreditation for the next academic year.


Our humanities offering continues to thrive and more students are wishing to continue these subjects for accreditation and into KS4.


Project based learning has proven a success following the completion of public examinations and has helped to maintain interest, attendance, and positivity towards learning from our Post 16 students and Leavers.

There is a broad and balanced curriculum and staff have a firm and common understanding of its intent. Lessons contribute well to delivering the curriculum content.


Lessons provide students with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to become well-rounded young adults that will help them to make the right choices and decisions. The timetable is adapted to suit individual student interests and individual needs.


Students have individual timetables to meet their needs along with the curriculum content which focuses on both core and non-core subjects. Teaching ideas, resources and good practice are shared between staff. There is a clear pathway for each student and this is tracked across our fully embedded 1-4 tracking system. This is reflected in teachers planning and evaluation and is evident in End of Term reports and Annual reviews.


Collins resources have been built upon this year and the schemes of work continue to give the school a solid scaffolding /platform which supports teaching, learning and progress of students. This also helps to support students who are on Outreach.


After careful consideration when designing this years RHS academic timetable, we kept with the blueprint that worked so well over the last two years and split the timetable into AM (Academic) and PM (Enrichment/ Outdoor based) Monday to Friday. This ran from from September 1st 2022 and after two weeks of some minor issues with some students, it was apparent we needed to adjust it. We decided to run with academia in the PM sessions for the year 9s and 10s, and this has worked well, whilst giving the younger students the enriched PM sessions they need. This has highlighted progression from last academic year 21/22 as the students have changed their mindset (which was already positive last year) to want more and realise that they are capable of fulfilling their true potential with us. On top of the Collins SOW, we ran F/S Maths, Science and G/W Science. Nurture followed  project based learning pathway until ready to move into a subject based timetable.


This has allowed the curriculum to be delivered in the morning with a lot of success as the younger students work hard to ensure they get access to their afternoon enrichment, which is a consistent characteristic with the younger students. Whilst the older students are starting to see the value in education and are thriving during the morning and now the afternoon sessions. This model could work as a blueprint for future students/classes, in that as they get older their teaching time increases, to ensure that they are in the best position to sit exams confidently and to ascertain qualifications. We are teaching this in stages that is suitable for the students and it shows a deeper understanding of their age and needs. In the future, this will feed into the RHISE programme extremely well as the younger students with us now will be best prepared to make the transition to an older environment with different expectations in behaviour and attitude that are relevant to age.


If we use the current year 10 group as an example, when they make the transition in the future, they already have a set of core beliefs and they will fully understand the ethos of our school and the expectations we have for everyone who we educate and care for. They will have higher levels of ability and this will drive exam engagement and success up.


RHISE students have remained in A and B groups within key stages and ability, where they attend the centre for 2 days following core subjects, life skills, employability and study skills,  2 days vocational/ training and 1 day enrichment, Adulthood Pathway, NCFE. In addition to this there are individualised programmes and Outreach.


Intervention sessions have developed throughout the year with support from the SENCO across both sites and all students are identified who need support with programmes in place. Individual reading/ literacy and numeracy has been offered to all students in KS 2 and 3 and libraries have been set up across both sites with forever developing resources and membership to specific schemes. An updated Whole School Literacy Policy is available.


There have been a larger number of students who have taken public examinations this year and have sat the March and June series in GCSE and Functional Skills. These have been in English, Maths, Biology and History. Year 9 students have taken Functional Skills exams for the first time as we believe this will help in their pathway moving forwards towards GCSE.


We have an updated Curriculum and Exams Policy.


In March 2023, 2 students were entered for Maths Functional Skills at level 1 or 2 and 2 students for English Functional Skills level 1


In June 2023 7 students were entered for Maths Entry Level, 32 students were entered for Maths Functional Skills at level 1 or 2 and 7 students for Foundation Maths GCSE.


33 students were entered for Functional Skills English Level 1 and 2 and 2 for English Language GCSE.


1 student was entered for History GCSE and 1 student for Biology GCSE.


AQA Unit Award Scheme has developed further with an increased range of certification. They have worked particularly well as part of individual/ Outreach sessions and Adulthood Pathway Friendships, Relationships, Independence, and Community strands along with subject lessons across whole school.


21 students have been awarded 74 certificates across 18 topics


These have included:


Developing Team Work Skills in outdoor education (unit 1)

Developing Team Work Skills in outdoor education (unit 2)

Introduction to outdoor adventurous activities (unit 1)

Introduction to outdoor adventurous activities (unit 2)


Water safety: Strapped canoes

World War 1:Trench warfare

World War 1: Weapons

Children in Poverty

Telling the time (Unit 1)

Telling the time (unit 2)

An introduction to oceans

Mathematics: Simple fractions

Design and create a mask

Numeracy skills

Using an Atlas: Continents and Oceans

Improving Communication (Unit 6): Communicating Clearly

Introduction to Phonics

Introduction to the Suffragettes

Vocational Studies: Helping to Clean and Tidy in a School



Teachers deliver lessons in a variety of subjects to students in ways in which they take into account the individual students levels and needs. This allows students to engage with the topics, overcome their barriers to learning and access the curriculum content. Teachers and teaching staff have access to and use a variety of resources to make their lessons well delivered. Resources spend this year equates to: £46,253.23


The curriculum is not limited to delivery within the classroom as students access many resources within the community that aid not only their educational, but their social development too. 


The Adulthood Pathway continues to be an invaluable addition to the curriculum and has proven to provide a broad, balanced and person-centred approach. It is fluid in its approach but is focused on the individual needs of students. The SEAL framework has been used to provide a measurable tool in terms of student progress and learning. Several staff lead and deliver the various strands of the Adulthood Pathway. There is a shared understanding of its attended outcomes. This has provided students with a whole host of enriching learning/ developmental experiences. It has had strong success this year in independent living skills, particularly through cooking and budgeting and travel. Many students have developed the skills to use public transport, attend vocational/ further training without support and have passed their CBT licence and drive to RHISE independently.


There has been an emphasis in enterprise, retail and business skills and pop-up events have included, café’s, homemade crafts, 10 x project and cake making. The profits have helped support our chosen charities. There is now a RHISE etc (Enterprise Training Curriculum) rationale.


There continues to be a strong programme of study for vocational opportunities with a wider choices of vocational providers including, Apple CAST, Creative Works Preston, Preston Vocational Centre, Soundskills, Horsepower, Eqwise, The Music Project, We Grow, 4 Tech, and Preston North End. These placements are managed effectively as the vocational strand of the Adulthood Pathway by two dedicated staff and are built into Key Stage 4 and 5 Pathways. This is being further developed by the use of MPLOY for 12-week extended work experience placements from September. Our current spend for this academic year on Alternative Providers is: £132,469.


The Outdoor Curriculum has gone from strength to strength and we have a Roselyn House Outdoor Curriculum (RHOC) rationale along with a PE Curriculum. Students value the Outdoors and the benefits of healthy lifestyles and physical fitness. There are opportunities which provide a greater understanding of the environment and a responsibility to it. We have achieved our Green Trees Award, look at recycling, tidying up the countryside and respected all habitats. We have developed our own wildlife pods at RHS main site as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Garden Project.


We have planted trees as a result of completing our Green Trees Award and continue with Eco school.


The PE Curriculum has gone from strength to strength this year. We have been able to provide opportunities for students to engage in all aspects of the PE curriculum covering: invasion games; net and wall games; striking and fielding games; athletics and outdoor education. We have provided students with an outstanding Outdoor Education programme this year. This has been developed through making successful partnerships with Outdoor Elements and Girl Guiding at Waddow Hall. 

There are also Sports Leaders mornings which include sport and literacy and NCFE Sport.


We have the following available:


Awesome Walls Liverpool 

Gisburn Forest - Mountain biking 

German Lane Fishery 

Guild Wheel Preston - bike riding 


Eqwise - horse riding and petting zoo 

Pendle Hill 

Lytham Beach 

Witton Park 

Waddow Hall

Formby Beach 

Townley Park Burnley 

Harpers Lane Rec

Longridge Fell 

Darwen Tower 

Rivington Pike 

Roddlesworth Reservoir

Hoghton Bottom 

Rock n River 

Footgolf at Euxton Golf Centre 

Play Football - Tulketh High 

Bamber Bridge Sports Hall - gym and sports hall 

Leyland Leisure Centre 


Our Educational Visits, Enrichment, Adult Pathway Community and Outreach have included:


Fairhaven Lake

Yarrow Valley

Terrace gardens, Rivington

White coppice

Anglezarke, Rivington

Healey Nab, Chorley

Silverdale Beach

Fleetwood Beach

German Lane fishery

Outdoor elements activity centre

Haigh Hall outdoor activity centre

Waddow Hall outdoor activity centre

Southport Golf academy

Duke of Edinburgh - Kayaking - Liverpool to Leeds canal   

UCLAN Sports arena

Liverpool football club

Tech Guys Gaming Room - Rainford 

Preston City Centre - Life skills 


Astley Park
Worden Park
Brinscall Pine Woods
White Coppice
West Pennine Moors
Beacon Fell

Blackpool Beach

Southport Beach

Bamber Bridge 

Various Mc Donald's (for Outreach/ Adult Pathway sessions requiring Internet access)


Parks in local areas

Vocational Providers

Promenades (Blackpool, Morecambe)


Care Homes

Shops and Supermarkets



Our overall spend for Therapeutic activities and enrichment has been £110,658.


There have been increased resources at both Roselyn House School and The RHISE Centre to improve ICT with the introduction of more PC’s and Laptops. The SharePoint is accessible to all staff and is becoming the main source to go to for information. There has been a lot of work undertaken around Online Safety and audits which include Filtering and Monitoring and Cyber Security. Staff have received training along with DSL’s and IT Coordinator for new regulations coming in KCSiE September 2023. This has been included in all Policy reviews June 2023. The overall spend for new IT equipment is £12, 658.


There has been a concerted increase in our offering of the Arts which includes Arts and Crafts, 3D Design, Christmas Crafts, Music production, Drumming, Outside instruments, Introduction to Music from other Cultures and Drama workshops with a local theatre company. The music room is fully operational at the main site. An Arts room is being introduced to The RHISE Centre and this will continue to be timetabled with accreditation for the next academic year.


Our humanities offering continues to thrive and more students are wishing to continue these subjects for accreditation and into KS4.


Project based learning has proven a success following the completion of public examinations and has helped to maintain interest, attendance, and positivity towards learning from our Post 16 students and Leavers.


Work given to students over time and across the school matches the aims of the curriculum and gives all students the knowledge and cultural capacity they need to succeed in life in British society.


This is one of the strengths of the School and we continue to look to develop our young peoples’ understanding of rights and responsibilities as a young adult. All subjects and experiences provide the opportunity to make our students more aware of their role in British Society. We have a common expectation across the whole School around the basics of being a ‘good’ person in society. We have high expectations of respect, good manners, effective communication, compromise, teamwork, independence which are mirrored daily. Our ethos is to challenge and discuss.


The schemes of work and resources used are effective in touching on culture and current affairs across the whole curriculum which opens opportunities for discussion and deep exploration of topics. The new Collins Schemes have strengthened themes that may not have previously been covered. There is something for everyone in the content. There are clear learning objectives which make students aware of what expectations there are of them in modern society. Work is relevant and helps prepare them for the future. Some students work independently and others are provided with additional support and the opportunities for 1:1 intervention where necessary.


