Exams Policy
2024 – 2025
Reviewed September 2024
To be reviewed September 2025
The purpose of this exams policy is:
to ensure the planning and management of exams is conducted efficiently and in the best interests of candidates;
to ensure the operation of an efficient exams system with clear guidelines for all relevant staff.
It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the centre's exam processes to read, understand and implement this policy.
The exams policy will be reviewed every year.
The exams policy will be reviewed by the Deputy Head/ Exams Officer.
Where references are made to JCQ regulations/guidelines, further details can be found at
Exam responsibilities
The Head of Centre: Miss Sharon Damerall
has overall responsibility for the school/college as an exams centre.
is responsible for reporting all suspected or actual incidents of malpractice - refer to the JCQ document Suspected malpractice in examinations and assessments and the Malpractice Exams Policy.
Exams Officer : Miss Kirsty Willacy
manages the administration of internal exams and/or external exams.
advises the senior leadership team, subject and class tutors, and other relevant support staff on annual exams timetables and procedures as set by the various awarding bodies.
oversees the production and distribution, to all centre staff and candidates, of an annual calendar for all exams in which candidates will be involved and communicates regularly with staff concerning imminent deadlines and events.
ensures that candidates and their parents/ carers are informed of and understand those aspects of the exams timetable that will affect them.
checks with teaching staff that the necessary coursework and/or controlled assessments are completed on time and in accordance with JCQ guidelines.
provides and confirms detailed data on estimated entries.
maintains systems and processes to support the timely entry of candidates for their exams.
identifies and manages exam timetable clashes.
accounts for income and expenditures relating to all exam costs/charges.
line manages organising the recruitment, training, and monitoring of a team of exams invigilators responsible for the conduct of exams.
ensures candidates' coursework / controlled assessment marks are submitted, and any other material required by the appropriate awarding bodies correctly and on schedule.
tracks, dispatches, and stores returned coursework / controlled assessments.
arranges for dissemination of exam results and certificates to candidates and forwards, in consultation with the SLT, any post results service requests.
Admin: Mrs Louise Mercer
receives, checks, logs and stores securely all exam papers and completed scripts and ensures that scripts are dispatched as per the guidelines.
SENCo/specialist teacher: Mrs June Wilson
identification and testing of candidates’ requirements for access arrangements and notifying the Exams Officer in good time so that they are able to put in place exam day arrangements
process any necessary applications in order to gain approval (if required).
working with the Exams Officer to provide the access arrangements required by candidates in exams rooms.
administers access arrangements and makes applications (alongside the Exam’s Officer) for special consideration following the regulations in the JCQ publication A guide to the special consideration process.
Heads of department/faculty/curriculum are responsible for:
guidance and pastoral oversight of candidates who are unsure about exams entries or amendments to entries.
accurate completion of entry and all other mark sheets and adherence to deadlines as set by the Exams Officer.
accurate completion of coursework / controlled assessment mark sheets and declaration sheets.
Alongside the Exams Officer, decisions on post-results procedures.
Teachers are responsible for:
supplying information on entries, coursework and controlled assessments as required by the head of department and/or Exams Officer.
Lead invigilator/invigilators are responsible for:
assisting the Exams Officer in the efficient running of exams according to JCQ regulations.
collection of all exam papers in the correct order at the end of the exam and ensuring their return to the exams office.
Candidates are responsible for:
confirmation and signing of entries.
understanding coursework / controlled assessment regulations and signing a declaration that authenticates the coursework as their own.
ensuring they conduct themselves in all exams according to the JCQ regulations.
Qualifications offered
The qualifications offered at this centre are decided by the Head of Centre.
The types of qualifications offered are GCSE, Entry Level, Functional Skills and Level 1/2.
The subjects offered for these qualifications in any academic year may be found in the centre's published prospectus, website or similar documents for that year.
Decisions on whether a candidate should be entered for a particular subject will be taken by subject leads/ teachers in consultation with the Exams Officer(s) and Deputy Headteacher.
