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Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service


Educational Visits Policy





Legal Framework


This policy is based upon guidance from:



The policy should be read in conjunction with Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements, Emergency Planning and Procedures, Curriculum Policy, RHOC Rationale, Security Policy and Business Continuity Plan.






Moving forwards together to a positive future.                                 


The responsible people for the implementation of the policy are the Headteacher, Miss S Damerall and the School Business Manager, Mrs R Smith.  The policy will be reviewed annually by the Headteacher in consultation with staff. The Employer is KS Education Limited of which the Headteacher, Miss S Damerall and Deputy Headteacher, Miss K Willacy are Directors.







Education visits are planned educational experiences designed to enrich and enhance the taught curriculum. In addition to this they may help in developing confidence, self-esteem and life skills for many of Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service students.


All activities involving young people out of doors are associated with the possibility of misadventure. Safety for Educational Visits and for outdoor adventurous activities is critically dependent on the quality of leadership and although this Policy aims to minimise the potential for misadventure, it must be recognised that the elimination of risk cannot be totally guaranteed. Occasionally circumstances that could not have been foreseen by even the most experienced leader may be encountered. For this reason it is important, for example, that a visit that has been run successfully many times does not engender complacency, and planning should be undertaken in the same way as for a visit being run for the first time.


This Policy and procedures aims to follow Lancashire County Council and DfE Procedures.


KS Education Limited has a duty to safeguard its employees in the course of their employment, and to ensure the safety of others who may be affected by the actions of its employees. This includes a responsibility for the safety and well-being of all adults and young people participating in educational off-site visits. To ensure that these responsibilities are met, KS Education Limited will:

  • Maintain this policy and procedures governing educational off site visits.

  • Provide guidance and competent advice for educational off site visits.

  • Provide training and professional learning opportunities for Educational Visit Co-ordinators (EVCs) and other staff.

  • Monitor Type A and Type B educational off site visits on a sample basis.

  • Reserve the right to monitor the venues/providers on a sample basis.

  • Review the Educational Off Site Visits Policy and Guidelines annually




Approval and regulation of visits


All Educational visits require the prior consent and approval of the Headteacher (Miss S Damerall) or School Business Manager (Mrs R Smith). At present the role of the Educational Visits Co-ordinator (EVC) can be the Headteacher/ Deputy Headteacher(s), Miss K Willacy and Mr J Birkenhead / Business Manager.


Educational Visit Forms should be submitted 4 weeks prior to the visit/ activity taking place.



Visits are categorised as Type A or Type B visits.  These are decided as follows:






  • Educational low risk off-sites visits, up to one-day duration.

For example:

  • Theatre visits.

  • Zoo visits.

  • Museum visits.

  • Lake cruise, river cruise, ferry, or canal boat visits


  • Local Learning Area visits.


  • These are routine Type A visits, outlined by the DfE as those visits which are covered by a school’s current policies and procedures. These are typically close to the school in the local area and require only a small amount of extra planning beyond the educational aspect of the visit. These are specified visits/activities within a designated geographical area that are part of the normal curriculum and take place during the normal school day. If the school has designated a Local Learning Area, then these activities should follow the Standard Operating Procedures set out and should not normally need additional risk assessments or notes added. A ‘Signing Out’ sheet containing relevant information should be left with the base contact/ office before departure.





  • Educational off-sites visits involving a planned activity on water, or in which the presence of water is identified as a hazard on the risk assessment.

  • Travel on a lake cruise, river cruise, ferry or canal boat is regarded as a form of public transport and is therefore not necessarily a hazard.

  • Involving adventurous activities**.

  • To farms.

  • To theme parks.

  • To trampoline parks and non- curriculum one off sessions.

  • Involving overnight stay or residential accommodation or overseas visits including foreign exchange visits.

  • London day visits and other multi venue city visits, where the school is not also located in the city.

  • Laser tag or Paintballing.

  • Escape Rooms or Mazes.


** The following are examples (not an exhaustive list of adventurous activities):

  • Paddle sport; canoeing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding.

  • Mountain sport; climbing, hillwalking, scrambling, gorge walks, ‘river’ walks.

  • Caving: including show caves/tourist mines.

  • Motorsports: karting, MX riding, quad biking, BMX riding.

  • Artificial climbing structures: walls, high/low ropes.

  • Snow sports: skiing, boarding.

  • Water sports: sailing, power boating, SCUBA diving, kite surfing, wild swimming.

  • Horse riding.

  • Ice skating.

  • Archery.

  • Activities with armed forces.

  • Establishment led walks


(Type B visits are often included within Roselyn House Outdoor Curriulum (RHOC) activities, Physical Education curriculum and Duke of Edinburgh tasks)




Approval for Type A visits must be obtained within the school. Responsibility for the approval of Type A educational off site visits rests with the Headteacher and/ or the  Business Manager. All Type A visits, unless they fit the criteria above outlined in the section ‘Local Learning Area Visits’ must be managed using the Educational Visits Form and this approval process. 


For every Type B visit specific written consent and full medical information must be obtained in addition to the Educational Visits Form being completed.


In order that parent /carer consent can be fully informed, it is important that the school provides full information regarding all activities to be undertaken on the visit through a letter/ information booklet. Unless consent has been obtained, a child/young person must not take part in the educational off site visit. If there is to be a linked programme of such visits, it may be appropriate from the outset to obtain parent/carer consent for the linked programme.


It is the responsibility of the Headteacher/ the Business Manager to ensure that approval is obtained and Educational Visit Forms, Risk Assessment and Consent is provided at least 4 weeks prior to the visit taking place.



Risk Assessments


It is a legal requirement to undertake risk assessments and put measures in place to control significant risks. The risk assessment should be seen as fundamental to the overall planning process and should be considered from the outset of any visit planning. Risk assessment recording should not be unduly onerous, but supportive and helpful for the visit leadership team. A proportionate approach to risk management, which, in the context of outdoor learning and off-site visits, is a two-stage process:


  • The identification of the potential benefits to be gained from an activity, along with any risks to the health and safety of those involved.