There have been additional reading materials purchased which look at diversity, culture, LGBTQ+ and focus days/ weeks around :


  • Black History

  • Women

  • Mental Health

  • Anti Bullying

  • Red Nose

  • St George

  • The Coronation of King Charles III

  • VE Day

  • World day

  • Book Day

  • Cultural diversity


We are currently working towards our Gold Stonewall Award and Silver Eco Award.


Subjects such as PSHE, CCC, Life Skills, Employability, Adulthood Pathway and Vocational experiences help students develop an understanding of British Society. Adulthood Pathway aims to equip students with the skills needed as they transition into adulthood. The sessions promote wellbeing, resilience, confidence, develop interests, understand what local facilities are on offer and promote appropriate and sustainable friendship groups.  Students have gained knowledge and a cultural capacity of being able to succeed in society. Examples have included, independent travel, being able to access finances through a bank account, how to apply for chosen FE courses, how to access local facilities, undertake vocational placements, obtain provisional licences and visit local businesses to speak to managers. Student have also been given the opportunity to be interviewed for apprenticeship training with local providers.


Students took part in Mental Health Awareness Week where they completed the Be There training in supporting people’s Mental Health through the Born This Way Foundation and held Mental Health coffee mornings with wellbeing activities and chats.


In PSHE and CCC lessons students have looked at valuable skills for the future through practical projects such as home repair, nutrition, clothes repair, health and hygiene, budgeting and money advice, improving social skills in the local and wider communities, linking with other schools in various areas and across the World, understanding and experiencing language/ vocabulary from differing cultures and religious backgrounds, developing mutually respectful friendships; taking part in educational visits to living history sites, museums, religious buildings, real life work places and meeting with external visitors.


The implementation of an effective School Council has promoted democracy and improved the students’ voice, also providing opportunity for representation as student Governors in order to have a say in how their school operates and what is required to do so. It has further encouraged a positive attitude towards learning, their school and everyone in it. There have been many ideas come from Student Council this year including Thankyou post codes which are sent home, wellbeing boxes, new equipment, charity contributions. Enterprise pop ups, Zen Bench, Eco clean ups and water bottles.


Students have worked hard on appreciating the needs and wellbeing of others in the local area and the World and this has extended to fundraising events for Hope Flowers School, Bethlehem, homeless charity, Ukraine The Voices for Children Art Therapy.


The relationships staff have built with students is also effective outside of lessons in order to provide a safe and comfortable forum for open discussion along with Mentor programmes.


Students have engaged in discussions and debates throughout many lessons and form time sessions that build upon their understanding of society, community and of citizenship from a form group to a global level.  


The curriculum ensures students are given the tools they need to be culturally aware and educates them appropriately to succeed in life in British society. Throughout the whole school there is a common theme of teaching students the basics of being a good young person in society. Respect, good manners, effective communication, compromise, teamwork, independence are attributes that are taught daily both directly and indirectly. Many lessons have real life applications.


Work produced across the curriculum is of a high quality considering starting points and students achieve well.



Most students engage well with the curriculum and achieve, surpassing their starting points and work is produced to the best of individual’s abilities. Students want to achieve, produce high quality work and those that find it more challenging are supported and encouraged in lessons and through individual/ Outreach interventions. For some of the older students it has been about building relationships, trust, promoting a positive attitude to learning and thinking out of the box for ways to get students to engage and understand what is expected. This has been evident in the progression shown through tracking, student attitude to learning, work produced, AQA UAS Units completed and the amount of examinations taken this year.


Students engage more, take responsibility for their own education and are wanting to be pushed further. There is a real climate for personal achievement and this is evident in student work and understanding. Students are rewarded with Head Teacher’s Awards which are proudly displayed as Work of The Week across areas of the school and are celebrated. These are also posted to the school and RHISE website and across social media. Additional rewards systems have been implemented to encourage small groups or individuals but the premise of school is the ‘reward is your learning’, and improving chances for the future.


Staff work tirelessly to provide this individualised curriculum. Lessons contribute to this individuality, whilst also providing students with the best opportunities for their future success, on both a personal and academic level. 


Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service has a broad and balanced curriculum which is closely tailored to need of our students. Students engage in a good mixture of academic and vocational sessions, with sport and outdoor education being an iteral part of the curriculum. Lessons contribute well to delivering the curriculum content.


English, Maths and Science are strong core subjects and are delivered well. There is a strong offering for humanities which has developed further as students wish to continue to GCSE. The Arts are popular and PE and Outdoor Curriculum is valued, enjoyed and beneficial. This is something that can be enjoyed as enrichment or taken right up to NCFE Qualification and Duke of Edinburgh Award.


There are substantial links with football/ sporting training grounds and other schools. We have a football team and a new kit is on its way, chosen by student council.


Some students really achieve at Vocational Placements and even though it can take some a while to adapt to the placements and build relationships, they are now investing in the placement. They see the value of this training in the real world and for their life options beyond 18.


The progress made in Literacy and Numeracy is evident in assessment levels and how they have in the main improved. Students have responded well to assessment and take the school’s levelling system seriously. There has been extensive developments to reading materials and individual reading schemes across the whole school with libraries and a book swapping scheme encouraged. Catch up work has continued to be offered during school holiday times and homework throughout the week where there have been subject specific and vocabulary focus.


Some students continue to need further encouragement and this is supported by staff who equally want students to succeed. There are a variety of individualised interventions available to help with this. Some students have poor attendance but with encouragement and persistent attempts for them to engage this is working well and more students are improving. There is a flexibility and Outreach is offered in an appropriate way suitable for needs and agreed by all parties involved.


The use of ICT equipment is used well with more laptops available to students. These are included in access arrangements along with digital readers. Students attend the Tech Guys as enrichment where they can experience gaming and coding.


The curriculum is planned and sequenced towards supporting sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment across a broad range of career options.


From a nurturing school springboard in year 7, through to KS4/ 5 examinations and the individualised college/ vocational/ training options at RHISE, students experience a curriculum that is planned and sequenced to give them the best possible academic and vocational options for their individual future career and life needs. 


Schemes of work are scaffolded and sequenced so both staff and students can easily see progression even in a short period of time. The curriculum enables regular discussions which wrap around subject specific skills and how they help with other subjects and future learning and pathways.


Lessons are challenging and engaging and there is a wide variety of knowledge and skills which students can tap into which is accessible to all students. Work provided is relevant, streamlined for consistency and allows for adaptation and differentiation. It allows for transferring skills to help with problem solving and prepare students for adult life. Lesson objectives are given with regular plenaries to assess learning and consolidate understanding.


There are PSHE, Tutor Time and Mentor Sessions at all Key stages which introduce students to a wide range of opportunities and what will be available further on in their school career. They also access therapeutic, visits and enrichment activities that introduce younger students to the wider context of education and future planning. The school is mindful of changes around the consultation from Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022 which sets out new requirements on the number and types of encounters schools will need to deliver for their students with providers of technical education or apprenticeships. The Provider Access Legislation specifies schools must provide at least six encounters for all their students – two in Years 8 and 9, two in Years 10 and 11 (all students in these year groups will be expected to access these encounters) and two in Years 12 and 13 (encounters need to be made available to all students in these year groups). We will be introducing MPLOY in September for Year 10 onwards for extended work experience placements.


Key Stage 4 and 5 students are matched with appropriate vocational pathways and providers and these have been developed since last year. These are suitable for the interests/ skills of the students but will be increased further dependent on the needs of students moving forwards. Enterprise projects have been introduced to Sixth Form and have proven to be an area of growth. This was seen through a pop up well-being café at the main site and The RHISE Centre. Students have also utilised their creative talents in order to produce candles, craft items and photograph to sell to raise funds for charity. These have been sold to staff, Parents/ Carers and to the public through online shops/ social media.


The curriculum as a whole has focus on student development in the workplace and is a strength particularly in Sixth Form. In the wide range of options students learn new skills including IT, Music, Art/ Design/ Crafts, Computer Coding, Construction, Hair and Beauty, Automotive, Fisheries Management, Horse and Animal Care, Sports, Gym, Boxing, Childcare, Gardening and Retail.


PSHE, Employability and Life Skills lessons approach the world of work and what employability skills are needed to maintain a job and develop a career. Students have successfully created CV’s which have allowed them access to work experience, apprenticeships and part time jobs. Some students have successfully found full time employment at the end of year 13 and have completed training to become a lifeguard, work in construction, farming, retail and warehouses. The AQA UAS has helped provide support in accrediting specific skills along with NCFE Occupational Studies qualification.


The focus of Adulthood Pathway has proven invaluable over the last year to support students to gain sufficient knowledge and skills for both future learning and employment. There has been an emphasis on volunteer work in the student’s local community. Through the community strand, students have developed awareness of their selves, where they live and what they need in order to achieve independence. This year we have seen greater success in independent travel, passing CBT licence and CSCS card for work. Many students make their own way to Alternative Provision/ training and no longer need support on the courses.


The vocational profiles and summaries which are completed in Year 9, 11 and 13 have proven a strength in looking at where a young person’s strengths lie and what areas are important for future development or support independent SEND.


Significant work has gone in to implement a ‘next stage curriculum’ with Sixth Form and this includes a package of subjects which looks at, academic subjects,  Life Skills, PSHE, Employability, Enterprise, Work Experience, Adulthood Pathway, Duke of Edinburgh and vocational alternative provision. There is further development planned to commence in September 2023 with Citizenship and Art related accreditation, which will support even more positive outcomes. All RHISE students’ pathways are bespoke to them and based around needs.


The work that we give students, over time and across the school, matches the aims of the curriculum and gives all students the knowledge and cultural capacity they need to succeed in life in British society. This is emphasised and reiterated in the out-of-class activities and experiences that staff create for the students. 


The PE and RHOC curriculum, (Outdoor Education, Enrichment, Eco/ Green schools, Forest Schools and Duke of Edinburgh, lends itself perfectly to providing students the skills and knowledge for the next stage. They provide skills such as teamwork, effective communication, self-assessment, decision making. Students are encouraged to recognise their skills and use these in other areas of the curriculum and their wider life. We currently have students who through the encouragement from these subjects play sport for local Teams and have the confidence to attend independently. We have 5 students who have achieved their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.


There are a range of activities, experiences, projects and opportunities which inspire students and allow them to thrive.


The curriculum is ambitious and meets individual needs of students allowing for them to develop independence.


The curriculum is ambitious and is focused around students’ individual needs. Each student has an EHCP and we pride ourselves on working with the individual rather than the group to support each person’s needs. This is outlined in a Personal Learning Plan and Learning Support Plan. It helps students to focus on their own goals which are highlighted in Learning Goals, One Page Profiles and Individual Education and Behaviour Plans along with Vocational Profiles. This allows students to eventually find the best way for their selves as they become less reliant on others for support.


The curriculum encourages independent learning and students seem to like this way of learning as they get a bigger sense of achievement in completing tasks. All learning objectives are adaptable according to needs and abilities of students. Lessons are scaffolded and examples are given and worked through and independent tasks are introduced for students to work through. It continues to improve across the school dependent on the time a student has been with us and how they have built trusting relationships. This is not always age related and some of the older students who have only been with us a year can find independence difficult. There is also an increased dependence due to the pandemic as this has increased some student’s anxieties and brought attachment to the forefront. Individualised programmes for RHISE students are tailored to their needs and Mental Health with an aim of being supported through the Adult Pathway to reach independence.