Exam series
External exams and assessments are scheduled in January, March, November and Summer.
Internal exams are held under external exam conditions.
The Exams Officer(s), SLT and Subject Leads decides which exam series are used in the centre.
Exam timetables
Once confirmed, the Exams Officer will circulate the exam timetables for internal and/or external exams at a specified date before each series begins.
Entries, entry details and late entries
Exam Seasons
Candidates are selected for their exam entries by the Deputy Headteacher(s) and heads of subject.
A candidate or parent/carer can request a subject entry, change of level or withdrawal within exam deadlines
Heads of subject will provide estimated entry information to the Exams Officer to meet JCQ and awarding body deadlines.
The centre does not currently accept entries from private candidates.
The centre does not act as an exams centre for other organisations.
Late Entries
Entry deadlines are circulated to heads of department/curriculum via email, noticeboard, briefing meetings.
Entries and amendments made after an awarding organisation’s deadline (i.e. late) require the authorisation, of Deputy Headteacher/Exam’s Officer.
Late entries are requested by subject leads but must be confirmed with the Exam Officer.
Late fees will not be required from students.
GCSE re-sits/retakes are allowed.
Functional skills re-sits/retakes are allowed.
Re-sit decisions will be made by subject leads in consultation with SLT/ Exams Officer.
Exam fees
Candidates or departments will not be charged for changes of tier, withdrawals made by the proper procedures or alterations arising from administrative processes provided these are made within the time allowed by the awarding bodies.
The Exams Officer will publish the deadline for actions well in advance for each exams series.
GCSE entry exam fees are paid by the centre.
Functional skills entry exam fees are paid by the centre.
Late entry or amendment fees are paid by the centre.
Fee reimbursements are not sought from candidates:
if they fail to sit an exam;
if they do not meet the necessary coursework requirements without medical evidence or evidence of other mitigating circumstances.
Re-sit fees and remark fees (if deemed necessary) are paid by the centre.
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), Special Needs and Access Arrangements
The Disability Discrimination Act 2010 extends the application of the DDA to general qualifications. All exam centre staff must ensure that the access arrangements and
special consideration regulations and guidance are consistent with the law.
Special Needs
The SENCo/specialist teacher will inform subject teachers of candidates with special educational needs and any special arrangements that individual candidates will need during the course and in any assessments/exams.
See Single Equality Policy
Access arrangements
Making Access Arrangements for candidates to take exams is determined by the SENCo and Exams Officer(s).
Ensuring there is appropriate evidence for a candidate’s access arrangement is the responsibility of SENCo.
Submitting completed access arrangement applications to the awarding bodies is the responsibility of the Exams Officer(s) and those files must be kept in the Exam file for JCQ inspection at any time.
Rooming for access arrangement candidates will be arranged by the Exams Officer(s).
Invigilation and support for access arrangement candidates, as defined in the JCQ access arrangements regulations, will be organised by the SENCo and Exams Officer(s).
To ensure exam time is as calm, relaxed and routine as possible we aim to keep teaching environments as similar as possible as a student is used to. For example, this may mean a student sits their exam(s) solely with no other students, or a student may sit their exam(s) at our satellite site as this is where they have mainly studied.
See Access Arrangements Policy, SEND Policy and Word Processor Policy
Contingency planning
Contingency planning for exams administration is the responsibility of the Head of Centre and Exams Officer(s). See Contingency Planning Policy and Emergency Planning Policy and Procedures.
Contingency plans are available via OneDrive, email, noticeboard, briefing meetings and are in line with the guidance provided by Ofqual, JCQ and awarding organisations.
Private candidates
Managing private candidates (if applicable) is the responsibility of the Exams Officer(s).
Estimated grades
Subject leads are responsible for submitting estimated grades to the Exams Officer when requested by the Exams Officer.
Managing invigilators
External staff will not be used to invigilate examinations.
Invigilators will be used for internal exams and/or external exams.
Recruitment of invigilators is the responsibility of the Head of Centre and Exams Officer(s).