  • The implementation of a plan to best realise these benefits, using professional judgement to ensure that the level of risk does not exceed that which can be justified by the benefits.


The risk assessment process must be seen as ‘on-going’ and ‘dynamic’. Professional judgements and decisions regarding safety will need to be made regularly during the activity. If the control measures are not sufficient, the activity must not proceed.



Good Practice Visit Essentials


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


At Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service, we adhere to the following principles:


  • A presumption of entitlement to participate for all young people.

  • Ensure accessibility through direct or realistic adaptation or modification.

  • Integration through participation with peers.


It is unlawful to:

  • Treat a young person less favourably because they are disabled.

  • To apply a policy, practice or procedure that has the effect of disadvantaging young people with disabilities without justification.

  • To treat a young person unfavourably due to something arising from their disability without justification or to fail to take reasonable steps to ensure that disabled persons are not placed at a substantial disadvantage without justification.


Off Site Visit Emergencies

The Emergency Base Contact and the Visit Leader must have:

  • Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service emergency response procedures and be familiar with them. (See Emergency Planning and Procedures Policy)

  • Details of the Emergency Base Contact and Visit Leader.

  • Telephone numbers (both in and out of hours) of two designated senior members of staff.

  • Mobile numbers of all accompanying adults on the visit. Together with names, addresses and telephone numbers of parents/carers of all the young people and the same details for the next of kin of all accompanying adults involved in the visit.

  • Consideration of communication issues to ensure alternative effective communication is

  • Copies of the medical information and parental/carer consent for every child/young person taking part in the visit/activity.

  • Copies of route plans, venues and alternative activities (Plan B).

  • Appropriate vehicle registration numbers and passenger lists for each vehicle.

  • Copies of the risk assessment.

  • For critical incidents, the telephone numbers of the Lancashire Emergency Duty Team


Visit Closed Procedure


The Visit Leader must ensure that there is a clearly defined and agreed arrangement with the Emergency Base Contact to confirm the closure of the visit. These arrangements should clearly state what action must be taken by the Emergency Base Contact if the party has failed to return or make contact by the agreed time. The Visit Leader must communicate any delays or incidents that may cause late arrivals at destinations or return journeys to the Emergency Base Contact.



Post Visit Evaluation (PVE) for all Type A and Type B visits


A Post Visit Evaluation must be completed once a visit is closed. Schools should keep records of individual visits including what worked well, what did not work well and any accident/incident reports.




First Aid


First aid which is appropriate to the activity being undertaken must always be available and accessible. The level of first aid cover and the number of qualified first aiders required will be identified by the risk assessment. For most Type A visits, it will be sufficient that the Visit Leader has a good working knowledge of first aid and a suitably stocked first aid kit is carried. For Type B visits, it is generally a requirement that a suitably qualified first aider is present at all times when the group is off-site. On any visit, all adults in the group must know the emergency arrangements and how to contact the emergency services. Records are kept of staff first aid qualifications. There are regular checks that these qualifications are current.



Contingency plans (applies to Type A and Type B Visits)


An alternative programme must be planned in the event of unforeseen circumstances.  This should be risk assessed alongside the main activity. If the alternative is that the visit is cancelled and the party returns to base, then this should be stated.



Parent/ Carer consent for all educational visits


As previously stated, it is a requirement that a signed parent/ carer consent/medical information form is obtained from the parents/ carers of all young people participating in all educational visits/ adventurous activities.


Consent for Outdoor Education, PE and regular local off site activities are often sought on a student’s admission to school and reviewed annually. Additional activities/ off site visits will require consent handed out to the student and to be returned completed by a parent/ carer.


This necessitates the exclusion from such activities of students/young people for whom the school have not obtained, for whatever reason, the consent for any necessary medical treatment. Staff responsible for supervision of the activity/visit should make themselves aware of the nearest accident and emergency hospital. The responsibility for implementing the emergency procedures is that of the Visit Leader. Staff should take with them copies of the risk assessment and student passport containing all relevant information in case of emergency.


It is a requirement that parents/carers must be informed of individual off-site visits in advance, and advised where their young person will be, and of any extra safety measures or clothing required. This may be through the Timetable being shared for regular visits and a letter for specific visits.


Public Liability Insurance


KS Education Limited has has £5m cover with Markel.











Duties and responsibilities



Responsibilities Applicable to all Staff involved in Educational Visits


  • All staff have a duty of care for the welfare and safety of all children/young people taking part in the educational visits.

  • Every person has a duty to stop or curtail any activity when it is considered that unsafe practice has been observed.

  • Every person attending the visit must follow Roselyn House School and The RHISE Services Behaviour Policy and Behaviour Support and Physical Intervention Policy.

  • Every adult accompanying the visit must have a role.


Effective supervision is about fulfilling your duty of care. School staff should ensure that young people are supervised effectively.


All staff members should be aware of the expectations placed upon them and should appreciate the nature of their relationship to the students and other staff. They should fully understand and be comfortable with their role before undertaking the visit. All staff must:


  • Conduct themselves in a manner compatible with their own safety and with the safety and well-being of the students

  • Inform the Visit Leader if they are unsure of their ability to perform any supervisory function requested of them

  • Recognise the limits of their responsibilities and act within these at all times

  • Report to the Visit Leader any concerns they may have concerning student behaviour or well-being during the visit.


Greater levels of responsibility will normally be assigned to the Visit Leader and a higher standard of care is expected of them. They should have understanding of Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service Emergency Planning and Procedures Policy.


When planning supervision, they should take into account:

  • The planned learning outcomes or benefits of the activity/visit.

  • The nature of the activity (including its duration).

  • The location and environment in which the activity is to take place.

  • The age, maturity and gender of the young people to be supervised.

  • The attitudes and behaviours of the young people (including their medical, emotional and educational or additional needs).

  • Staff competence and experience.


Any supervision plan should reflect the group’s uniqueness. It is, therefore, important that when planning a repeat or on-going series of activities, the previous plan (no matter how well it worked) is reviewed to ensure that it meets the current group’s needs.