Some students can be overwhelmed with such an ambitious curriculum and it needs to be further differentiated in terms of lesson content, expected outcomes, additional support, interventions plans and individualised timetables or outreach offered for a period of time which is monitored. This is always achieved by agreement with related parties.  We also have an onsite school therapist and counsellor.


Vocational options also help students to develop a variety of skills particularly  through independent thinking and initiative. Some students thrive beyond the classroom and a less formal Teacher led approach to learning. This is also the case for students who find it difficult to form relationships with other students or who have classroom based anxieties where individual sessions work better and lead to more positive independent outcomes. Individual Learning and Thinking Styles along with SEMH needs are assessed through VARK and Boxall, together with information in the EHCP and LSP help provide the correct Pathways for students to follow. When their confidence is increased and students feel more directional in their learning, then they can work more towards independence. Each student will reach these stages at differing times.


Students are encouraged to peer assess and provide feedback. This is particularly effective in PE. This helps develop independence and gives students ownership of their learning.


Examples of independence through the Adult Pathway have included using public transport to access opportunities in the community, gaining a provisional motorcycle licence, using local library facilities, visiting colleges and places of interest.


Encouragement is given for students to be included in any decision making around their education and future learning.  Students are given choices and encouraged to try new things which may be out of their comfort zone to develop their life experiences and independence. Even something as simple as students giving chef their daily choice for their school lunch. 


There are positive and trusting relationships between staff and students and all staff work hard to help students achieve their goals. There is a sense of community, positivity and belief that you can achieve across the whole school.


Teaching and learning is strong and supported by SLT. This is clearly evident in the positive feedback that has been received in Parents Meetings. Staff understand students’ needs well and plan, assess and monitor well.



Assessment is used effectively and allows the school to know individual students well.


We have a strong Assessment and Marking Policy in school which has been updated June 2023. The 1-4 levelling system is fully embedded and understood by students, staff, Parents/ Carers and interested parties. They have clear pathways and know what is expected to reach the next stage.


There are assessments for new students and a timetable across the year for assessment in Literacy, Numeracy, Behaviour, Learning Styles and Mental Health. These are co-ordinated by the school SENCO.


Regular assessment takes place across school and within subjects. This includes screening for dyslexia and dyscalculia where there are concerns. Further and more formal assessments take place by outside agencies take place as necessary for individuals.  


Surveys take place for students to evaluate their own feelings regarding their learning ( pass surveys).


Teaching and support staff use dynamic assessment within lessons to enable each student to access the curriculum in the best possible way. Formative assessment helps guide further learning. Summative assessment evaluates learning at the end of a period of study, where applicable and practice examination papers are used to instil confidence in students, prior to national examinations.  


The ‘Progress to Attitude and Learning Tracker’ allows staff to share the work levels of students within a lesson, in their workbooks and over a term, with students and their families/carers. Staff use other assessment tools to find out students’ educational abilities and learning challenges, so that lessons, 1:1 work and specialised support equipment can be adapted to meet the individual needs of students. 


All testing information is recorded and updated on the individual student’s Learning Support Plan which is available on the shared drive.


Students respond well to assessments and these have been positively received by whole school. This has been evident in the way students in KS4 & 5 positively attempted Mock exams this year.


This has also been supported through Adult Pathway sessions where students are measured against a SEAL framework and AQA UAS.


Peer assessment and self-assessment are ingrained in subjects with students encouraged to use these methods to improve attainment. Teacher observation and feedback is used effectively, feedback is both verbal during the lesson and summarised using end of term reports.


There is a Policy of Shared Practice which is invaluable in maintaining the same standards across whole school. Staff work collaboratively to achieve the desired outcomes for our students.


An improved and streamlined document is being produced for the start of the Autumn Term 2023.

Remote learning is well integrated within the course of study and is designed to support the wider implementation of the school curriculum.


Remote learning has gone from strength to strength within the school and staff and students on the whole feel much more comfortable and confident in accessing as and when required. So much more has been developed within policy and peoples’ experiences of the benefits as and when required.


There is an updated Remote Learning Policy June 2023 which takes into consideration Online Safety and new guidance which will be coming in from KCSiE September 2023 onwards. This works alongside a Suite of ICT Policies, standards and audits. These include areas of Safeguarding, Online Safety, Cyber Security standards, Filtering and monitoring standards, Acceptable use and Electronic Communication and Information. Staff have received training along with advanced training for DSL’s and IT Coordinator. There is further training planned.


Remote learning has been a positive experience for many of our students and they have really flourished. They have had opportunities to be taught when they are unable to access school. It mirrors the classroom environment and follows the school curriculum. It assists in helping the curriculum flow and provides for continuation in learning. It has helped to maximise engagement and the Collins resources have helped to support it well by being on the SharePoint. It is a much more smoother process and one that people are more are now familiar with.


It continues that remote learning has further supported to engage students who have significant anxieties around school and also have other issues which can affect their attendance and mental wellbeing which would otherwise have meant they were absent from school. It has helped in students being able to access interviews remotely at colleges and further provisions and allowed them to move onto the next stage in their learning.


Some students work better 1:1 and have difficulties in being around other students. This has helped engage these students with the same chances of others. This helps with the flow of the curriculum and provides opportunity for all. It provides structure and can help transition students back into school not only following Covid, but other issues. It is recognised in a small percentage of cases that remote learning can cause additional anxieties and strategies are in place to support these students when required.


It has worked exceptionally well and is something which has been embraced moving forwards. Staff think outside the box and have worked hard and have developed a successful and engaging system, at the time, in challenging circumstances and with little prior knowledge and experience. Students understand it now and are positive if they have to work remotely.


Reading is a part of all aspects of the curriculum


Reading is adapted into all aspects of learning across the curriculum and students are given time to read on a 1:1 ratio. Some students are able to read but understanding is not always evident and 1:1 support focuses on this as required. 1:1 session is written up and monitored.  


Specific library areas are staffed throughout the day with an increasing content of books. There is also a selection of online books available that can be read online or downloaded and printed. And cover both fiction and non-fiction genre. Books are also available to help students with emotional problems such as gender identification etc. 


Independent Reading Intervention is offered where students are offered 1:1 sessions to work on their reading which can take place in the school library which is stocked with a variety of books on all Genre. 


Assessments take place throughout the school year. 


Dyslexia screenings are arranged for students who we believe need intervention. 


Subject specific vocabulary and homework is implemented and displays are provided around different areas of the school along with Word of the Week which are all open for topic and discussion. This has proven a great success in inviting students to read and broaden knowledge of vocabulary and language.


Tracking records reading in all lessons on a “live” shared document and individual reading intervention is also tracked and monitored by the school SENCO.


It is understood that reading is part of every curriculum across the whole school and can be seen in all subject areas, this may include reading recipes, labels, shopping, using menus internet research, reading own feedback/ marking comments, the board, interactive games etc. Staff have received training in this.


There are understanding and comprehension skills built into all subject areas and the use of verbal and written tasks are not exclusive to English lessons where the scheme of work covers a range of Literature from differing genres and period of time. In Humanities there are examples of students producing summaries as a gateway to encourage students to read. We run a Sports Leaders course which integrates Sport and Literacy.


Students are encouraged to read in class, on vocational, out in the community, read to others and share experiences and discuss content. There are shared reading times with staff and staff are encouraged to share what books they are reading. Staff model reading and in particular, males are encouraged to read with other young men who perhaps see it is as something that isn’t particularly for them. Students are encouraged to bring in their own reading books and are given the opportunities throughout the school day to pick up a book. We lend out books from school within our libraries. Students are encouraged to write book reviews, discuss books with each other and swap texts.


Students are encouraged to access and produce work for the schools’ websites and have recently produced their own poetry and raps.


There are suitable phonics resources across the whole school, including young Adult. Year 7 students are members of Letterbox Books and Book Buzz and we have achieved match funding with Raintree. We are a member of the Literacy Trust.


Students are encouraged to develop their language and vocabulary across the curriculum.


The continuation of Word of the Week and subject specific vocabulary has further encouraged the development and importance of language and vocabulary across the curriculum. WOW is displayed in all classrooms and on the school website and also features music of the week which adds to the discussion around the word and other meanings and vocabulary. It has led to funny and interesting discussions which have helped to focus tutor times. Introduction of modern foreign languages has also allowed for cultural discussion and further understanding if the world around us and also the origins of words.


WOW is displayed in classrooms along with subject specific vocabulary. Key vocabulary homework is encouraged and rewarded and has proved particularly popular for KS3 students. It has helped to enhance the use of dictionaries and thesaurus and lead to independent research opportunities and development of speaking and listening tasks.


This will continue next year with the introduction of Root of the Word and Etymology of the Month.


Lessons include discussion work and development of communication skills which is helping to boost confidence and has been more effective in helping KS4 and KS5 students prepare for speaking and listening tasks for GCSE and Functional Skills English.


All aspects of the curriculum encourage development of language and vocabulary and this is also apparent in life skills, adult pathway and community tasks. This is where students experience language in the real world and are challenged to speak directly to people in the community including shop keepers, other staff/ professionals/ students, vocational placement leaders, social workers and other professionals.


Informal talk takes place throughout the school day on transport, at break/ social times and also through Mentor sessions. Students are encouraged to develop their emotional literacy and talk about their thoughts and feelings and mental well being. There are opportunities where students share with each other and discuss various aspects of each others’ needs. This has been encouraged remotely too and appropriate ways to develop language and vocabulary online have been encouraged. This has been developed across the whole school and through the link with Hope Flowers School, Bethlehem.


Face to face discussion is encouraged as it is recognised that some students may have become over reliant on IT to communicate and as things have opened up again students have been able to extend communications in many areas of the community thus preparing them for adulthood and independence.


The further development of Student Council has encouraged the students’ voice which has led to different developments for the whole school and for students to understand that their voice is being heard. Staff encourage open talk within boundaries and students have access to Therapists.


A poetry book has been developed at RHISE through Student Council, where students are encouraged to write their own poems. This will later be published and used in Literacy sessions with younger peers. There will be some supportive reading practices introduced on a 1:1 basis between older and younger students.


Drama workshops have encouraged reading at script level and improvisation has encouraged spoken word.


Negative language is challenged and discouraged. Positive communication is also modelled and rewarded. Students are made aware that it is important for positive language and discussion is based around this. Students have the opportunities to experience formal situations e.g. interviews where they are able to practice in PSHE and Life Skills sessions and take into real life situations in colleges, alternative provision and training providers.


Students apply mathematical knowledge concepts and procedures across the curriculum and in real life situations


There is a whole school approach to the implementation of mathematical knowledge and it is seen across the whole curriculum and at all key stages. It is continuously supported by all staff and valued. It is highlighted further in academic subjects, form time, enrichment, life skills, community lessons and adult pathway. It is also apparent in vocational provisions and from work environments.


Students are encouraged to use mathematical skills and the importance of using them. They have an understanding of why they are important and have developed their ability to show awareness of solving mathematical problems. Maths concepts are across the curriculum, in real life situations, via discussion, work in books and real-life situations in the community.