Securing the necessary Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) clearance for new invigilators is the responsibility of the School Business Manager.
Invigilators are recruited, timetabled, trained, and briefed by the Deputy Headteacher(s) and Exams Officer(s).
The Head of Centre in consultation with Exams Officer(s) is responsible for investigating suspected malpractice. See Malpractice Exams Policy.
Exam days
The Exams Officer will book all exam rooms after liaison with other users. Admin will make the question papers, other exam stationery and materials available for the invigilator.
The Exams Officer and/ or site management staff is responsible for setting up the allocated rooms and will be advised of requirements in advance.
The Lead Invigilator will start and finish all exams in accordance with JCQ guidelines.
Nominated staff (but not staff of the subject exam taking place) may be present at the start of the exam to assist with identification of candidates but must not advise on which questions are to be attempted. If present when the exam has started these staff will remain in the exam room. Any staff present must be in accordance with the rules defined by JCQ concerning who is allowed in the exam room and what they can do.
In practical exams subject teachers may be on hand in case of any technical difficulties.
Exam papers must not be read by subject teachers or removed from the exam room before the end of a session. Papers will be distributed following an exam, to heads of department in accordance with JCQ’s recommendations.
After an exam, the Exams Officer will arrange for the safe dispatch of completed examination scripts to awarding bodies.
The Exams Officer will provide written information to candidates in advance of each exam series. A formal briefing session for candidates may be given by the subject leads/teachers including the use of AI. All regulations are on the School website.
The centre’s published rules on acceptable dress, behaviour and candidates’ use of mobile phones and all electronic devices apply at all times.
Candidates’ personal belongings remain their own responsibility and the centre accepts no liability for their loss or damage.
In an exam room candidates must not have access to items other than those clearly allowed in the instructions on the question paper, the stationery list, or the specification for that subject. This is particularly true of mobile phones and other electronic communication or storage devices with text or digital facilities, including airpods, earphones/ earbuds, ipods, watches, mobile phones, MP3/ MP4 players or similar devices, smart glasses or any other smart devices. Any precluded items must not be taken into an exam room or handed to the invigilator at the start of the exam.
Any food brought into the exam room must be free from packaging and in a transparent container.
Drink bottles must be transparent with all labels removed.
Disruptive candidates are dealt with in accordance with JCQ guidelines. Candidates are expected to stay for the full exam time at the discretion of the Exams Officer(s) and invigilator(s).
Candidates may leave the exam room for a genuine purpose requiring an immediate return to the exam room, in which case a member of staff must accompany them.
The Exams Officer(s) is responsible for handling late or absent candidates on exam day.
Clash candidates
The Exams Officer(s) will be responsible as necessary for supervising escorts, identifying a secure venue and arranging overnight stays.
Special consideration
Should a candidate be unable to attend an exam because of illness, suffer bereavement or other trauma, be ill or otherwise disadvantaged or disturbed during an exam, then it is the candidate's responsibility to alert the centre's Exams Officer(s) to that effect.
Any special consideration claim must be supported by appropriate evidence within five days of the exam, for example a letter of evidence.
The Exams Officer will then forward a completed special consideration form to the relevant awarding body within seven days of the exam.
Non Exam Assessments and Appeals Against Internal Assessments
Non Exam Assessments
Candidates who have to prepare portfolios should do so by the end of the course or centre-defined date.
Candidates will be notified of their centre assessed marks four weeks before the marks are submitted to the awarding body date to allow one week for candidates to request a review of the centre’s marking, and one week for the review to take place (see IAP). The remaining two weeks will be for any Appeals Against the Internal Assessment.
Heads of department will ensure all Non-Exam Assessments are ready for dispatch at the correct time and the Exams Officer will keep a record of what has been sent when and to whom.
Marks for all internally assessed work submitted by heads of subject online will ensure a copy is retained with the Exams Officer.
Appeals Against Internal Assessments
The centre is obliged to publish a separate procedure on this subject, which is available from the Exams Office (see IAP).