Responsibilities of KS Education Limited


As part of their responsibility for the general conduct of the school, KS Education Limited must adopt a policy for the effective and safe management of Educational Visits. This policy should include:


  • The nomination of the Headteacher/ Deputy Headteacher/ Business Manager (EVC) to undertake the duties listed in in the section below

  • The adoption of school procedures for the management of Educational Visits, consistent with the legal guidelines

  • A requirement that all Educational Visits have specific stated objectives which are appropriate for the participating students

  • The adoption of procedures for responding to an emergency, consistent with requirements

  • Maintain regulations and procedures governing Educational Visits

  • Provide guidance for organisers of Educational Visits

  • Monitor and keep under review this Policy and Guidelines

  • Monitor Type A and B Educational Visits on a sample basis

  • Reserve the right to visit the Centre/Providers in the interests of quality assurance and provision

  • Provide training opportunities for visit organisers and activity leaders

  • Work with Peninsula Business Services Limited on developing Health and Safety practices and further Risk assessment training.


Advice will be taken from placing authorities with regard their Educational Visits Policy and Procedures.


KS Education Limited has the authority and should accept the responsibility to stop or curtail any activity where it is considered that unsafe practice has been observed.



Responsibilities of the Headteacher/ Deputy Headteacher/ Business Manager (EVC)


The Headteacher/ Deputy Headteacher/ Business Manager as EVC are responsible for ensuring that all school’s activities are properly planned and appropriately supervised and that Roselyn House School’s policy is implemented and monitored.


To ensure that staff with responsibility for educational visits have the correct risk assessment proformas and complete an educational visits planning check list and approval form prior to the visit taking place.


They shall:


  • Ensure that the planning of visits complies with Policy and Guidelines on Educational Visits

  • Ensure that the visit or activity specific risk assessments are undertaken and that the Visit Leader is involved in that process. It is particularly important that within the Risk Assessment the school identifies children with special educational and medical needs. The Risk Assessment should confirm whether it is necessary to ask if the Centre can meet these needs. If there is any swimming during the activity, this must be addressed in the Risk Assessment and will require a qualified life saver. The out of school sheet will need to be completed on the day of the visit will also list any specific needs or risk associated with individual students

  • Ensure that the visit is planned in such a way as to provide adequate supervision at all times. In the case of a residential visit, this will mean that cover is provided 24/7

  • Approve the appointment of Visit Leaders, deputy leader, assistant staff and voluntary helpers

  • Verify the competence and suitability of the Visit Leader and assistant staff/volunteers, taking account of the planned arrangements for the visit and the number and nature of the students involved. The personal qualities of the individuals concerned are equally as important as any formal qualifications.

  • Ensure that appropriate DBS checks are undertaken

  • Ensure that the Visit Leader is allowed sufficient time to organise the visit properly;

  • Organise the transport (as appropriate) and ensure that risk assessments also take account of traffic hazards where the visit involves crossing roads;

  • Organise and monitor the ongoing training/induction of Visit Leaders and assistant staff/voluntary helpers as appropriate

  • Organise emergency planning for Educational Visits and ensure the Base Contact arrangements are made. The Base Contact must not be part of the Educational visit/activity

  • Ensure that a senior member of staff on the visit is nominated to co-ordinate any child protection duties

  • Monitor visits, including accident and near miss reporting, and review school procedures

  • Ensure that under the school’s duty of care that no alcohol will be consumed by any person during the visit and this is communicated to all staff/ helpers involved

  • Ensure that the school’s Smoking and Vaping Policy is adhered to

  • Ensure that there are arrangements for monitoring and evaluation procedures of activities/ visits

  • Ensure appropriate liaison with placing authorities and Duke of Edinburgh Scheme

  • Ensure this policy is updated and shared with all staff

  • Ensure that staff are aware of Emergency Planning Procedures and Critical Incident Procedures

  • To ensure that systematic monitoring is undertaken from the database information

  • To check on the effectiveness of administrative systems e.g. notification processes, parental/carer consent and medical information, emergency procedures and base contact(s)

  • To observe a sample of activities undertaken

  • To encourage and motivate individuals and offer advice, to practitioners, participants and the policy makers, if appropriate. To promote standards of safety and good practice;



Responsibilities of the Visit Leader


The competence of the Visit Leader is the single most important contributory factor in the safety of participants. The Headteacher/ Deputy Headteacher/ Business Manager (EVC) must therefore consider the following when assessing the competence of a member of staff to lead a visit:

  • What experience has the visit leader in leading or accompanying similar or other visits?

  • Is the visit leader competent in planning and managing visits?

  • What are the visit leader’s reasons for undertaking the visit?

  • Is the visit leader an employee of the school?

  • Does the visit leader have the ability to manage the pastoral welfare of participants?

  • Is the visit leader a decision maker?

  • What experience has the visit leader of the participants they intend to supervise?

  • What experience has the visit leader of the environment and geographical area chosen?

  • Does the visit leader possess the appropriate qualifications?

  • Is the visit leader aware of all relevant guidelines and able to act on these?


The Visit Leader must recognise that whilst leading the visit they are in effect representing Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service and therefore KS Education Limited. The Visit Leader must:


  • Obtain approval for the visit/ activity within Policy

  • Ensure that the ratio of staff to young people is appropriate for the environment/ actvities

  • Ensure the overall maintenance of good order and discipline during the visit;

  • Ensure that adequate arrangements are planned and implemented for the safety and well-being of all participants, staff and students, whilst on the visit. In respect of residential visits, adequate supervision must be provided 24/7;

  • Ensure that all members of staff are fully briefed as to their roles and responsibilities;

  • Ensure that group leaders are appointed with proper regard to their experience and competence to undertake the tasks assigned to them.

  • Undertake the completion of the Educational Visits Planning check List and Approval Form and Risk Assessment as necessary with the assistance of the EVC

  • It is particularly important that within the Risk Assessment the school identifies children with special educational and medical needs. The Risk Assessment should confirm whether it is necessary to ask if the Centre can meet these needs. If there is any swimming during the activity, this must be addressed in the Risk Assessment.