In Life Skills and Adult Pathway students use mathematical knowledge through cookery skills, financial/ money budgeting, transport, timetabling, weighing and measuring, working out dimensions, banking and paying for things in shops.


Examples are used in lessons not only in Maths but across the curriculum and has seen to be particularly successful in History, Science, PE, Eco Schools, Outdoor Education and PSHE.


In PE students have linked to maths by keeping score, when playing Badminton know that when they are on an even number of points they serve from the right and odd from the left. In footgolf, student have scored rounds, developed a concept of distance and how an increased distance means they are allowed more shots to make par. Students have used maths in swimming also.


Students often ask when will they use this in real life and examples are provided and experienced of real life situations. Students are given purpose for the work they are doing. Lessons are well planned and are given real life examples so they may use it in their future life/ career. Maths is taught on a daily basis.


A clock is displayed in each classroom where students are made aware of break and lunch times. 


Students achieve well in examinations and qualifications


This year we have taken the opportunity to utilise two series of examinations and as a result there have been more exam entries and in more subjects than previous years. These have been at Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2 and GCSE.


The development of the assessment programme across the whole school is improving the importance of examinations and achievements towards and students and they want to do well. In particular students responded exceptionally well to mock exams and this allowed Teachers to find gaps in knowledge which could be implemented through additional teaching sessions and revision.


There has been a positive attendance for exams and many students have achieved in vocational subjects too.  Students have been supported in exam practice and are moving in the right direction.


Students have approached the exams with a fantastic attitude. The curriculum content has helped to focus exam preparation.


As students are starting to start school younger the ethos of examinations is able to be embedded earlier and becomes the expectation once students get to end of KS4 and KS5 and this can only help further improve results in coming years. There are plans to implement some A Levels in possibly 2 years time.


There has been significant work achieved with communication with Parents/ Carers so that they are aware of expectations and ways in which they can support their children. This information has been shared and further supported by successful Parents/ Carers meetings each Term. This has included work around Exam Literacy.


AQA UAS continues to be particularly successful this year not only in academic subjects but also through Adult Pathway which have been bespoke to the individuals. There has also been increased success in NCFE qualifications which is being timetabled next academic year along with the introduction of GCSE.


There have been more access arrangements in examinations and the use of Laptops and Digital readers have been used.


We are currently expanding our secure storage for exam procedures/ arrangements and reviewing in light of students sitting exams at both sites.


When students are ready to leave (Yr 11,12,13), they have the knowledge and skills relevant for their next destination.


The support given to students to set them up for leaving goes above and beyond. They are well supported in developing skills needed for their next destination. Students who take all offers of help extend their knowledge, skills and confidence. They are given many opportunities to succeed and explore skills needed for examinations and vocational placements. There are 2 staff dedicated as Vocational Mentors supported by SLT.


The Adulthood Pathway and Life Skills lessons are a good source of information and a safe place for students to learn new skills. There is evidence for this with students managing to secure employment and hold down a job or future training/ education. Students are mentally prepared and show maturity in moving on.


Our 2022 Leavers went on to the following destinations listed below:


The Music Project Wigan who has just received an Award for their contribution

Employment in catering

Employment in hospitality

Blackpool Gateway

Employment in a warehouse

Wigan and Leigh College

Myerscough College

North Lancs Training

Employment as a Landscape Gardener

Preston College

West Point College


Our 2023 leavers have already ascertained jobs and some are heading to further education destinations. These include:


Post 18 courses at Creative Works Preston

The Music Project

North Lancs Training Group

West Lancs College

Labourer on a farm



Myerscough College

Warrington and Vale College


PSHE and SEAL lessons help to prepare students for the next stages of life and this is supported by the vocational strand of the Adulthood Pathway with a dedicated member of staff.


Students are fully involved in the decision making for their futures and where appropriate attend relevant meetings. They have 1:1 discussions about their pathways and complete vocational profiles and individual earning goals/ All About Me.


School Council along with individual sessions and timetabled lessons allow students a voice about their future and needs for further needs to move into independence beyond school/ sixth form. Independence sessions are delivered where financial budgeting, independent living skills; cooking, DIY, decorating etc and independent travel and shopping are learnt.


Students are able to successfully complete CV’s which can be used for work, further training or education applications. These have helped in securing work experience, part time and volunteer work too.


We currently have students who are volunteering at salvation Army Charity shop and JSM Vehicle Solutions.


The vocational profiling of the Adulthood Pathway provides personal emails to students about careers/ college options and support phone calls are provided to keep students engaged in the process. There is a dedicated area within the RHISE Centre and displays to share information about career and education opportunities.


Some students require individual interventions in order to further support and help them to become more prepared who tend to have joined us later on in KS4 or KS5.


Areas of development:


  • To introduce Citizenship GCSE scheme of work

  • To provide NCFE qualification Employability and Enterprise across KS5 along with Enterprise etc pop ups

  • To further develop the Arts across whole school with supporting accreditation including GCSE

  • To enhance further Literacy intervention with understanding of Adult Literacy models




Progress towards areas of development from 2022 SIEF:


Targets (these have been extended/ adapted throughout the year. See Autumn and Spring Term Areas of development)


To implement supportive training in behaviour management to develop less experienced/ confident staff in order to promote further consistency across the whole school


  • Daily check ins and daily support provided to empower staff and build confidence

  • Twilights used for training across whole school

  • Weekly meetings implemented

  • Support materials available on SharePoint

  • Whole school training on Autism and associated behaviours and trauma which gave insight to newer staff regarding how to manage certain situations

  • SLT to support and monitor where appropriate

  • Training matrix completed to highlight staff strength and individual need for CPD

  • Appraisals completed

To continue to utilise Attendance Officer to attract non/ poor attenders back into regular education along with home visits and welfare calls

  • Attendance officer utilised daily and has made progress with a number of students

  • Parents/ Carers like the direct contact from her on arranging visits and flexibility

  • Some transition done with new starters throughout the year and Summer Term

  • Feedback to RHS and RHISE for students who need intervention and recorded on daily logs on SharePoint

  • Adjusted timetable for RHISE supported students to attend

  • Clear pathway for Outreach



Students behave with consistently high levels of respect for others and are positive within the school environment. Commonalities are identified and celebrated, difference is valued and nurtured and bullying, harassment and violence is never tolerated.


Students and staff feel safe at Roselyn House School and The RHISE Centre. Staff work positively together and more experienced staff are seamless working together to proactively nip any negativity in the bud. Without hardly a word spoken and all very calmly, staff can diffuse and manage situations so that they rarely escalate.


Staff have developed amazing rapports and relationships with students and they are confident to open up and discuss their thoughts and feelings. This helps to reduce negative incidents. Manners are encouraged and modelled and there is a positive environment across the whole school where everyone is expected to be polite and model respect towards each other.


There is consistent respect and a drive to understand and discuss difference. Everyone shares in each others’ achievements and this is seen through respect for each others’ work and displays of such. It has been a very positive year for students and there appears to be a greater cohesion and appreciation. Students have developed in confidence, work well alongside each other, complete more work, join together to learn, share, engage, encourage and support on another. They are open and honest.


Students want to be in school, enjoy their positive experiences and support others. They behave with consistently high levels of respect for others and are positive within the school environment. Commonalities are identified and celebrated, difference is valued and nurtured and bullying, harassment and violence is never tolerated. They are genuinely inquisitive about differences, culture and diversity and whilst some inappropriate viewpoints/ comments can still be made, these are challenged in an appropriate way by other students and staff alike. Discussion has proved positive and a way of educating some young people who may have had polarised views due to not mixing in general over the last few years and being around toxic attitudes and influences on social media. Students have explored topics including positive and negative relationships, pride month, gender identity, racism and Black Lives Matter.



Students make friendships with peers within school and appear to enjoy spending time with each other. They resolve any problems quickly and show kindness.


There are examples of students taking the lead and supporting other students to challenge them about behaviours which are unacceptable. This demonstrates maturity and positive modelling within the school. Students have excellent working relationships with each other, staff and colleagues out of school. There is a high level of respect shown in varying environments including alternative provision and vocational environments. Students are polite to each other and during sessions show shared interests, shared objectives and have a positive outlook to what the school offers. Differences are valued and nurtured and students encourage one another to talk about beliefs, values and opinions. Students are encouraged to form good friendships based on tolerance and respect and this is evident across the whole school.


Staff work excellently, as a team, to ensure that students behave with consistently high levels of respect for others and are positive within the school environment. If students are displaying negative behaviours, staff work dynamically and individualistically, to encourage positive behaviour.  


Any negative behaviour tends to be low level and is managed well. This tends to come out of frustration/ lack of understanding/ challenges of need and is aimed at damage to school property. This is challenged for the most part, in an appropriate manner with the use of de-escalation where possible and staff are consistently working within the Behaviour Policy to keep students safe. Staff have received further training on how to manage behaviours, TEAM TEACH and work within policy in school. This has proven affective and bullying and violent behaviour is not tolerated and challenged well. Any incidents are dealt with quickly and effectively.


There is an updated Behaviour Policy June 2023 and students and staff have clear understanding. Inclusion is promoted.  Staff and students have positive relationships.  Mentors are available.  Positive role modelling is used. PSHE discussions are had. Team building exercises are encouraged.  Clear boundaries and expectations are explained.  Appropriate consequences are put in place. 


For many students they have found it difficult to trust others and have had negative educational experiences. They have difficulty in formulating relationships and maintaining them. They have complex needs and mental health difficulties. Despite students facing a challenging time, and increased disruption with the Pandemic,  they have shown high levels of positivity and enjoy being a part of the school community. For those who have found it more difficult, strategies are in place and individual interventions to help students to manage this. There will always be moments due to the needs of the students but this is managed consistently well and the ethos of the school supports it. Staff know the students well and want the best for them. They openly discuss behaviours and what is acceptable.


Students represent the school well on educational visits, team matches and work in the community and have high levels of respect for the public where they have been polite, courteous and respectful. They show concern and consideration for the local environment and are respectful. This has included cleaning up local areas.


Students have positive attitudes and commitment to their education


There is a positive atmosphere across the whole school where it is evident students want to be with us. Some students can be affected by outside influences and their home life which can quickly change mood but is often overcome due the relationships formed with staff.


The attitude to learning has improved even more over the last year which has been encouraged though dynamic teaching and stimulating lesson content. This has been further enhanced new Collins resources being purchased. The curriculum is adventurous and meets individual needs well.


Students take a pride in their work and are proud when they achieve good levels and receive Head Teachers Awards. They enjoy displaying their own work across the school. Students want to do well and achieve qualifications. Their attitudes are for the main part positive and they want to be in school. Attendance highlights that students buy into what we offer and even those who may have attendance issues at times engage in attendance intervention, home visits and Adulthood Pathway. Attendance on the whole has improved as a result of the education offer and has helped to allay anxieties which increased in some students during the pandemic.


All students are supported to have positive attitudes in lessons. Any students identified to struggle within their educational settings are offered further support i.e 1:1 or smaller group settings. 


Staff work together to help students develop strategies towards a willingness to learn, value in learning and encourage and motivate well when motivation may be low. Teachers work collaboratively with teaching assistants to make all experiences worthwhile, meaningful and with positive outcomes for all.