The main points are:
• Appeals will only be entertained if they apply to the process leading to an assessment. There is no appeal against the mark or grade awarded.
• Candidates may appeal if they feel their non-exam assessment has been assessed unfairly, inconsistently or not in accordance with the specification for the qualification.
• Appeals should be made in writing two weeks before marks are submitted to awarding body to the Exam’s Officer who will decide whether the process used conformed to the necessary requirements.
The Exams Officer will inform students and staff of the date when appeals against internal assessments must be made by. Any appeals will be dealt with in accordance with the centre’s Internal Appeals Procedure (IAP) document.
• The head of centre’s findings will be notified in writing, copied to the Exams Officer and recorded for awarding body inspection.
Results, Enquiries About Results (EARs) and Access to Scripts (ATS)
Candidates will receive individual results slips on results days,
in person at the centre
by post to their home address
posted (first class)
via email
The results slip will be in the form of a centre produced document.
Arrangements for the centre to be open on results days are made by the Deputy Headteacher and Exams Officer(s).
The provision of the necessary staff on results days is the responsibility of the Head of Centre.
There will be two staff available ‘out of Term Time’ in the Summer break to facilitate any results- related issues and their details will be on file with JCQ. The NCN contact will usually be contacted first and the senior designated contacts after 24 hours if the NCN cannot be contacted. Contacts must have the authority to access information and be able to mobilise the appropriate resources to resolve any awarding body query or issue quickly.
Review of results (RoR) by Centre
Review of results may be requested by centre staff or the candidate following the release of results if there are reasonable grounds for believing there has been an error in marking. A request for a re-mark or clerical check requires the written consent of the candidate, a request for a re-moderation of internally assessed work may be submitted without the consent of the group of candidates.
The cost of RoRs will be paid by the centre.
All decisions on whether to make an application for a RoRs will be made by Head of Centre and/or Exams Officer(s).
If a candidate’s request for a RoRs is not supported, the candidate may appeal and the centre will respond by following the process in its Exams Internal Appeals Procedure (IAP) document.
All processing of RoRs will be the responsibility of the Exams Officer(s), following the JCQ guidance.
A RoRs cannot be applied for once an original script has been returned.
When the centre does not uphold an RoRs, a candidate may apply to have an enquiry carried out. If a candidate requires this against the advice of subject staff, they will be charged.
Service 1 (Clerical re-check)
• Submit the request online.
• Candidate consent is required and must be held on file by the centre (see section 4.2 JCQ Post-Results-Service).
• The request must be received by the awarding body’s specified date.
• The deadline for completion is within 10 calendar days of the awarding body receiving the request.
This service will include the following checks:
• that all parts of the script have been marked;
• the totalling of marks;
• the recording of marks.
The outcome of the clerical re-check will be reported along with a statement of the total marks awarded for each unit, or component, included in the enquiry.
For multiple choice tests only, Service 1 re-checks can be requested.
Service 2 (Review of marking)
This is a post-results review of the original marking to ensure that the mark scheme has been applied correctly.
A marking error can occur because of:
• an administrative error;
• a failure to apply the mark scheme where a task has only a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer;
• an unreasonable exercise of academic judgement.
The awarding body will train its reviewers to conduct reviews of marking accurately and consistently. Reviewers will not re-mark the script. They will only act to correct any errors identified in the original marking.
The service is available for externally assessed components of both unitised and linear GCE AS, A-level and GCSE specifications. It is also available for Level 1, 2 and 3 Vocational and Technical qualifications.
• Submit the request online.
• Candidate consent is required and must be held on file by the centre (see section 4.2). • The request must be submitted to the awarding body by the awarding body’s specified date.
• The deadline for completion is within 20 calendar days of the awarding body receiving the request.
This service will include:
• the clerical re-checks detailed in Service 1;
• a review of marking as described above.
Where a centre is concerned about the marking of an entire centre cohort, please refer to section 4.7 of Post Results.
Priority Service 2 (Review of marking)
The service is available for externally assessed components of both unitised and linear GCE A-level specifications. It is also available for Level 3 Vocational and Technical qualifications.