  • Complete an out of school/ transport sheet to show the risk/ medical needs associated with each individual child and be aware of individual student’s risk/ medical needs through the ‘student passport.’

  • Ensure compliance with emergency procedures and ensure all accompanying staff are familiar with the procedures

  • Complete the evaluation of the visit/ activity


The Visit Leader is also responsible for ensuring that participants conduct themselves with due respect of the environment and the local community. Visit Leaders should be familiar and act in accordance with all relevant regulations and guidance contained in this document. Visit Leaders must inform the Headteacher/ Deputy Headteacher/ Business Manager if at any point during the planning of the visit concerns arise which lead them to feel unsure of their competence to lead the visit safely.


The risk assessment process must be seen as ‘on-going’ and ‘dynamic’. In other words, professional judgments and decisions regarding safety will need to be made during the activity. If the control measures aren’t sufficient the activity must not proceed.


The Visit Leader will have a clearly defined and agreed ‘Visit Closed Policy’ with the Base Contact, (additionally a ‘Failed to Return Policy’ is required for Duke of Edinburgh Award groups only). The Visit Leader must clearly communicate any delays or incidents that may cause late arrivals at destinations or return journeys to base to ease parental/carer concern.


Responsibilities of Nominated Group Leaders


Group leaders, have a common law duty of care towards the students in their charge.  Group leaders must recognise their responsibilities in:


  • Maintaining good order and discipline;

  • Ensuring the safety and well-being of the students in their care;

  • Informing the Visit Leader of any accident involving the students in their care, which has implications for students’ health and safety, general welfare or the good order of the visit as a whole.


Responsibilities of the ‘Base Contact’


The Base Contact should make arrangements to be accessible throughout the duration of the visit and be very clear on communication links with the Visit Leader. If mobile telephones are to be used, please ensure that there is a good reception and where possible, give landline telephone numbers.


The Base Contact should have full copies of Educational Visits Planning and Check List and approval; along with risk assessments and specific route maps/ details and the telephone numbers of two designated senior members of staff. In addition they should have major emergency contact numbers, parent/ carer’s contact details and LEA to hand. See Emergency Planning and Procedures Policy.


The Base Contact must not be part of the Educational visit/activity. The Base Contact should have a clearly defined and agreed ‘Visit Closed Policy’ with the Visit Leader. For Duke of Edinburgh Award groups, a ‘Failed to Return Policy’ is required.





The staffing required to run the visit safely needs to be identified through the risk assessment rather than by a simple numerical calculation of ratios. It is important to have a high enough ratio of adult supervisors to students for any visit. The factors to take into consideration include:


  • Gender, age and ability of group;

  • Students/young people with special educational or medical needs;

  • Nature of activities;

  • Experience of adults in off-site supervision;

(If adults are less experienced in the activity, then more of them may be required to ensure adequate supervision.)

  • Duration and nature of the journey;

  • Type of any accommodation;

  • Competence of staff, both general and on specific activities;

  • Requirements of the organisation/location to be visited;

  • Competence and behaviour of students/young people;

  • First aid cover.


Staffing ratios for visits are difficult to prescribe as they will vary according to the activity, age, group, location and the efficient use of resources, as defined by the risk assessment.


Minimum ratios acceptable on any visits, high risk activities and residential visits and any visits abroad, it is strongly recommended that the ratio should never be less than 1:10. Pre-school/ Reception/ Foundation: Staffing arrangements must meet the needs of all children and ensure their safety. Providers must ensure that all children are adequately supervised and decide how to deploy staff to ensure that children’s needs are met. Years 1 to 3: 1 adult for every 6 children. Years 4 to 6: 1 adult for every 10 children. Years 7 and above: 1 adult for the first 10 children/young people and then one additional adult for every 20 students, or part thereof. Post 16 years: The risk assessment process should decide the ratios, taking into account the activity to be undertaken and the age and maturity of the students.



At Roselyn House School and The RHISE Centre, due to the nature of the students  the ratio will be at least 2 adults to 8 students.


  • A minimum of two competent staff from Roselyn House School and The RHISE Centre should accompany any visit/activity

  • For residential and any visits abroad, it is strongly recommended that the ratio should not exceed 1:10. When visits are to remote areas or involve hazardous activities, the risks may be greater and supervision levels should be set accordingly. The same consideration should be given to visits abroad

  • For residential and any visit abroad, it is strongly recommended that for mixed groups there are staff from each sex. In circumstances where this is not possible, it should be explicit in the risk assessment of how the issue will be addressed and parents/carers should be informed of the measures taken. Some non-residential visits with mixed groups may require member of staff from each sex and the school will need to decide where this is appropriate and inform parents/carers accordingly.



Other Persons (including Children)


It is known that, in some cases, arrangements are made for a member of staff or a volunteer to take with them other persons, including child/ren, who would not otherwise be one of the group taking part in the visit/activity. This situation would usually arise where an adult brings along their  own child/ren, and possibly a friend. Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service does not endorse this practice, and KS Education Limited will not allow this to happen.


Volunteers may attend the trip/ activity but will be subject to DBS clearance and expected to have their own insurance arrangements.




  • When a visit is between the school and another educational establishment for the purpose of receiving education at the second establishment (e.g. integration visit from a special school) then a student can be accompanied by any member of staff approved by the Headteacher/ Deputy Headteacher.




Remote Supervision/Unaccompanied Activities


Remote supervision (as opposed to direct or close supervision) usually occurs when, as part of planned activities, a group works away from the supervising staff but is subject to stated controls. Staff, even though not physically present, remain fully responsible for the safe management of the young people and this is a reasonable practice based on a rigorous assessment of risk. This preparation may include involving them in a simple risk assessment exercise such as:


  • What could prevent us from all arriving back at the coach on time?

  • What do we need to do to ensure that we all arrive at the coach on time? All participants (both young people and staff) should be sufficiently and appropriately prepared for the task/activity being undertaken and their performance regularly monitored when using remote supervision as a group management strategy. There should be fully informed consent obtained from the parents/carers, and clear expectations understood by all. Examples of type of visit where remote supervision takes place include:

  • Theme parks.