Staff foster positivity towards education and back each other up, this can also be the case for student to towards other students. They congratulate and celebrate lessons and learning, highlight the good work students achieve and create a fantastic atmosphere where positivity outnumbers negativity.


Students flourish and this puts a smile on staff’s faces as we know we are helping students move in the right direction to a ‘positive future’. For the majority of the time students are engaged and on task throughout the school day. Students show good progress. They ask relevant questions and show they want to do as well as they can. They recognise strengths and difficulties and are willing to take on board that which will hep support them to move forward.


Students openly discuss their SEND in Mentor, Tutor, SEAL and Adult Pathway sessions and show an understanding of what needs they and others have which may create some barriers to learning. They are willing to accept help and support/ therapy/ interventions in order to take them to the next stage of development. Most students know how to ask for help and staff have a wide range of expertise in understanding individual needs.


Information is provided to all staff in Personal Learning Plans and a clear pathway is communicated to all involved. Staff are very encouraging and have gone above and beyond for student attainment this year. The learning support assistants work hard alongside Teachers to encourage/help/ support students complete work. It is a collaboration that we take pride in and could not do without.


Students contribute to the wellbeing of others


Positive wellbeing is promoted well across the whole school and students work well together and support each other. They have made appropriate attachments across peer groups and support and protect. You can visibly see disappointment if a student ‘friend’ is absent. Students show compassion and consideration and have a genuine understanding of the wellbeing of others including staff.


Some students can find it difficult to pick up on emotions and show empathy but work is done within SEAL, Tutor Time, PSHE and Adulthood Pathway to promote self awareness, empathy and emotional schemes. This runs across the curriculum with Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural learning. Work can take place through discussions, written work, social activities, story telling and is modelled by staff.


Students participate in peer mentoring and volunteer work which helps them to understand the needs of others. The ongoing Poetry book will provide further opportunities for 1:1 support. A Year 12 student this year has been involved in coaching students in KS 3.


Students have been involved in introducing perspective new students to the school and have been involved in supporting younger peers on transitional days. This has allowed students to share their own experiences and realise the advancements they have made. They have been rewarded with a Headteacher’s Award.


Students are good listeners and have a particular interest into developing the school to be more inclusive by discussing issues around LGBTQ+ issues and have suggested ideas to make the school more gender fluid. They openly discuss with each other and accept when a student speaks out around such issues. Students have asked for pronouns of people and have also suggested through student council this be included on all school paperwork, notice boards and website. All our bathrooms are gender neutral.


Student Council particularly highlights the care students have for each others’ wellbeing and have come up with the idea of a Mental Health Awareness pop up coffee morning and outside seating for students at main school to gather to support each other and discuss issues, buddy benches. A dedicated outdoor space has also been introduced for therapy. Students have been able to openly discuss their own mental health concerns and listen to those around them. A wellbeing area/ chill out zone has been introduced to The RHISE Centre along with a Zen bench.


All students, in their own way care about each other and feel that they are part of the same community where they are encouraged to understand and embrace difference, celebrate each other’s achievements and spend time to care. This extends beyond school and is also apparent with links which have been made with other schools both in the UK and other countries.


Even when it may not be particularly ‘cool’ to show that you care, it is there and when students are distressed or just not feeling their selves, students are there to support. Students and staff have participated in The Born This Way Foundation, Be There Certificate where they learn to support each other’s mental health.


Students care about each other and will often compromise in afternoon sessions so everyone can experience something of what they like. Students enjoy celebrating each other’s birthdays. They often share treats brought from home and help each other with their classwork, send Thankyou postcards and comfort friends when they are upset.   They make connections and trusting relationships with staff who support them in school.  We have an excellent whole school sense of community.


Where students find it difficult to maintain self-control and positive attitudes, school takes intelligent, fair and highly effective action to support them to succeed in their education


The school has a strong Behaviour Policy and Behaviour Support and Physical Intervention Policy (Updated June 2023) and all students have a Behaviour Management and Positive Handling Plan. In addition, individual needs relating to their EHCP are found on the Personal Learning Plan. These are available for all staff to see and are frequently updated. Staff are trained in TEAM TEACH and have completed training in a two year cycle this year.


Students are provided with clear expectations of what behaviour is expected and that there are consequences for negative behaviours. They are encouraged to be positive and supported when in negative cycles. They are taught to respect boundaries. There are codes of conduct in the classrooms which outline expectations and positive messages around the buildings which promote kindness.


It is the responsibility of all staff to support our students and to work within policy to diffuse situations before they escalate. Staff work in a calm and encouraging way to talk through with students when they may be struggling. Staff have an excellent knowledge of students and this is shared through weekly meetings and information being available on the SharePoint.


We pride ourselves on the positive relationships that have been created and how situations are dealt with which are appropriate for the individual student’s needs. Staff are experienced in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our students and know how to deal with situations when they arrive. The use of a third person and humour continues to be effective in many situations. Strategies such as distraction and change of surroundings are effective in minimising escalating situations. The aim is to quickly resume so students can get on with their learning.


Staff have received training in behaviour management and specifically relating to students who are diagnosed with ADHD and Autism. There has been a sensory assessment completed for both sites and an emphasis on Communication and the different ways this can be achieved.


Students accept help well and demonstrate a greater understanding of their own and others needs. They support each other effectively in times of difficulty. Students develop their own strategies and identify triggers and possible solutions. These are openly discussed and positive progress is seen in students.


There are individual interventions to support behaviour which include Outreach programmes, individual RHISE interventions, Therapy and Mentor sessions. It may be appropriate for a period of time for a student to be provided with additional support in order to engage in situation that is better suited to them.


Staff are amazing at recognising dysregulation, letting a student own this and then guiding them to a better choice of activity or attitude in order to help their selves.   Polite manners are always encouraged within school and the wider community. Students show great progression in a relatively short period of time despite their starting points and individual needs/ diagnosis.


Adult Pathway has been particularly successful in helping students to look at their own thoughts and feelings where themes such as ‘managing emotions’, ‘coping with changes in feelings and relationships’ have been explored. Through SEAL/ Tutor and PSHE sessions, students are encouraged to discuss what is acceptable and also develop knowledge around what emotions, behaviours may be experienced. Students are encouraged to understand the SEND of their selves and others. Students are treated with caring, fair and effective action on a consistent basis.


At Post 16 students are expected to demonstrate behaviours which are equivalent to those rules set in further education, work or training. This is in preparation for independence and the real world. They are encouraged and guided towards taking ownership of their selves moving forwards.


Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service has a no exclusion policy but time out may be required followed by a return to school/ restorative justice meeting in order to discuss the consequence of negative behaviours and how to move forward. This is facing the young person with their behaviours and challenging for change. It is too easy to ‘exclude’, we believe in talking it through and giving chances as we are often the last chance a young person may get for education following a series of negative experiences. This can at times be hard work and met with difficulties along the way but with persistence comes reward and for the majority of time such consistency proves to work in the longer term.


Positive actions and education achievement continue to be rewarded and modelled to all students, so each one knows what they should be working towards.


Staff work diligently to help students develop the ability to maintain their own self-control and positive attitude. The school’s therapist, SENCO and Learning Support Assistant, as well as senior staff, Tas, teaching staff and even our chef, all work together to meet the needs of each student, by taking intelligent, fair and highly effective action to support them to succeed in their education. 



The school has high expectation of behaviour and conduct


There is a high expectation of behaviour across the whole school and we have seen a reduction in instances of extreme situations and violence. Behaviour tends to be low level.


Number of serious incidents for the academic year at RHS and RHISE


Term 1 –01/09/22-16/12/22

Number of SI’s – 25


Term 2 – 05/01/23-31/03/23

Number of SI’s – 19


Term 3 – 17/04/23-20/07/23

Number of SI’s – 10


Total SI’s – 54


There has been a decrease as the academic year has gone on.


Term 1 – We had a lot of new students at the start of the new academic year, we have 25 SI’s in the first term, which was 70 days this equates to an SI every 2.8 days.

Term 2 – You can see that term 2 we had 57 days in school and had a reduction of SI’s, on average it was one every 3 days.

Term 3 – The final term, has been 62 days in school and you see a massive reduction in SI’s with one happening every 6.2 days.


Effective classroom management is used to ensure the smooth running of the lesson, building positive relationships helps to reduce negative behaviours. There are consistent expectations and students are aware of these. Staff check behaviour and challenge when not up to standard. There is a whole school approach and staff back each other up which supports an excellent attitude and ethos. Students understand this and it works well. Often students will hear challenges being made, ‘for dropping litter’, ‘not saying thankyou’ and respond in a positive manner supporting the challenge and also learning from witnessing these challenges.


Staff understand students’ needs and abilities well and recognise some behaviours may be apparent but continue to challenge in a way that is appropriate to the individual and their understanding. By adopting this approach we see change and overall there are positive outcomes all round. There are positive role models from staff and students and good behaviour and language is rewarded. Overall conduct is good across the school and the Behaviour Policy is visible In action.


There are limited consequences but these are managed fairly and consistently at the main site, where students may need time out and have removal of activities. These consequences are reflective and have an impact on students. There are clear boundaries. These are outlined in the Behaviour Policy.


Staff in the school have high expectations of behaviour and conduct. Students have a positive attitude towards behaviour and conduct a vast amount of time. Negative behaviour is dealt with promptly and calmly by staff.   Every minute of every day, every staff member is striving to foster high expectations of behaviour and conduct, for every child. 


Behaviours are challenged in an aspirational manner to enable our students to be

come the best versions of their selves.


Students behaviour outside of school is very good indeed and they demonstrate a positive, polite and respectful manner to members of the community. This has been particularly evident on Educational, sporting visits and Adult Pathway.


An updated Smoking and Vaping Policy is in place. Students have improved at adhering to policy in Sixth Form and have also handed paraphernalia in. This is constantly monitored and it is discussed with students as to what is compliant at RHISE and in the workplace. There is education throughout the curriculum.


Bullying, aggression, discrimination and derogatory language is dealt with quickly and effectively


Negative Behaviour is corrected or addressed and reflected upon with the child after the event and child is back at base level. Incidents recorded. Parental contact made to support outcomes of incidents. Incidents are logged on CPOMs and sorted immediately. Students are offered time to reflect on their behaviour and identify what they feel went wrong and the effect that it could have on others. 


Any ‘fallouts’ and disagreements are dealt with quickly and effectively. There is a strong Anti- Bullying Policy and students have completed work through PSHE and Adult Pathway in this area including Online Bullying. It runs across the whole curriculum and staff are well equipped to discuss any issues that may arise. Students are challenged and any incidents are swiftly dealt with and consequences laid out. Staff have received training in Online Safety.


Expectations of behaviour are clearly communicated and boundaries openly discussed. Staff are quick to diffuse situations and procedures are firmly embedded. Staff are superb in dealing with and challenging negative behaviour. These challenges are done openly and therefore are heard by the students, so that they too absorb the positivity and acceptable behaviours that staff are upholding. This helps to erode any learnt behaviours and other students challenge negative viewpoints or inappropriate comments made by peers in a positive and appropriate manner. Positivity is disseminated and staff are provided with respect and confidence to do the same.