This is a priority review of the original marking to ensure that the mark scheme has been applied correctly.
A marking error can occur because of:
• an administrative error;
• a failure to apply the mark scheme where a task has only a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer;
• an unreasonable exercise of academic judgement.
The awarding body will train its reviewers to conduct reviews of marking accurately and consistently. Reviewers will not re-mark the script. They will only act to correct any errors identified in the original marking.
• Submit the request online.
• Candidate consent is required and must be held on file by the centre (see section 4.2).
• The request must be submitted to the awarding body no later than the awarding body’s published date (seven days after the publication of GCE A-level and Level 3 VTQ results).
• The deadline for completion is within 15 calendar days of the awarding body receiving the request.
Service 3 (Review of moderation)
This is a review of the original moderation to ensure that the assessment criteria has been fairly, reliably and consistently applied. It is not a re-moderation of candidates’ work. The awarding body will have trained its reviewers to conduct reviews of moderation accurately and consistently.
Please note that if your centre’s internally assessed marks (coursework or non-examination assessment) have been accepted without change by an awarding body, this service will not be available.
• Submit the request online.
• Candidate consent is not required (see section 4.2).
• The request must be submitted to the awarding body by the awarding body’s specified date.
• The deadline for completion is up to 35 calendar days after the reviewer has received the original sample of work from the centre. This is due to the complexities of the process such as co-ordination between the centre and the moderator.
• The review of moderation will be undertaken on the original sample of candidates’ work.
• A review of moderation cannot be undertaken upon the work of an individual candidate or the work of candidates not in the original sample.
A review of moderation cannot be undertaken where a mark for an internally assessed component has been transferred to a subsequent series.
Centres that are in possession of the original sample of work must ensure it is ready for despatch. They will be provided with the details of a reviewer to whom the work should be sent. Centre assessed work must not be sent at the time of submitting the review of moderation.
Work submitted for a review of moderation must:
• be despatched to the reviewer within three working days following the receipt of instructions from the awarding body. Failure to meet this may delay the outcome of the review or result in the review being cancelled;
• be the original work submitted for moderation;
• have been kept under secure conditions and not returned to the candidates.
This service cannot be undertaken on ephemeral material unless suitable evidence (such as the media recording of theatrical performances) can be provided.
Centres should note that there may be a need for them to retain a copy of the work, if a candidate intends to re-submit work at the next assessment opportunity.
Submission of requests
Centres must submit requests online via the awarding bodies’ extranet sites.
Concerns about errors in the original marking can only be addressed through the published post-results services.
Where a centre is unable to use an awarding body’s extranet site, the centre must contact the individual awarding body immediately by telephone.
All requests for internal candidates must be submitted by the Exams Officer.
Requests for private candidates may either be submitted through the centre or submitted directly to an awarding body.
Awarding bodies will not accept requests submitted by any other individuals, e.g. by parents/carers. Awarding bodies will only enter into discussions regarding internal candidates with centres.
Centres must have in place a published formal appeals procedure for use in cases where centres and candidates, or their parents/carers, cannot agree as to whether a review of results should be submitted. The formal appeals procedure must be made widely available. Centres must therefore draw the appeals procedure to the attention of candidates and their parents/carers. In deciding whether to support a review of results, centres should take account of all relevant factors and allow candidates or their parents/carers a reasonable opportunity to express their views.
Candidates must provide their written consent for clerical re-checks and reviews of marking after the publication of results (see section 4.2).
Requests for unitised subjects must be made within the enquiry period immediately following the publication of results for the unit. Requests cannot be made retrospectively for previous series.
Please see awarding body contact points (page 20) for details of submitting requests to awarding bodies.
Awarding bodies may not cancel an enquiry after submission.
All requests will be acknowledged within 7 working days.
If an acknowledgement is not received within this period, centres should presume that the request has not been received and must contact the awarding body immediately. Centres should also regularly check the progress of the request.
