This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Assessment and Marking Policy and Behaviour Policy.
It should follow guidance from: The Independent School Standards: Advice for Independent Schools – August 2019
The ethos of Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service is that each individual person is unique and has much to offer. However, they may need support and help to develop confidence skills in order to realise their value. Our focus, at Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service is to employ empathetic staff who “together” with our students can foster and enhance positively and help our young people to improve socially, emotionally and educationally. Staff working with our students should look at the needs of the young person on individual merit and through partnership and relationship development respect the rights of the young person to access a “positive future”. We have a consistently monitored Behaviour Policy which works around an Attachment Awareness model.
At Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service, we aim to promote academic and emotional development through access to an individualised, relevant, broad and balanced curriculum with emphasis on acceptable standards in all areas of life. Thus, providing criteria for success for our students to access. The curriculum will enable students to develop learning and social skills with a settled, dynamic, supportive, safe and challenging environment. It is within this environment that students will be able to succeed in overcoming difficulties which impede learning and go on to achieve internal, external and national accreditation. Likewise, the individual young person will become aware of their self, develop self-esteem, become emotionally literate, show awareness/ respect of others and become more independent moving into Adulthood. By achieving this, they will meet the expectations regarded as important by the student, their family/ carers, the school and society in general. Every person who enters Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service will be expected to follow the School’s Code of Conduct:
• Consider the feelings of others.
• Listen carefully when people are speaking to you.
• Try to talk through problems.
• Try to be patient.
• Take a pride in what you are doing.
• Be on time.
• Look after the School and what is in it.
• Dress appropriately for the job in hand.
• Look for positives.
• Enjoy yourself.
Education Curriculum
At Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service we believe:
That each young person is an individual in their own right and each has a right to purposeful and pertinent education.
That each young person should have access to a relevant and gratifying curriculum.
That each young person should develop skills, be proud of skills and show improvement.
That each young person should enjoy, gain confidence and receive support and motivation from the educational process to which they are entitled.
That each young person should be made aware of the Environment and how communities and individuals co-exist reasonably within it.
That a young person’s emotional, social, behavioural and mental health needs should not hinder their development.
That each young person has the right to express their own opinion in an appropriate manner at an appropriate time.
That everyone in the school is responsible for their self and should respect others.
That a young person is entitled to access to National Curriculum regardless of level of ability or the strategies used to facilitate access.
That a young person is given opportunities for further development and access to appropriate learning including vocational and technical education.
To develop the trust, confidence, motivation, concentration, imagination and co-operation skills necessary to learn, interact and benefit from a “school ethos” in its broadest sense.
To enable students to benefit from specialist provision allowing them to address their difficulties and begin to fulfil their educational potential.
To engender worthwhile and trusting relationships between students/ students, students/ teaching staff and students/ other significant adults.
To give students positive and rewarding experiences enabling them to behave and respond with positive attitudes and responses to demands, requirements and ultimate objectives of a school environment.
To equip all students with the resources and skills to, either, continue their education to the best of their ability within other schools/ colleges/ training centres or to move out into society with knowledge and skills relevant to social, emotional, educational and vocational needs.
To provide opportunities and understanding of vocational providers of technical education and apprenticeships, by encouraging visits both in school and externally from Year 8 to Year 13, thus being compliant with the ‘Baker Clause’ as set out by Lord Theodore Agnew Kt DL.
To enable all students to leave school with experience, academic and vocational, external/ internal qualifications commensurate with their ability and achievements at school.
To provide all students with the opportunity to develop skills for independence along an Adulthood Pathway.
To keep students safe and to be aware of their needs and understand life circumstances and mental well-being.
To encourage the opportunity for all students to increase awareness of their own and others’ Mental Health and needs within an inclusive and supportive environment.
To provide a therapeutic ethos where listening to others matters.
To provide all students with a broader awareness of the World and broaden their experience of people within it.
To respond to the individual and group needs of students by adopting a structured, purposeful environment sensitive to the individual needs of each young people.
To give all students a voice, allow them to develop into their unique selves.
How will this be achieved?
To help our students to develop self and understand their own personality.
To develop lively, inquisitive minds in a safe environment based on trust where they are confident to ask questions.
To help students understand what they are good at and where they fit in society and adult life.
To equip students with functional skills in English and Maths.