Students are aware of the need for mutual respect, tolerance and wholesome/ supportive language. Any form of discrimination or language is challenged and the students are told of the issues certain words or what they say can have on people. It is helpful for our students to understand why something is not acceptable so that they can adapt their behaviours and develop coping strategies moving forward.



Students have high attendance


Students are transported to school by dedicated school transport services which helps in terms of student attendance and also forging positive relationships. Students, on the whole, enjoy school. They can be upset when they aren’t in and this is wonderful recognition to the hard work of staff and the ethos that is strongly forged. Students argue with sound reasoning to attend school and would do so more if they could.


For many students, their attendance is vastly improved from their previous schools which is due to dedication and support from staff making it fun, suitable and a positive learning environment. Students feel safe, have positive outcomes, form excellent relationships, enjoy their education and have a strong therapeutic and nurturing input.


Our dedicated Attendance Officer has made excellent strides with attendance interventions and has started to get more students into school. This works well and also provides comfort and support for Parents/ Carers of these students.


We work closely with the local authority on attendance monitoring and have weekly meeting to discuss attendance monitoring and action. This is recorded on SharePoint.


The school goes to exceptional lengths to promote positive attendance and has programmes in place for students who may be struggling. This consist of outreach/ education in the home/ local community, home visits, telephone calls, out of hours/ weekend visits, adjusted timetables, alternative provision, bespoke timetables, Adult Pathway.


RHISE- 65% average annual attendance

RHS- 75.7 % average annual attendance


It tends to be specific students who consistently have poor attendance, period of non-attendance which reduces the overall figures.


With attendance interventions omitted:

RHISE- 87% average annual attendance

RHS- 94.4% average annual attendance


The main student body has consistently good attendance. Students tend to fall into regular attenders, dipped attendance, non-attenders.


Areas of development:


  • To provide further staff training on writing Cpoms and other relevant recording/ reporting with an increased awareness towards being efficient/ concise and using correct tags

  • To introduce students to the wellbeing pilot and set up a task group so they have further opportunities for peer wellbeing support

  • To continue work with the local authority (LCC) around vulnerable groups, safeguarding and well being traded services and support



Progress towards areas of development from 2022 SIEF:


Targets (these have been extended/ adapted throughout the year. See Autumn and Spring Term Areas of development)


To run residential trips across the academic year 2022/ 203


  • Duke of Edinburgh 2 day expedition took place- there was no longer a requirement for staying over night

  • Enrichment has developed across whole school reducing the need for residential

  • History and Science trips have taken place

  • Educational visits have increased

To provide SMSC training for newer staff to reaffirm how it works across the whole curriculum


  • SMSC training made available

  • Crib sheets available on SharePoint

  • Update of PSHE and SMSC Policy June 2023

  • Links with Hope Flowers School , Bethlehem ongoing along with fund raising events

  • Displays of British Values across both sites

  • Focus themes each month and reflected in newsletter- dedicated area on SharePoint

  • Themes constant throughout the day- underpins everything we do

  • On the website

  • Weekly meetings

The school goes beyond the expected, so that students have access to a wide, rich set of experiences.


We offer a wide variety of experiences and opportunities across all Key Stages and subjects. There is a broad and balanced curriculum, vocational, life skills, therapeutic, independence skills and adult pathway. The school goes beyond and realises the individual needs of students in order to include interest and future pathways. Students are provided with new learning experiences that both challenges and engages them.


It is believed that these opportunities are exceptional and the school continuously looks for activities/ experiences which enrich students’ experiences. All of these are risk assessed and are suitable to meet the individual needs of students. Students are also involved in discussions as to what will benefit them and also positive contributions from student Council are brought forward.


There are enrichment activities, therapeutic, School Therapist, vocational placements, and Forest Schools. We understand that one size does not fit all and we continue to be flexible in order to accommodate student’s individual needs.


Staff suggest ideas and resources which support students to thrive. These are always met with positivity from SLT. As a result, students have benefited on many levels as they have been given new engaging opportunities.


We actively discuss with students what type of activities they would like to do and seek new venues and opportunities for students to access activities that they may not otherwise have the chance to try. A prime example of this is a student who attended an equestrian centre one afternoon a week for half a term and discovered a passion for working with horses. Sessions at Eqwise have now been incorporated into their personalised timetable and they remain excited to attend every session. The staff at the stables comment on their positive attitude and work ethic. 


The school Is always asking for ideas and input from staff and students to ensure a wide range of activities and experiences are available. We adapt all to meet individual needs and to suit individual interests. 


This year students have had experiences at farms, small animal care centres, beaches, football stadiums, places of natural beauty, fisheries, Outdoor activity centres, golfing, sports arenas.



Vocational programmes spend: £131,269.05

Therapeutic/ enrichment spend: £ 52,242.14



Vocational programmes spend: £132,469

Therapeutic/ enrichment spend: £110,658


Students have been on a two day kayaking expedition with 4 training days prior. We have been awarded funding from the D of E for the equipment and are currently renting a lock up to store the equipment as we hope to grow this is the future.


We have made a wonderful relationship with Waddow and Haig Hall and have enjoyed working with other practitioners on Outdoor Activities and Forest Schools.


We have also collaborated with Initiate Theatre Company where students have had introductory sessions and focused on specific plays and genres, Blood Brothers and Shakespeare. This has been a great success in our Sixth Form.



Opportunities for students to develop their talents and interests are of a high quality.


At Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service, we pride ourselves on the wide variety of opportunities that we offer our students. We have personalised timetables which include student interests and future pathways. The curriculum is bespoke to individual needs and through discussion with students matches skill areas and interests.


Staff are flexible and go above and beyond to support and nurture students’ talents. There are plenty of opportunities on the timetable for students to develop their own projects.


The vocational offer is very strong and caters in a range of areas and students from Year 10 are provided with courses at different levels and for specified periods of time in areas such as IT, photography, construction, hair and beauty, animal welfare, equine studies, child care, car maintenance, art, fishing, music etc


Examples of students developing their talents over the last year include, writing their own poetry, taking part in Drama workshops, designing a ‘Thankyou’ postcard competition, wellbeing café, writing and recording their own music and accessing animal therapy through a local stables.


Students participate well in activities out of school hours which include:


Park runs in the local area, weekly football sessions at Accrington Stanley Community Trust, Ice hockey at Blackburn Hawks, Blackburn Police cadets, volunteer work at Salvation Army Charity shop, volunteer work at Vehicle Solutions, Preston Sea Cadets, Drama and choir groups , gym, kick boxing and boxing.


Interests of the students is something staff take note off very early on, ensuring we have a great understanding. It is a great way to develop relationships, understand them as young people and look for activities/qualifications.   




There is a strong take up of opportunities provided by the school


Staff listen to students, so there is always a high take up of opportunities provided because students receive what they ask for when appropriate. We try to have fast take up time when activities/ projects are requested due to the nature of the students. This works well and is actioned as quickly as possible, sometimes within an hour of asking. This shows students’ that they are listened to and valued contributors to their school. This is further supported by Student Council.


Students care for each other and occasionally voice a desire for their peer’s wishes to be met. Students are learning valuable life skills lessons from such relationships and this further supports the way in which staff communicate thoughtfully, openly and respectfully with students.


Some of our students can be resistant to new things and find change difficult but they are supported in this and uptake is positive as it is chosen by the young people.


Vocational programmes and sport are particularly strong areas. Lessons are attended well and most students have a positive attitude to learning. They enjoy and thrive from enrichment activities which re chosen to extend skill areas further, offer further educational experiences and support personal and community development.


Adulthood Pathway has been very strong in promoting individual contributions to charity and volunteering along with CCC lessons.


Most students engage with a wide range of activities both within the classroom following a ambitious curriculum and also out in the community. 


Year 11 and above engage well with the extended Vocational options available to them. 


Parents/carers consent and encourage their children to take up these opportunities, activities and trips throughout the year. 


Students attend because they enjoy, thrive and succeed as a result of the opportunities we provide.


School plans rich experiences through the curriculum and extra- curricular activities


A great deal of planning goes into the experiences at school and it is our significant part of our curriculum and individualised experiences. Rich experiences are gained by all students though our dynamic and diverse curriculum and extra curricular activities. Staff work tirelessly to find enriching activities for students to encounter. This is very much supported by Learning Support Assistants who also take considerable responsibility of planning. We have developed a local area list of activities which will accompany our new Educational Visits Policy June 2023. Risk assessments are available on SharePoint.


Students are offered a wide variety of enrichment activities which they engage well in. This helps with providing students with a positive educational experience whilst encourage self-development, confidence, awareness, resilience co-operation and independence.


Planning rich experiences is a strength of the school. From kayaking to crown green bowls, as a staff group, we are always thinking of planning meaningful experiences. We have improved our Outdoor Education offering. Strong links made with high quality providers has helped shape an enriched curriculum that provides positive experiences for all. 


Students say they enjoy the activities and have learnt much from them. The school continues to look for rewarding experiences which enriches the curriculum. It is a strength of the school.


The school’s work towards Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is of a high quality.


A reviewed Policy is implemented which describes how SMSC is incorporated across the whole curriculum. We help students to build their own personal values that are important to them and help us to guide them further. The encouragement of positive relationships with others is always nurtured, so when students transition from our care, they are further to becoming responsible citizens.


There are lots of opportunities within the classroom and during less structured times of the school day to discuss SMSC issues. The PSHE Policy and curriculum covers a variety of topics. Students are genuinely interested in these topics and are keen to share ideas/ opinions. Transport is particularly a good time to talk through these topics.


The school works well in providing an understanding for students and although they may not always get it right, have an ethos to challenge and change openly through honest and respectful discussion. This is enhanced through the Adult Pathway curriculum and students have countless conversations about current affairs, religious themes, emotions, culture and inclusion. Socially students are given opportunities not only to work alongside peers from their own school but from others.


During the King’s Coronation, students were encouraged to attend street parties and local events with activities going on in school. There have been visits to religious institutions and individuals have requested further support in investigated their own ideas about faith and community. AQA UAS have been completed. We have Monthly focus weeks/ days which focus on SMSC areas.


Staff have received training on what SMSC means and how it is everyone’s responsibility and should be apparent across the curriculum. There are crib sheets available on SharePoint.


CCC lends itself very well to SMSC issues and the Collins resources provide an excellent framework. We have also included reading books in the school library which deal with diversity and inclusion.


We have created an environment of acceptance and this has an excellent of students with differing backgrounds interacting with each other. Our work on become a Gold Stonewall School is highly effective and we have a culture at the main school where issues around gender and sexuality are openly discussed and accepted. There is evidence in student work, displays, discussions, lesson content and the ease with which students use nonbinary terminology. There is information available for staff and students around pronouns on SharePoint.


We continue to have positive and fruitful links with Hope Flowers School Bethlehem and students have produced linked worked, asked questions and developed a greater understanding of their culture and what life is like in Palestine.


The Student Council have suggested fantastic ideas this year which has included:

  • Thankyou post cards

  • Basketball nets

  • Football kit

  • Mental Health Week

  • Christmas crafts and fundraising activities

  • Zen Bench

  • Pen pals

  • Student mentors

  • Problem box

  • School Photos (taken by photography students)

  • Halloween activities

  • Christmas Fair

  • Hamper raffle

  • Tree Planting

  • Rubbish collection

  • Drama groups

Staff encourage students on a daily basis to foster a thoughtful insight into their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, both in and out of lessons. 