  • Gift shopping on city breaks.

  • Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions.

  • Town/village studies.

  • Orienteering events.

  • Foreign exchange visits.


Stated controls identified by the risk assessment may include:


  • Establishing effective lines of communication which allow any necessary required assistance to be rendered in a timely manner.

  • Identifying a meeting point constantly staffed (often on a rota system).

  • Regular ‘check-ins’ by young people.

  • Staff visibly patrolling the venue.

  • Buddy systems. (It is suggested that groups are at a minimum of three.)



Self-led Adventurous Activities and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme


Registered Instructor- This is an activity instructor commissioned by the school. They are the person with the qualification, skill and experience to lead the adventurous activity. They could be a volunteer, member of staff, or an adult not connected to the school. The school deploying the registered instructor takes responsibility for the procedures and organisation relating to the adventurous activity in conjunction with the registered activity instructor.


Before an instructor leads any adventurous activity, evidence of appropriate first aid qualifications needs to be provided . They must have evidence that the following safety measures are in place:

  • The activity instructor has the necessary training, insurance cover and safety qualifications

  • The registered activity instructor has completed and shared a risk assessment specific to the activity

  • They are required to hold the relevant National Governing Body Award qualifications or have site-specific approval for those activities (assessed by a Technical Adviser).



Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Additional information


Operational Ratio for School Led Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions

  • For Hillwalking activities groups must be supervised at a ratio of 1:7 (adult:pupil).

  • An instructor with Lowland Leader or equivalent can oversee up to 14 students with the assistance of 1 directed adult in 2 groups of 7

  • In Bronze or Silver terrain a registered instructor with Mountain Leader qualifications can oversee up to 21 students with the assistance of 2 directed adults in 3 groups of 7.

  • For wild country expeditions (typically Gold terrain) a registered instructor with Mountain Leader qualifications can oversee up to 14 students with the assistance of 1 directed adult in 2 groups of 7.

  • There are instances where variation to this may occur. For example, 33 participants would need 3 registered instructors but not necessarily more than 2 assisting adults (i.e. 1+1:14, 1+1:14 and 1:5).


Duke of Edinburgh Approved Activity Providers and Other External Providers or Instructors


Where specialist staff (such as those from an external D of E provider) are responsible for the technical aspects of the experience, school staff maintain overall duty of care for the pupils and clarity of roles and responsibilities in such situations is essential. For these activities, the school is providing experiences that it believes to be a necessary aspect of school life and ‘assumes the duty’ to provide such experiences, albeit optional, as part of the D of E experience. School staff cannot delegate their duty of care to their own pupils to a third party. On all visits the following should be adhered to:


  • Normal practice is that a minimum of two competent adults must accompany any visit, one of whom must be a teacher.

  • It is strongly recommended for residential visits that the ratio should never be less than 1:10.

  • When using outside providers consideration must be given to overnight supervision. Some providers may only supply instructors during the day so the risk assessment should address issues such as appropriate first aid cover, group management in a campsite setting, use of trangias/stoves, etc.


Establishment Led Walks


There are three pathways to being recognised as competent to lead a walk:

  • Hold a nationally recognised qualification

  • Hold a Statement of Competence (SOC) and

  • Lead a walk in an area not requiring a qualification or Statement of Competence. In addition to the above, all walk leaders will need to hold a suitable first aid qualification.


Criteria for Walks Permitted to be Led by an Individual without Qualification or SOC

  • Leaders must be familiar with the chosen route and have conducted a pre-visit inspection.

  • The terrain underfoot must be of a well-maintained surface, where it would be possible to access with a buggy or wheelchair (e.g. forest roads, canal towpaths).

  • The route is well defined and/or waymarked with no navigational or map skills required.

  • The route has no possible deviations leading to complex or consequential terrain.

  • Access to a public road within 5-minute brisk walk (approx. 500m) is maintained throughout the route.

  • The walk must not be conducted in adverse/unfavourable weather conditions.


By meeting the above criteria, this does not imply any walk is suitable for any/all participants, nor does it indicate that other measures are not necessary to enable the activity to take place.


Visits that require Outdoor First Aid Qualifications


Where school staff are leading the activities, this Policy and Guidelines requires them to provide evidence of an appropriate current first aid qualification. Types of visits where Outdoor First Aid cover will be required include:

  • Geography field trips involved in data collection in rural or remote settings (often involving water)

  • Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions and establishment led walks (dependent on environment). For visits operating in rural and remote settings. There are two available courses outlined below:


  • The one-day course will ensure delegates have the basic knowledge and expertise as a first aider in remote outdoor conditions. This course is designed for people who are involved in outdoor activities or work in rural locations. It will provide delegates with the skills and knowledge to respond to a range of emergency situations and will enable individuals to lead some activities such Geography GCSE data collection in rural settings and assist walking leaders, climbing instructors, Duke of Edinburgh expedition qualified staff and ski instructors.

  • The two-day course will ensure delegates have the knowledge and expertise as a first aider in remote outdoor conditions. This course is suitable for delegates such as walking leaders, climbing instructors, Duke of Edinburgh expedition qualified staff, ski instructors. The main difference between the one day and the two day course is the focus of the one day course on treating life threatening emergencies, whilst the two day course enables greater depth and includes time spent on longer term incident management.


One Day Emergency Outdoor First Aid Course (Level 3) This one-day emergency outdoor first aid qualification is designed for people who are involved in outdoor activities or work in rural locations. The course covers a wide range of first aid emergencies, enabling all participants to deal with emergency situations with confidence in a prompt, safe and effective way, particularly where professional medical help is not immediately available. It will provide learners with the skills and knowledge to respond to a range of outdoor emergency situations including summoning assistance, responding to changes in vital signs, administering CPR and blood loss. The qualification meets the requirements of the Institute for Outdoor Learning Band 2 training.