To provide a range of learning opportunities in a balanced range of subjects which offer accreditation.
To recognise the need for thinking creatively about how education is delivered through individualised programmes.
To provide opportunities for students to learn about providers of technical education, vocational learning and apprenticeships as laid out in the ‘Baker Clause’.
To ensure all students have a voice that is listened to and demonstrate how democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes.
To encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative and demonstrate how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and society more widely.
To help to instil moral values, mutual respect and understanding of culture, race, disability and gender.
To teach British values and encourage discussion of controversial topics through PSHE, CCC lessons and SMSC.
To develop SEAL and emotional language in an environment where it is alright to express your thoughts and feelings.
To understand the world in which they live and how we all need to accept each other and embrace difference.
To work with other schools linked across the World.
To apply Equal Opportunities for all.
To appreciate each other, opinions, achievements and aspirations.
To foster an environment of belonging and community at Roselyn House School.
To provide positive role models and consistency as a whole school in order to improve the opportunities, mindset and mental wellbeing of our students.
To work collaboratively with other agencies in order to provide the best we can for our students.
To have a positive approach and celebrate achievement as a community.
Curriculum Overview
Year 6
Students may be admitted in Year 6 to Roselyn House School which is often part way through the academic school year as an earlier transition into Secondary SEND Education as a result of previous placement not being able to meet need and risk of permanent exclusion.
There will be an individualised programme of study in place which incorporates a mixture of 1:1 learning following a KS2/KS3 Curriculum and social interaction within the Nurture Group (which is located in a separate area within the school). Lessons may be broken down into 20 minute or 40-minute sections and be individualised or within a small class group.
The student will aim to achieve a positive transition into learning and start to look at appropriate strategies to achieve this. They will experience a variety of learning through a theme- based curriculum which will focus on development of Literacy and Numeracy Skills.
Students will work on themes/topics which introduce them to:
English, Maths, Science, Art and Design, PSHE, Religious Education, Citizenship, Technology, Social Skills, Outdoor Education, Physical Education, Geography, History, Music, ICT, Food and Media.
Individual therapies may be identified.
Nurture Group
Roselyn House School has identified a small number of students who have more difficulty accessing the school environment for a variety of reasons. These students are generally identified as particularly vulnerable and anxious about attending school, and this is backed up by information on individual statements and IEPs. They may have specific sensory difficulties.
The objective of the Nurture Group is to get the students in the identified cohort to re-engage with school. To attend school. To complete work. To develop in confidence.
Students in the Nurture Group have different levels of need, ability, vulnerability and anxiety. This means a tailored approach to each student based on individual needs. There is a consistent approach to the Nurture Group with a specialised group of staff working with this group.
Students will work on themes which introduce them to:
English, Maths, Science, Art and Design, PSHE, Religious Education, Citizenship, Technology, Social Skills, Outdoor Education, Physical Education, Geography, History, Music, ICT, Food and Media.
Individual therapies may be identified.
Each student has the use of their own laptop with protected Internet access.
Year 7, 8 and 9
There are seven lessons in each school day which are 45 minutes in a morning and 40 minutes in an afternoon.
English, Maths, Science, Personal Social Health Education (PSHE), Culture, Citizenship and Community (CCC), Art and Design, History, Geography, Physical Education. Other themes such as Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning, Strategy, Team building and ECO Schools are all incorporated into the above sessions. Students can also opt into enrichment activities during PM sessions.
Enrichment/Therapeutic activities may include: Outdoor Education (RHOC), Horse Riding, Crafts, Farm, Football, Trampolining, Fishing Sports, Music and Therapeutic Art.
ICT is taught across the Curriculum within the classroom and the ICT hubs.
There are therapies including Play Therapy, Speech, Language and Communication, Anger Management and Counselling available.
Year 10 and 11
Courses are offered in Entry Level, Level 1, Functional Skills, GCSE and NCFE Qualifications.
There are seven lessons in each school day, however some subjects may have double lessons/options or blocked mornings and afternoons.
English, Maths, Science, Personal Social Health Education (PSHE), Culture, Citizenship and Community (CCC), Employability and Enterprise (RHISE etc) and Physical Education. Other themes such as Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning, Strategy, Team building and ECO Schools are all incorporated into the above sessions. Students can also opt into enrichment activities and Roselyn House Outdoor Curriculum (RHOC) during PM sessions.