The school promotes healthy relationships, healthy and active lifestyles


We have a robust policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment updated June 2023 which looks at healthy relationships. There is also specific policy around relationships and healthy lifestyles included in the PSHE and SMSC Policy.


SLT support staffs’ wellbeing and offer open wellbeing afternoons as part of our staff wellbeing policy and programme. Groups are created to support each other with various events i.e. 10,000 steps per day. There are regular wellbeing newsletters and surveys as part of this programme. We are part of the National Wellbeing Pilot and are working towards the National Wellbeing Award.


Staff are fantastic at promoting healthy relationships and they work endlessly to facilitate positive relationships between students and students and students and staff. Everyone upholds the importance of this. The school provides a safe environment, which in return allows positive relationships to be formed. This enables the school to be a calmer environment for students to learn and progress. Real life events and a combination of student experiences contributes to students having an active involvement of the everyday decision-making progress which helps to achieve these goals.


Students engage well with staff at break times and in a more relaxed atmosphere will discuss and ask for advice about relationships and other matters. Students support each other with wellbeing, and this is evident in Student Council.


Positive and appropriate relationships form part of the PSHE schemes of work and is discussed frequently. There have been visitors from Sexual Heath who attend school and Sixth Form to discuss consent and healthy relationships. There are reading materials and books available on the topic.


If students quarrel, staff work together with each student to help them repair their relationship and less discrepancies, mediation, may take place and feelings addressed which leads to skills for handling situation in later life.


Healthy and active lifestyles are strongly promoted across the whole school. We have a super Chef who has transformed school dinners/ breakfast. Whilst providing tasty food, he has introduced students to foods they may not have usually eaten, openly discussed what makes them healthy and provided opportunities for students to take recipes home. This has also been extended to cultural food themes, once a month. Chef has given up his own time to produce healthy meals for struggling families in our community which have been appreciated and complimented. He has achieved a 5-star rating for the kitchen.


Sports feature on all students timetables and is positively taken up which promotes an active and healthy lifestyle. In addition to this there our Outdoor Activities which include Outdoor Education, Forest Schools, Eco Schools and Enrichment. Students have been involved in development of the exterior with plant growing and gardening.


The Duke of Edinburgh Garden Project is growing fruit and vegetables which will make us more sustainable and able to be used in future enterprise/ life skills projects.


On Adulthood Pathway students have set up their own fitness programmes, attended gyms, boxing, kick boxing, rugby, park runs, take walks in parks and the countryside, cricket, weight training. This is evident with out of school clubs that students attend.


PE, Science and PSHE promotive healthy lifestyles and student council have recently looked at purchasing a new Basketball net and outdoor table tennis table. The outdoor areas at the main site have been developed to promote outdoor activities and learning.


Sessions in bike riding, trampolining, boxing, climbing and gym are included in enrichment activities.


The school prepares students for life in modern Britain, developing understanding of fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, equality of opportunity and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs


School encompasses an all-round view of life in 2023 and as staff and students are drawn from differing backgrounds and experiences, this enhances this. Students have a wide understanding of life in modern Britain, equality, diversity and inclusions. Students actively contribute to discussions and these beliefs and values are taught across the whole curriculum. There are specific topics within the Collins schemes of work.


Staff encourage tolerance, understanding and we celebrate difference and cohesions. These topics are covered as they arise in conversation and examples of local and current relevance are explored. Students are given the opportunity to air contentious views and to have these views debated respectfully and challenged with understanding.


Citizenship themes are explored through dedicated sessions and through cross curricular opportunities. History is a good example. Covering Victorian era allowed for an understanding of democracy, government and how laws are made. We will be introducing GCSE Citizenship from September 2023.


Like SMSC it is formed into everyday practice and the values underpin the majority of the timetable topic work.


Through a range of AQA UAS students have been able to prepare their selves for developing awareness and have discussions about democracy and mutual respect. As students have been more equipped to deal with their own emotions and feelings, resilience, tolerance, and self-awareness levels have increased. Students are actively encouraged to share their understanding of individual liberty and equality of opportunity. Any stereotypical notions are challenged sensitively to promote further understanding.


CCC lessons are well prepared and well received by students. Students enjoy discussion and learning about different cultures. This has been brought to life with links with other schools abroad and at home. There has been a lot going on the last two years and students have been able to understand how rules work, how governments make them and what the law is surrounding them and how it is enforced.


We celebrate different religious festivals across the school year and have focus weeks/ days which promote these. Examples can be seen around Eid and Chinese New Year in particular.


Students engage with views, beliefs and opinions that are different from their own in considered ways. They show respect for the different protected characteristics as defined in law and no forms of discrimination are tolerated.


There is a mixed population at school and everyone is encouraged to have a voice. Students have first-hand experience of protected characteristics and are able to discuss each others’ backgrounds, disabilities/ needs, personalities, lifestyles and tolerances. We have the opportunity to discuss differences and promote respect, understanding and tolerance regularly which benefits all students. One student in particular shared with staff that they feel accepted by all students, to be who they choose to be which is a pleasant revelation and in marked contrast to the rest of their life experience. This is not an isolated incident as ‘being yourself’ is what is consistently promoted.


We have a strong Single Equality Policy.


Students are inquisitive and aware that there are people with differing views to their own. They readily engage in views, beliefs and opinions that differ from their own and are considerate how they do this. Students have openly discussed Muslim faith and culture with staff members in an open and accepting way.


Work is done to challenge unacceptable behaviours/ language and we have individual programmes which tackle this if necessary.


Students know what discrimination is and how this can affect Mental Health through our Mental Health focus week and completion of Be There Certificate.


It is seen in CCC, PSHE, History and Geography and Eco Schools. World topics are discussed daily.


Students are keen to share their thoughts and opinions and generally try to be understanding and respectful. Learnt behaviours or polarised backgrounds can sometimes mean that they don’t always have the appropriate vocabulary and sometimes without knowing can cause offense. They are willing to accept explanations and seek to rectify. Individual work has been put into place for those who may have more difficulties in this area and vocabulary has been introduced as key terms and displayed around school.


Some students despite their age have not experienced much of the world around them or even their local area until they have started to attend with ourselves. Over time and with consistent challenge, they develop and have wider views.




Areas of development:

  • To introduce and monitor Educational Visits Policy with new timescale for planning

  • To incorporate students into the planning of visits and real-life expectations of costings/ procedures to help them understand the value and opportunity




Progress towards areas of development from 2022 SIEF:


Targets (these have been extended/ adapted throughout the year. See Autumn and Spring Term Areas of development)


To further develop Admin staff at the RHISE Centre


  • Yet to find suitable candidate

  • Roles and responsibilities have worked by being shared

  • No longer requirement for full time staff

  • System in place with Admin to cover whole school with support

To provide individual intervention for older students in terms of appropriate behaviour/ language towards females


  • Women’s History month run in March

  • Covered in PSHE, Form and CC

  • Displays of inspirational women

  • Positive female role models explored

  • Was isolated




Staff receive effective professional development and knowledge over time


We hold monthly twilight training sessions which cover various topics and policy/ procedure across the whole year. These have covered:









First Aid





RHISE procedures @ RHISE Centre

RHS SEND online



Staff Wellbeing



GDPR Refresher Training




Living Autism

Autism Awareness and Understanding



Essere Therapies




Health and Safety E-Learning



Online Safety



RHS – Stoma Training

RHISE – September Students  



Updated Policies / Prep for 2023/2024 – Parents Evening




September 2022-  TEAM TEACH training and SEND delivery and resources.


These are complimented with regular group meetings. Staff are listened to and their wants and needs determined and supported. An annual evaluation is requested which summarises staff opinion of the school year and informs the future school evaluation and improvement plan.


Staff training is regular and informative covering a large range of subjects relevant to SEMH students and also personal development within individual roles. Staff are supported to attend University to study and gain qualifications, along with online courses and adult evening classes. Annual appraisal’s take place. 


CPD courses and these have included:


PEP Training, Safeguarding DSL, Level 3 and 4 Teaching Assistant, SEND for Teaching Assistants, ADHD, Autism Awareness, Wellbeing, Health and Safety, Mental Health Awareness and Teaching and Learning strategies.


All meetings are varied and focus on key areas of development within the education sector. Changing policies and procedures are cascaded to staff in an efficient and timely fashion.


Shared practice is an important part of our development programme and staff have been able to job shadow in different areas of the school in order to experience how others perform. Staff have been able to have one to one time and small group interactions with other staff and SLT and showcase their own skills and how groups can compliment each other.


Resources are requested from staff to help with professional development and these have been individualised or for all group needs. These have included online training materials and books.


Staff report that they feel empowered, respected and have a belief in their own development. Staff would like the opportunity for shred experience and face to face training across both sites; including team building and social interaction days.


Long term absence is reviewed, adjustments made where necessary and monitored over a period of time. There is an effective wellbeing programme for staff which is supported by the school therapist and a team of dedicated staff. Staff are able to access therapy sessions on a short term or longer-term basis. This has been developed throughout the school year and continues to grow in strength. Staff have a wellbeing day off and a wellbeing gift on their birthday.


Issues with staff and workload are quickly established and dealt with


Timetables reflect a balanced and fair workload and these continue to be supported by Collins schemes of work and reporting formats.


Senior management remain open and supportive and are approachable about such issues. These are acted upon quickly, efficiently and professionally. This is supported by an invaluable wellbeing programme. Two staff are trained in Mental Health First Aid and we have wellbeing teams across both sites.


Staff know their job roles and are able to manage their workload on a day-to-day basis. Colleagues are very good at supporting each other. Staff work as a close team and work well together.


There have also been increased expectations within vocational profiling and systems which have been introduced by local authority for attendance/ vulnerable students monitoring.


Admin work across both sites with a Team Admin for RHISE who complete Annual Reviews and End of Term reports. The new reporting formats have helped to reduce workload. These work well alongside Parents evenings which have grown in success.


Staff feel confident and comfortable to raise issues as they crop up. There are positive reminders to keep on top of marking books, preparing subject specific vocabulary, planning, evaluation, tracking to maximise the effectiveness of our teachers. They are supported well and their welfare and mental health always considered. Staff feel vitalised and prepared for the potential rigours of each day. Staff needs are especially cared for during transport and daily logistical conundrums discussed to find the best solution for all. Some taxis have been utilised in order to minimise driving time for the more complicated/ longer runs. This has been included in revised Transport Policy.


Regular SLT meetings take place to discuss workload and what can be done to make staff feel as positive as possible. It can be a tough job and needs to be supported and accessible where staff feel comfortable and confident in doing well. Staff have been given time to process issues around the pandemic, wellbeing surveys sent out, individual conversations had and time off with pay. Time out is provided as and when needed.


Since the beginning of the academic year the staff group has truly been the best. We work together as a fully established team, knowing the strengths and understanding how each work. Any issues that may be faced and easily and very quickly sorted due to a common understanding that we are indeed a team.  Support and guidance is offered daily, allowing staff to also feel supported. 



Staff receive high levels of support for wellbeing issues


Wellbeing (both staff and students) is of high importance to SLT and other staff. Wellbeing at Roselyn doesn’t feel like a tick box exercise, it’s a genuinely caring environment.  There is always an open door and a climate to be able to discuss any issue. This is supported by a wellbeing team and regular drop in sessions.