Two Day Outdoor First Aid Course (Level 3) If your assessment of First Aid needs highlights the need for qualified First Aiders in outdoor activity, then this Level 3 qualification will provide you with suitable and highly trained personnel. This comprehensive two-day course covers a wide range of First Aid emergencies, enabling all participants to deal with outdoor emergency situations with confidence in a prompt, safe and effective way, particularly where professional medical help is not immediately available. This course fulfils the requirements of the First Aid element of the expedition syllabus, and it is suitable for the Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh awards.



Working with Providers of Activities


The organisation or company that makes the adventurous activity available is an external activity provider. The registered provider has responsibility for the procedures and organisation relating to the adventurous activity. If your school participates in an educational visit offering in-scope activities, the venue provider must hold an AALA Licence. Principally local authority outdoor centres and those run by commercial companies and charities for young people of school age must hold the Licence


Centres and Providers of Activities


  • Where schools use an outdoor activity provider with a current Adventurous Activities Licensing Service (AALS) licence, they can be assured that staff delivering activities will be appropriately managed and qualified.

  • Current Registered Centres and providers of activities are held by Lancashire County Council. This includes all Lancashire Outdoor Education Centres. Activities at all registered centres/providers have been fully risk assessed by the centre.

  • Public Liability Insurance. All centres/ providers are required to have adequate insurance cover.

  • Provider Risk Assessments. If it is proposed to undertake activities at a registered centre/ provider, it will not be necessary to carry out a risk assessment in relation to the activities undertaken at the centre/provider subject to:

  • Centre staff being responsible for leading the activities

  • The activity forming part of the centre’s/provider’s registration

  • Compliance with all terms, conditions and requirements as notified by the centre/ provider in its booking and contract documentation, and with any directions given by the centre staff

  • Duty of care. The duty of care throughout an educational off site visit is always maintained by the school/service and they retain the responsibility for parts of the visit programme that are not managed by the centre/provider.

  • Ensure that the accompanying risk assessment covers the transport arrangements, non-centred programmed activities, downtime and information on behaviour management and group needs.


When a provider is used, ensure that there is a clear contract/ agreement in place about what they are responsible for (supervision/activities). This must be clearly established for each stage of the day.


  • Providers are not responsible for producing a risk-benefit assessment for individual visiting groups. This is the responsibility of school/services and the visit leader who will know the needs of their group.

  • It is useful for the visit leader to be provided with information from the provider that helps the visit leadership team to make best use of the facilities or venue, and to plan appropriate supervision for their particular group.

  • Any equipment or resources provided by the centre/provider must be used in accordance with any instructions given.

  • Consider making a preliminary visit. It is useful for the visit leader to take pictures on a pre-visit, as photographs can be a great aid to briefing both colleagues and the participants. Where a pre-visit is not reasonably practicable, the visit leader should consider how to gather sufficient information to make an adequate assessment of the venue, facilities, or provider.



Emergency Procedures


See Emergency Planning and Procedures Policy


The visit plan should be comprehensive and clearly provide the roles and responsibilities of all visit staff and volunteers in the management of an emergency. At given triggers, it is a pre-planned response that is fully understood by all. When developing your plan, it is good practice to do the following:


Staff training This should happen in the initial stages and again once the plan is complete. Identify key staff It is important to ensure that the staff selected for specific roles are competent for the demanding roles. Plan Actions The Emergency Base Contact and designated senior members of staff must be aware of their important roles. In the event of emergency, the Visit Leader should refer to must inform the Emergency Base Contact. Having been informed by the Visit Leader that an incident, accident or emergency has occurred and that the emergency procedures are in operation, the Emergency Base Contact should refer to the Emergency Planning and Procedures Policy and inform one of the two designated senior members of staff. The senior members of staff should alert the Headteacher/ Deputy Headteacher/ Business Manager (EVC) who will then put the full Emergency Plan in place.



Contact Lists


Keep up-to-date lists of contact telephone numbers and addresses securely, but readily accessible, in more than one place and keep them in hard copy as well as electronically. A copy of the list should be kept at school and at least one copy should be taken on the visit. This is not a breach of GDPR regulations. These must include contact details (including next of kin) of members of staff who have specific functions within the plan, as well as of parent/carer contacts. Staff need to be aware of where the lists are kept, and an identified member of staff should be specifically responsible for keeping the lists up to date and ensuring any changes are made to all copies


The Emergency Base Contact must not accompany the visit. The Emergency Base Contact must:

  • Make arrangements to be accessible throughout the duration of the visit.

  • Ensure compliance with the emergency procedures

  • Clearly understand the ‘visit closed procedure’



Reviewing the Emergency Plan


Once the plan is operational, the Visit Leader and the Emergency Base Contact need to regularly review and update its details. The purpose is to ensure that staff move automatically into emergency mode when an incident occurs.


All media requests should be directed to the Headteacher/ Deputy Headteacher/ Business Manager (EVC). Visit Leaders, accompanying adults or any group members must not discuss any matter relating to an incident, accident or emergency with the media. Under no circumstances should the name of any casualty be divulged to the media. For the planned telephone communications to remain effective, it is essential these telephone numbers are not made available to parents/carers who will over-burden and compromise the system





This Policy should be read in conjunction with Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service’s Transport Policy.


School vehicles and minibuses.


At Roselyn House School and The RHISE Service we tend to use cars and MPV’s. Any member of staff or volunteer driving a minibus must hold a Category D1 entitlement
on their driving licence.


For transport purposes:

  • All seats must be forward-facing and fitted with seat belts.

  • Trailer use must comply with national licence requirements.

  • Where a trailer is in use the rear door over the tow bar will not be accepted as an
    emergency exit and an alternative emergency exit must be available.

  • Vehicles with all age seat belts are recommended.


Bus/Coach Hire

  • The operator must hold a PSV Operator’s licence, appropriate to the type of vehicle and/or nature of the journey being undertaken.

  • The vehicle must display the operator’s license disc in the front window of the vehicle.

  • Every passenger must have their own seat. All coach seats must be fitted with seat belts.


Children/Young People being Transported by Staff/Accompanying Adults or
Young People in their Own Vehicle


  • Drivers must hold a current valid driving licence.