ICT is taught across the Curriculum within the classroom and we have sets of laptops along with PCs.
There are Options including:
Hair and Beauty, Health and Social Care, Photography, Art and Design, Child Care, Religious Education, Geography, History, Sports and Duke of Edinburgh Award.
There are also work experience placements, vocational courses and college tasters.
Enrichment/Therapeutic Activities: Outdoor Education, Boxing, Horse Riding, Farm, Football, Computing, Rock Climbing, Small Animal Care, Trampolining, Fishing, other Sports and Therapeutic Art.
There are therapies including Play Therapy, Speech, Language and Communication, Anger Management and Counselling available.
We have the facility for 1:1 or smaller group size teaching at our RHISE Centre.
There are individual workstations with individual use computers which have protected Internet access.
Year 12 and 13
Courses are offered in Entry Level, Level 1, Functional Skills, GCSE, NCFE and A Level Qualifications.
Timetables are flexible to fit with individual programme of study in line with Post 16 course delivery.
In our 6th Form, courses are be-spoke to the individual and focus on the subjects relevant to the young person and their progression into adulthood, further/ higher education, employment and training.
There is an individualised focus on Adulthood Skills where training takes place in order to develop the student for independence moving into adult life. These are often accredited with AQA Unit Award Scheme.
We offer qualifications in English, Maths, Science, Personal Social Health Education (PSHE), Employability, Enterprise, Art and Design, Physical Education, Hair and Beauty, Health and Social Care, Photography, Statistics, Child Care, Religious Education, Geography, History, Sports, ICT, Computer Maintenance, Equine Studies, Car Mechanics, Painting and Decorating, Plumbing, Catering, Hospitality, Fishing Management, Farm Studies, Food Studies, Music, Music Production, Dance, Drama, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Life Skills, Independent Living Skills, Social Interaction Skills, Communication in the Community. If we cannot provide teaching for some of the above qualifications outside of the national curriculum, we outsource to either colleges or vocational placements in the area.
Students take part in work experience placements, vocational courses and college tasters/ part time courses.
Enrichment/therapeutic activities may include; Outdoor Education, Boxing, Horse Riding, Farm, Football, Computing, Rock Climbing, Small Animal Care, Trampolining, Fishing, other Sports and Therapeutic Art.
There are small class groups and 1:1 teaching at our RHISE Centre. There are individual workstations with individual use computers/ laptops which have protected Internet access. In addition there are Outreach programmes for individual students.
We work with our LAC young adults to help support semi/independent living/life skills and provide opportunities and guidance within their local community.
The Curriculum will be based on a Primary (KS2) and Secondary (KS3 and KS4, KS5), subject specialist approach wherever possible encompassing aspects of the National Curriculum at the appropriate Key Stage for each individual child.
Each student is placed on a bespoke pathway on either the semi formal or formal curriculum, depending on academic ability.
Each student is assessed on Literacy and Numeracy skills, Emotional Literacy, Behaviour and preferred learning styles on admission to school and from this an Individual Learning Support Plan. Which includes preferred learning styles and strategies and Individual Educational and Behavioural objectives planned, profiled and initiated, recorded in the IEBP.
The Assessment and Marking Policy details specific assessments used.
Each class will consist of no more than eight students of similar age and/ or ability.
Each class will be taught by a subject Specialist Teacher supported by a Learning Support Assistant wherever possible.
All students will be encouraged to complete accreditation at their appropriate level.
There will be particular emphasis on the development of literacy, number, target setting, re-tracking and problem-solving skills through a range of enrichment and specific programmes for the development of particular skills, as well as structured learning programmes for students experiencing Moderate Learning Difficulties and further Specific Learning Difficulties.
There will be the facility for the implementation of small groups and individually based learning programmes.
The Roselyn House School day consists of four ‘45 minutes lessons’ in the morning and three ’40-minute lessons’ in the afternoon (except Friday morning where there will be one ’40-minute’ whole group mentor sessions) followed by Outdoor Education, P.E or Vocational – see ‘The School Day’.
The school day at The RHISE Centre consists of longer sessions which may be chunked by the Teacher to support the individual student/ group or topic being studied. There are individualised sessions available and independent learning encouraged.