If contact is not made until after the deadline for submission of post-results services, the awarding body is not obliged to proceed with the request.
Outcome of reviews
The outcome of each review will be confirmed by the respective awarding body.
The awarding body will provide a reason for the decision of a review of marking. If the mark has changed, the reason will either be that an administrative error has occurred or there was a marking error. A marking error would occur where an examiner has not correctly applied the mark scheme or any other relevant procedure, i.e.
• if the ‘right’ mark was not given in a task where there is a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ mark;
• if there has been an unreasonable exercise of academic judgement†.
There are three possible outcomes arising from a review of moderation:
• no change to the original moderation decision;
• a correction to the original moderation decision;
• reinstatement of centre marks.
For the first two outcomes awarding bodies will provide a reason.
Where a grade changes and a certificate has previously been issued, a replacement will be provided showing the revised grade once the centre has returned the original certificate to the awarding body.
Where there has been a reduction in marks or a downgrade following a review of marking, the request cannot be revoked and the original mark or grade will not be reinstated
Access to Scripts (ATS)
After the release of results, candidates may ask subject staff to request the priority return of papers within three days scrutiny of the results. This will be paid by the candidate.
If a result is queried by the school, the Exams Officer, teaching staff and head of centre will investigate the feasibility of asking for a re-mark at the centre’s expense. However, agreement by the candidate is required.
Centre staff/students may also request scripts for investigation or for teaching purposes. Consent of candidates is required. Appendix B gives a suggested form when seeking a candidates written consent. Written consent is also acceptable by email.
Processing of requests for ATS will be the responsibility of Exams Officer(s).
Candidates will receive their certificates
by post to their home address
posted (first class)
Certificates can be collected on behalf of a candidate by third parties, provided they have written authority from the candidate to do so and bring suitable identification with them that confirms who they are.
The centre retains certificates for two years after which they are securely destroyed in line with JCQ and GDPR regulations.
A new certificate will not be issued by an awarding organisation. A transcript of results may be issued if a candidate agrees to pay the costs incurred.
Head of Centre: S Damerall
Exams Officer: K Willacy
©JCQCIC 2024
Awarding body contact points
Awarding body
Online registration, submission and information
Please submit requests online
Telephone number
Postal address
(Only make requests by form if online applications are not possible)
Centre Services
0800 197 7162
Where centres are unable to submit a request using Centre
Services, they should contact
AQA by phone
For information on post-results services please email
Tel: 028 9026 1451
Clarendon Dock
29 Clarendon Road
City & Guilds
For information please email
0300 303 53 52
Where centres are unable to submit a request online, they
should contact City & Guilds by phone
To register please visit or contact the OCR Customer Support
Centre by phone
01223 553998
Where centres are unable to submit a request using Interchange, they should contact the OCR Customer Support Centre by phone
Edexcel Online
To register for Edexcel Online please go to: contact-us.html
Home centres:
0344 463 2535
International centres:
+44 (0) 1204 770696
Where centres are unable to submit a request using Edexcel Online, they should contact the Customer Service team by phone
WJEC Secure Website
To register please send an email request to quoting
centre number, centre name and contact name
01443 845619
Post-Results Services
Unit A16/17
Gwaelod Y Garth Road
Treforest Industrial Estate
Rhondda Cynon Taf
CF37 5XF
Appendix A – Clerical re-checks, reviews of marking and appeals
– Candidate consent form
Appendix B – Access to Scripts – Candidate consent form for access to and use of examination scripts
General roles
Access arrangements / special consideration roles
Invigilator / invigilation / malpractice roles
Possible role options for inclusion in policy (select as many as required)
Head of centre
Deputy head
Heads of faculty
Heads of subject
Heads of department
Heads of curriculum
Head of key stage
Senior leadership team
Exams Officer
Subject teachers
ALS manager
Pastoral teacher
Educational psychologist
Specialist teacher
Exams Officer
Exams Officer
Centre administration
Support staff
Senior leaders
External staff
Agency employees
Head of centre
Senior leadership team
Senior Invigilator