  • It must be confirmed that there is appropriate insurance cover for the driver’s use of the vehicle.

  • Parents/carers must have consented to their child/ren being transported in this way

  • Vehicles must be fitted with seatbelts, which must be used.


Booster seats (as appropriate) must be used as required by law.







Sample Educational Visits Planning Checklist and Approval Form

Risk Assessment

Out of School/ Transport Form


Reviewed June 2023






This pack has been designed to cover all types of trips


This form must be submitted at least FOUR WEEKS BEFORE DEPARTURE, together with relevant supporting documentation to Mrs R Smith (School Business Manager)

Any trip must be authorised by the Headteacher or School Business Manager




Activity :







(departure and



Year Groups



Number of Students:


Group Leader:


Names of all other Staff :



PROPOSED STUDENTS (to be completed for approval):

STUDENTS (Please Insert Full Name)

Year Group


















STUDENTS (Please Insert Full Name)

Year Group














Year Group(s)



Number of Boys:



Number of Girls:


Total Number of Students:


Total Number of Responsible Adults:



Staffing/Student Ratio:



Ratio: Individual assessment according to group and activities, with a minimum of 1:4 for trips.  For mixed groups male and female staff.  Sufficient experience and expertise within the staff.  Supervisory adults can attend but the group leader and teacher will have ultimate responsibility.  For remote Supervision: ensure parents are fully aware of any periods of remote supervision and safety measures in place.







which is/are appropriate to the age and ability of the group(s)




Have consent forms been sent to parents/carers containing full dates/times/location and planned purpose of visit:





Group Leader:




Names of all other staff/adults going:



Amendments to staff going (TO BE COMPLETED ON THE DAY):




Confirm staffing is adequate to meet the needs of individuals with medical/behavioural/special needs and that staff have appropriate experience, skills and qualifications:



Confirm staffing includes male and female supervision, when appropriate:



Confirm staffing is sufficient to cover emergency situations: (normally a minimum of one teacher and at least one other responsible adult)



Emergency contacts for all staff involved:


Staff Member

Name of Emergency























Relevant experience, qualifications and specific responsibilities of each member of staff and accompanying adults (e.g. first aid, Team Teach, etc)











Full address and contact details of location





Consider the surrounding area (any hazards?).  Ensure the location of the visit is suitable for the activity and manageable for the group and staff.

Group Lead  Mobile Phone:

Provide details of trip mobile phone or other contact numbers and who will hold them



Date(s) of Visit:




Departure Time:

Est. Time of Return:

Meeting Place for Departure:



Students Returned to:


CONTACT NUMBERS: Have you ensured all appropriate people have details of emergency contact number that you will be taking on the trip (i.e. Admin Office, SMT)





List full itinerary for trip:























Activity: Details of any hazardous activity and the associated planning, organisation, responsibilities and staffing














Has the weather been considered? 


Please confirm if any specialist clothing/equipment is to be provided (include details of insurance cover of any hired items).     Consider weather conditions (e.g. hot & sunny – sun creams/hats/t-shirts or cold/wet – warm dry clothing, raincoat, boots).  Please detail here 




Please confirm any equipment provided by the school is safe and suitable and that you will undertake an inspection of all equipment to be used prior to departure.


Please confirm you will remind students that clothing/equipment they provide must allow for a range of weather conditions.




Are the group members age, competence, fitness and temperament suitable for the activity?


Are any children taking part in the activity related to anyone acting in a supervisory role? 


Please confirm you have an appointed First Aider on the trip and confirm their name




Students with SEND /Medical Needs - have you clearly identified these students? 


Have you fully assessed their special needs and identified any necessary special provision required?


Have you ensured all responsible adults are aware of these measures and are happy to implement them?


Have you discussed any concerns with students, staff and parents?


Have you set out your expectations for student behaviour (your Code of Conduct)?


Please confirm you will take Student Passports on activity which detail emergency contacts


Please confirm you will undertake head counts before departure, at regular intervals and before return


If you have Sub-Groups please ensure adults know which students they are responsible for and hold relevant Student Passports and ensure students know who they are accountable to.  


Please confirm you have pre-designated meeting points and times throughout the activity and all involved are aware of these points. 


Please confirm toilet facilities are available and provided at regular intervals.   Consideration must be given to appropriate supervision.  





STEP 6: TRANSPORT (Consider transport issues according to number of students, supervision ratios, journey, special needs)



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KS Education Limited











Please confirm Private Car Insurance covers transporting students



NOTE: For parents/staff transporting in their own vehicles a declaration must be completed.  Whole school/trips & visits/private vehicle declaration.

Please confirm the outline of your proposed route by attaching a route planner: You must consider the safety of your route and identified any potential hazards.   If you have to change your route, please advise Admin Office immediately.



Do you have any planned refreshment stops: Provide details if applicable.





Has adequate supervision been arranged?



Have you read Roselyn House School Transport Risk Assessment?





Please confirm details of STUDENT BRIEFING: How/when (and what information) will all accompanying students be briefed with?

Attach details as appropriate.  The briefing may include appropriate clothing, remote supervision procedures, lost procedures, safety risks, groupings, a system for recall and action in emergencies, agreed code of behaviour, hazards, etc.







ADULT BRIEFING: How/when (and what information) will all accompanying adults be briefed with?

Attach details as appropriate.  The briefing may include hazards, programme, defining roles and responsibilities, supervision rotas/duties, behaviour, head counts, communication, names and contact details for sub groups, emergency procedures Ø issue panic cards with emergency summary, etc.










Have you discussed and agreed policies as appropriate e.g. student mobiles phones, smoking, etc and advised all concerned?




CASH required for activity: please confirm details (i.e. admission, car parking, refreshments, etc)













State Arrangements for Collection and Keeping of Cash:





INSURANCE: ALL authorised off-site education activities, which are organised by the school involving travel outside the designated school boundaries, are automatically covered by School Insurance.  This cover applies to all students, teachers and authorised accompanying adults in the event of injury or loss.  Full details and a copy policy are available from the Headteacher.