All students will be provided with all the required resources and materials to complete any set task within school.
Schemes of work throughout the curriculum will be based on the relevant guidelines suggested by the National Curriculum documentation in each of the Extended Core and Foundation areas of the National Curriculum.
Each scheme of work will be supported by lesson plans giving accurate information as to work covered, concepts taught and achieved, tasks completed/ not completed and comments on educational/ behavioural performance for each student.
There will be Initial Assessment information produced to look at baseline assessment in Literacy, Numeracy, Behaviour, Learning Styles, Emotional Literacy and Subject based. This will form the basis for an Individual Learning Support plan.
There will be an Annual Review on each student to discuss achievements and to plan for future development. End of Term Reports are also produced to show progress and attitude to learning. This will be tracked lesson by lesson by the Teacher and recorded in a whole school digital platform. This will be discussed with students and Parents/ Carers.
All students, in Key Stages 2, 3, 4 and post-16 will be taught the knowledge and understanding through opportunities, to develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities.
To develop a healthy, safer lifestyle, and to develop good relationships and respect the differences between people. This will be implemented with a structured PSHE programme in KS2, KS3, KS4 and KS5.
Students in Key Stage 2 (year 6) are prepared for transition into Key Stage 3 and are offered many different taster therapeutic opportunities.
From Year 8 to Year 13, opportunities will be given for students to meet with providers of vocational, technical education and apprenticeships being compliant with the ‘Baker Clause’.
Progress will be tracked with regard to exposure to further education by using Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance.
Students at the end of Key Stage 3 will be introduced to the world of work and aided to make relevant career choices in line with their interests or skillset. Students will discuss their attitudes to work and focus on their skills and abilities whilst being realistic about job opportunities.
In Key Stage 4, students will focus on achieving accreditation in core subjects, choosing options and the rights and responsibilities in the world of work with work experience, colleges and alternative providers.
In Key Stage 5 students will access more careers education and guidance which should assess personal strengths and weaknesses, impart knowledge about jobs and the qualifications required for them, and the opportunities for post-16 education and training; and develop students’ skills in taking decisions about these matters. Life skills, preparing for adulthood, employability/ enterprise and independent living programmes will be implemented.
All students at Roselyn House School/ The RHISE Service have an Education, Health and Care Plan. The Pathway to Adulthood Curriculum Policy has been written with due regard to how we can support our young people and their Parents/Carers with special educational needs, disabilities, learning difficulties and mental health to prepare for adult life. This coincides with the curriculum policy.
Each child’s progress within each subject area will be recorded, tracked and monitored in line with Roselyn House School’s Levelling criteria. Each subject area will report on achievements, performances and progress with respect of relevant DfE guidelines and future objectives. See Assessment and Marking Policy.
Student’s work will be levelled and exemplary material kept for each subject.
Achievement will be celebrated weekly by a Headteacher’s Award which will be displayed on the Headteacher’s board in the main entrance, with certificates given to students.
Any certificates, qualifications and accreditations will be stored in a students record of achievement when in KS4/KS5.
Examples of work and student achievement is available for all to see on the school website and social media pages.
Positive behaviour will be rewarded by praise, celebration of success and student specific rewards.
Everyone will be valued and listened to, considering the needs of each other.
Therapeutic/ Social Development Curriculum
In order to develop our young people and provide a safe environment through which to explore their self and grow as an individual and a learner, we need:
To encourage and develop positive relationship building between all students and staff.
To identify difficulties and provide strategies to overcome them.
To provide positive experiences and reward students.
To allow students to develop a sense of self.
To foster a sense of ownership towards the school and all that is in it.
To develop self-esteem and self-worth.
To be effective and successful learners.
To be self-motivated.
To deal with and resolve conflict effectively and fairly.
To solve problems with others or by themselves.
To manage strong feelings such as frustration and anxiety.
To recover from setbacks and persist in the face of difficulties.
To work co-operatively.
To respect the rights, beliefs and values different from their own.
To feel listened to and safe.
To have an awareness of mental wellbeing.
To have a flexible and versatile philosophy with a clear Behaviour Policy.
To be proactive when identifying all potential problems and avoid their escalation through addressing issues physically, emotionally, socially with regard to mental health.