Staff work as a supportive team to look after and care for each other. Wobbles are noticed and managed well. Staff feel valued and happy in school. Staff will pass through classrooms and assess any needs that their colleagues may have. Staff do this for each other all the time. Brews magically appear when you most need a brew, jokes make everyone happy. There are also events out of school which foster healthy, solid working relationships.


There are dedicated members of staff responsible for wellbeing and they make superb efforts to make sure they are looking after everybody. This may be in passing, through 1:1 discussions, wellbeing surveys and meetings to discuss what further can be implemented for individuals and groups.


Staff feel supported in their work and SLT regularly check in and are supportive and empathetic often in an informal manner. There is an ethos to check in on how people are feeling through email correspondence and messages of support, praise and thanks are sent. Some staff really go above and beyond to make sure everyone is alright. When staff return from longer term illness, they have a return-to-work interview and adjustments are accommodated where necessary.


Staff have a well being day and also made aware the wellbeing officers if they need further support. This is a great addition this year to the school and has been managed particularly well by all involved.


The Directors always send treats/thank you gestures to staff at the end of every term which is very thoughtful and appreciated. There is also a wellbeing gift on individual’s Birthdays.


Staff feel that they work within a great team where everyone is approachable, efficient and fair.





The school has strong, shared values and policies and practice. The vision has been maintained through the pandemic


It is believed that SLT went above and beyond to keep everyone safe throughout the pandemic, update policy as and when guidance changed and also within the annual cycle.


Daily updates from SLT, an open-door policy (virtually in some cases) is always available for staff to access the relevant and changing policies and procedures which is shared on the SharePoint. The vision has remained throughout and has grown stronger through practices and communication. There has been increased consultations from staff, students and their families and the school has grown. The vision is clear and understood by all.


The pandemic helped tighten up, unify and streamline policy and procedure. There is a more consistent approach across the whole school which has provided similar approaches to teaching and support, leading to a better routine for students and a greater value placed on education. Students are much more focused, value their learning and want to do well. Students are listened to and support each other. The vision is regularly voiced and the whole school ethos is evident.


Policies are updated regularly and cover every aspect of what you would expect in an SEMH school. These enable school to run smoothly. They are shared with staff, students and Parents/ Carers.


Staff are respectful, tolerant and determined within their roles and show great team spirit. 


Students develop character by receiving these values and this teaches them to be responsible, kind and considerate to others too. Achievements are recognised and rewarded. 


The Pandemic was challenging for all but by continuing to facilitate students and staff needs throughout, school have maintained our strong values and continue to build and improve. We are seeing some fallout in terms of people’s mental wellbeing and this is being addressed through robust, caring and empathetic procedures across whole school.


The needs of less fortunate families are considered and further support is provided when necessary and food parcels continue to be delivered home.



The school engages effectively with Parents/ Carers and Outside agencies


This is achieved by phone calls, emails and letters with letters posted to the school website. We have a fantastic relationship with most of our families and communication is effective. We strive continuously to make this the best it can be. We have group leads with responsibility to communicate with Parents Carers and outside agencies. This is effective and robust. This is shared across both main site and The RHISE Centre by SLT. SENCO and Vocational Co-ordinator have responsibility for communications also.


Individual staff are also encouraged to forge positive relationships and where necessary make telephone calls. This is supported by the use of a school telephone app which can be accessed on mobiles for security. This has been further enhanced by three Parents’ Meetings and have grown in strength and participation.


We have a valued front of house who is knowledgeable in the running of the school, who to direct calls to and the needs of the student. She is extremely approachable and is often a starting point for Parents/ Carers to air their thoughts and feelings.


We work closely with the Local Authority SENDO’s and Social Workers. We also liaise with the  Vaccination Nursing Team, Police, Medical Professionals (CAMHS) Looked After Children attendance teams, LADO, School Therapists, Educational Psychiatrists, Speech and Language Therapists and all other professionals that we need to support our students.


Staff have positive relationships with parents/ carers and outside agencies and this helps promote a positive education experience for students. They have good communication whilst on transport and make people feel listened to and supported.


The school website and RHISE website is an effective tool in providing information and is updated weekly by our IT Co-ordinator. It celebrates achievement and provides opportunity for Parents/ Carers/ Outside Agencies to know what is going on in our community. The gallery shows some amazing achievements across the whole school and in all areas. It shares updated policies and is mindful of Online Safety. DfE standards for Cyber Security and filtering and monitoring are adhered to.


When individual Parents/ Carers do not feel that communication has been as effective as it should be this is always followed up by SLT and recommendations acted upon.



Staff are protected from bullying and harassment


Staff feel that they are protected from bullying and harassment and know of no instances. Staff are able to freely air their grievances openly, without fear of recrimination and that any such minor issues are dealt with quickly and effectively. Staff feel cared for and know they can go to others and ask for support. Everyone is given a voice and is not afraid to speak. This is enhanced by weekly meetings.


Any incidents towards staff from students are quickly verbally challenged by other members of staff. Students are reminded of the expectations and a log of the incident reported on C-POMS for SLT to view and decide upon a course of action. 


There is a strong Anti-Bullying Policy in place and followed with any potential issues dealt with promptly.


There is a strong understanding of Safeguarding and understanding of Prevent Duty


Staff have received dedicated training in both Safeguarding and Prevent Duty. There is a robust Safeguarding Policy and an Online Safety Policy. Regular monthly updates are sent to staff and all staff have read Part One of Keeping Children Safe in Education. Updates for the new KCSiE September 2023 has already been included in all June 2023 policy updates. SLT have received training to facilitate this.


We have 5 trained DSL’s across whole school and staff have training in recording safeguarding concerns on CPoms. Staff are aware of LADO, Tim Booth and their responsibility around reporting concerns.


We pride ourselves on our safeguarding measures and have been involved in significant intervention over the last year, dealing with young people in particular with suicidal ideation, grooming, county lines and abuse. Staff have worked in their own time to keep these young people safe and with countless outside agencies. Instances have been escalated by school and we have continued to promote our Early Help model. SLT meet weekly to update, discuss and monitor our vulnerable student list.


We have a multi-agency Safeguarding Audit.


Staff have a solid understanding of flags to look out for and know who to raise safeguarding concerns with . The umbrella staff who are responsible for dealing with safeguarding so do in an efficient and concise manner, ensuring students are protected. Information is always when shared when appropriate to do so.


The response to the pandemic has been effective and managed well


Staff believe that the response to the pandemic was managed exceptionally well. The SLT went above and beyond to keep everyone safe. Even though the times were challenging they have proven positive.


Learning was managed well and through excellent communication was cascaded to staff who have been able to carry out their duties and provide security and least disruption for students. Our remote learning offer has grown and is thriving as part of the curriculum. We are able to utilise for students who are on Outreach or who are unable to come to school.


Regular testing of both staff and students was well managed and supported by the vaccine roll out. Food parcels and home visits were successful along with food vouchers and support for families wellbeing. Vouchers continued until May Half Term 2023, all funded by school.


Individual needs of staff, students and their families were considered and risk assessments created that were appropriate and effective. This included clinically vulnerable people and BAME and their families .


No one was pressurised to be in work and were paid full salary (not as part of 10 day sickness absence) throughout. Childcare issues were also taken into account. We continue to be extremely effective and proactive and strive for what is best for our staff and students and their families.


The school has done everything it could to maintain the wellbeing and happiness of everyone involved. Staff feel that they were very fortunate. We recognise that the pandemic has affected the mental health of not only some students but staff too.


The school pulled together in a difficult time and despite all this our students continued to thrive. This has helped us shape our new Business Continuity Plan, Emergency Procedures and Security Policy. We have risk assessments in place for any future issues.


Areas of development:


  • To promote whole school cohesion by offering opportunities for staff to shadow across sites and take part further in shared practice/ experiences

  • To develop further training/ understanding of Online Safety across whole school with particular reference to KCSiE 2023 and filtering and monitoring and IT systems/ application

  • To implement an action plan for staff training following appraisals

  • To implement an appropriate MIS system for whole school

  • To successfully complete the wellbeing pilot across whole school



Further comments from staff:

  • Staff are fantastic at looking after each other, both in and out of school. Staff are always willing to share hopes, dreams and fears to their colleagues and senior staff go the extra mile to ensure we are all happy, enjoying our jobs, well and rested. 

  • To me, every minute of every day, every staff member is striving to foster high expectations of behaviour and conduct, for every child. 

  • Our school is unbelievably ambitious in providing individualised, meaningful experiences to and for our students. I have worked in many other educational establishments and our school is by far, the best, at going beyond the expected. We really do, collectively, make a fantastic effort, for every child. 

  • I have been able to develop greatly throughout my time working at Roselyn House School. Training courses and activities have aided me, but I also believe working with a staff group who have themselves qualities and skills that we can share together.   

  • … is amazing at dealing with issues BEFORE they even arise! I’m not sure how he does it but he knows I have something on my mind before I do, he knows when I’m going to get bogged down BEFORE I get bogged down, which means that I’m always happy at work, always looking forward to coming in and never struggling or anxious to do my work. Phenomenal! I, for one, am grateful.  

  • I have heard only positives from parents, carers and outside agencies about our school. 

  • Staff are amazing here. We just gel. Everybody supports each other and there are genuine friendships. 

  • All staff in truth, give me and others very high levels of support for any issues that may affect our well-being. This is much appreciated by myself and all other staff I believe. I have never heard anyone complain about this job, unlike most other jobs I have had. 100% positivity here. 

  • RHISE is a wonderful place to work and both staff and students are very well supported. 

  • I love my job, the students I support and the staff I work with. I do find it difficult to praise students from time to time, not because they aren’t great but because I get a little emotional when telling them how great they have done. Last thing I want to do is have a happy cry in front of my students.   

  • Overall, I am so proud and happy to work at Roselyn House School. I feel very lucky to have the staff group who support everyone every day, I feel supported by all staff, including Mr Birkenhead, who, if ever I feel unsure or in need of advice, I know he is always willing to help me develop. 

  • This school is the best of its kind and gets better every day. I feel valued and listened to and I think the children feel the same. I love our school and I love working here! 

  • The staff team and SLT genuinely care about each other and the students. Positive relationships have been formed, students trust the staff and want to do well, and this is reflected in the high attendance and the fantastic work produced by the students. Of course there are times when things don’t go quite right, but students are able to turn things around quickly and want to make things right, and they look to staff to support them with this. Overall, I feel that it has been an extremely positive year and I am very happy to be a part of the RHS team. 

  • I love my job. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to work within this school. What we provide for our students is literally the best. In my 2 years here I have seen some many wonderful  things achieved by our students.   

  • School is in a really good place. There have been many changes over the past 3 years and certainly this year. More settled.

  • THANKS for another great year! I really feel like the students and the staff all come away with a positive each day. Students are doing amazing and great relationships have been built. The staff group is also amazing, we all work well together and always happy to help. 

  • I believe that our students enjoy coming to school at RHS. Students who have been non attenders at other setting are thriving at RHS. This speaks to the positive ethos and supportive climate that we have.   

  • There is a very strong feeling of commitment and team work at all levels of the school establishment and it is a privilege to be part of this team. 



S.Damerall (Very proud Headteacher)

July 2023

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