HAVE YOU ASSESSED THE RISKS INVOLVED IN ALL ASPECTS OF THE VISIT AND RECORDED, SHARED AND ATTACHED THE SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS?  e.g. have you fully assessed (and recorded) the risks associated with staffing/supervision, travel, students involved, activities, etc......Seek advice from colleagues if required.




Has everyone that needs to know about the trip been advised (Chef, Transport, etc)


Are Students permitted to take mobile phones and are they aware of your policy in regard to use of mobile phones whilst on activity? Please confirm here what your policy is on the use of mobile phones.





Have you clearly advised students on your policies on the use of alcohol, drugs and smoking?  Please confirm here what your policy is





Group Leader to ensure school register is updated before departure and that the Admin Office are aware of all Students participating in activity.









There is a legal requirement to ensure a risk assessment is carried out before an educational trip takes place.  However, while these should be comprehensive they need not be complex.  The aim is to ensure pupils are not exposed to an unacceptable level of risk.  The Group Leader should complete the ‘Approval Form’ and carry out a fuller risk assessment if required.


This form in intended as a guide only – please do not hesitate to contact a member of the SLT for guidance if required






Identified Potential Hazards: (things that can cause harm)

Don’t be over complicated, concentrate on significant hazards that could result in serious harm e.g. walking along roads, mountain climbing, skiing, transport, (e.g. ferry crossings), remote supervision, adventure activities, etc).

Remember it is important to consider the group of students involved – do they have any Special (medical/learning/emotional or behavioural) Needs?





 STEP 2:

Decide who might be harmed and how: students, non-teaching staff, voluntary helpers, teachers, group leader, members of the public (please indicate below)







The likelihood someone will be harmed by the hazard. 


What safety measures/precautions will be put into place to reduce risks to an acceptable level?  Can you get rid of the risk altogether?  If not, how will you control it?

e.g. Ensure sufficient supervision, clear guidance to students, exploratory visit, appropriately qualified staff, group members age and suitability for the activity (consider the special educational or medical needs of students), the quality and suitability of equipment, weather conditions and timings, etc.










Ensure you record (written record) your findings and advise all appropriate people.

Ensure your risk assessment is suitable and sufficient (not perfect!).




Review your assessment and revise it if necessary. 

Ask if you have any concerns.






Consider how you will cope with unexpected hazards i.e. dealing with an accident or other emergencies.


  • Continual monitoring and reviewing of hazards throughout the visit.  Adapting plans and reassessing risks as necessary.


  • Ensure adequate effective communication with all.


  • Do not accept below standard accommodation or transport.


  • Keep options open to cancel or re-arrange activities if necessary (weather changes, etc).


  • In an emergency refer to the standard “Emergency Procedures of Group Leaders”.


  • What will you do if a pupil (or adult) becomes unwell or unwilling to continue?


Ensure staffing is adequate so that an appropriate adult can be released to care for the individual concerned, without compromising the supervision of the rest of the group.


Additional Comments:












Signed by Group Leader: __________________________________________________







Date: ______/______/______




1 copy of RA to be retained in Admin Office whilst the trip is in progress and 1 copy to be taken on the trip by the Group Leader.    


The Group Leader is responsible for evaluating the trip


Please note it is the Group Leader’s responsibility to ensure that correct RA are in place for each and every trip and their safe storage thereafter.













Care for and establish the name(s) of the injured/at risk

and account for everyone in the group.




Advise other group adults

of the incident and ensure adequate supervision for the rest of the group.




Ensure an adult group member stays with the casualty





Contact school and provide full details of the incident and establish dedicated phone lines/email.





Collect in statements.





The school will be able to assist with this if appropriate.





Except to staff and individual parents.





A member of the Leadership Group will oversee this.

























Group Leader’s Signature:





                   /         /

School Business Manager’s Signature:





                   /         /

Headteacher Signature:





                   /         /






Health and Safety guidance clearly states that every visit should be fully evaluated at the end, in most cases your extreme hard work has made it successful, however, please take a few minutes to reflect (Did the students benefit as much as you and they would have liked?  Did any problems arise? Could anything be done differently?).  Please complete the attached Evaluation form and forward a copy to the Educational Visits Co-ordinator.


Ensure all accidents, incidents of serious illness or other serious concerns are reported to the EVC and Headteacher as soon as possible.


Group Leader:



Number in Group:





Date(s) of Visit:



Purpose(s) of Visit:






Commercial Organisation (if appropriate):



After all that hard work running the trip, it would be very much appreciated if you could please comment on the following features as appropriate, it is intended to be a guide only – some sections may not apply or you may wish to write other relevant points on the back.  Many thanks.



Rating out of 10


Pre-Visit Organisation:

Did you use a travel operator?

Could they have done something differently? 

Would you use them again? 

Rate them out of 10.



What about your pre-visit organisation:

Did you have all the information and resources you needed?  Would you do anything differently next time?



Travel Arrangements:








Content of Educational Programme:





Information and Instructions to Staff:





Information and Instructions to Students and Parents:










Suitability of Environment:

Was it perfect (too busy, suitable for the age of the students, did it cause concern)?

Would you use it again?





Did the group feel safe/secure?

Were you aware of emergency procedures?

Were you kept together?

Were facilities adequate for age/ sex/special needs of students and staff?





Were students/staff with special needs catered for?

Was the food good?





Did the itinerary work?

If not, why not?

What would you change?

Were activities carried out in a safe manner?

If not, what would you change?






Evening Activities:

Consider evening activities separately, were there any greater risks?

Did everything go well?

Would you do anything differently next time?




Representatives/Instructors on the trip/involved in the activity:

Did you feel they were competent?

Would you use them again?

Any concerns?




Other comments and evaluation

Including “close calls” not involving injury or damage.


Is there anything that you feel should be changed next time?




Accidents/Child Protections Issues:

Follow School Child Protection and Accident guidelines and report to the EVC and Nominated Child Protection Officer as appropriate.


Evaluate them – could anything be done differently next time to prevent them?







Name of Group Leader


Signed by Group Leader




Signed by School Business Manager

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