To provide regular INSET and CPD for staff in order to develop understanding and have regular updates of guidance in order to be forward thinking with our young people.
To develop positive/ meaningful relationships with other young people externally from school both locally and internationally.
To identify difficulties and provide strategies to overcome them.
All staff will be trained in TEAM TEACH, physical intervention and de-escalation techniques.
The school will operate a simple behaviour identification system where children will be assessed by staff (some self-monitored) and, through negotiation, rewards and sanctions will result dependant on performance; following Roselyn House School/ The RHISE Service Behaviour Policy.
To identify the more specific mental health issues, each child will have an objectively created profile based on ‘baseline observations’ by staff. From this, target areas will be identified within a development meeting (comprising of teachers, learning support assistants and senior members of staff) and time-limited attempts will be made to change behaviour (i.e. increase/reduce, develop/eliminate or reinforce).
There should be flexibility within the system in order to meet the needs of the individual young person.
Any young people who are identified as needing more specific counselling of an intensive psychological or psychiatric nature will be referred to the relevant professional and an additional fee may be charged for this, although Roselyn House School/ The RHISE Service has a trained-on site counsellor and a Therapist.
Students and staff will be reminded to focus on respect for each other and the need to develop positive relationships. All people within the community of the school will be expected to celebrate and share in individual/ group achievements.
All prospective students will be formally interviewed within the school by senior staff and others. They will be allowed the opportunity to sample the school and communicate with students while at the interview in order to assess the mutual value of the placement, particularly with reference to meeting their needs within the existing population.
Students will have a baseline assessment completed within six weeks of placement starting, where there will be behavioural assessment and area of need identified. These will then be updated on a termly basis. They will look at behaviour in the classroom and in the social times of the day, opinion of self, self-esteem, ability to form appropriate relationships, etc.
Each class will be assigned a Learning Support Assistant to work as a Mentor, these sessions will take place every Friday.
Additional time or support from outside agencies may be required and will be made available as appropriate. (This may be at a negotiated additional fee).
A Therapeutic input to the curriculum will be made available.
Inclusive/ Community opportunities will be introduced through college placements, extended Work Experience programmes and Community projects.
Opportunities will be provided from Year 8 for providers of vocational technical education and apprenticeships to come into school to speak to students.
Students will work closely with our Vocational Mentor from Year 9 onwards.
Work will be done on emotional literacy and each student encouraged to understand why they may feel a certain way.
SEAL themes underpin and run throughout our curriculum and all staff model positive, social and emotional skills.
An Adulthood Curriculum will be introduced and individualised for students.
Moving towards Independence
The policy of the school is that all students will be assisted to achieve independence in the community in the following ways:
To develop self-awareness, self-respect, self-motivation and self-discipline and an awareness of and respect for others.
To recognise the need for care and wellbeing for self and others.
To allow self and others to develop in personality and respect their true self.
To acquire understanding of the social, economic and political order of a reasoned set of attitudes, value and beliefs.
To be law abiding and recognise right and wrong actions and the cause and effect this can have.
To develop qualities of mind, body and spiritual feeling and imagination.
To appreciate achievements of self and others.
To experience a range of opportunities some of which may not have been likely before; looking at the Arts, Literature, Science, Politics, Culture, Identity and Sport etc.
To build confidence and independence in order to have the life skills going into adulthood.
The final aspect is the concept of humour. This is never to be underestimated both in terms of value and harm.
The intention is that life at Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service will be a rewarding experience, where students will enjoy learning more about themselves, others and the world in which we live. They will acquire and develop both academic and life skills where they will feel supported and confident to move forward to a “positive future and life” post school. They will be mindful towards the needs and strengths of others and develop a desire to improve lives for their selves and others in the world. They will grow in acceptance and understand inclusivity and diversity as a positive approach to society.
Reviewed: June 2023
9.25am-10.10am Form time
10.10am-10.55am Lesson 2
10.55am-11.10am Break
11.10am-11.55am Lesson 3
11.55am-12.40pm Lesson 4
12.40pm-1.20pm Lunch
1.20pm-2.00pm Lesson 5
2.00pm-2.40pm Lesson 6
2.40pm-3.25pm Lesson 7
3.25pm End of school day
Roselyn House School
Starts at 9.25AM
Finishes at 2.40PM
Starts at 10.00am
Finishes at 2:00PM